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30 Cuz Quran - Arabic Large Written Koran Karim Hatim Seti Rahle Boy Ayfa

: 9789944933100
790.00 TL
Featured Information

Sealed, Easy to Read, Computer Line, Special Faux Leather Bag


  • Religious Sealed: Approved and Sealed by the Religious Affairs Directorate Mushafs Review and Kiraat Board
  • Line: From the line where millions of people learn to recite the Quran. Very easy to read computer line
  • Color: Green
  • Internal Printing Feature: 2 Colors (Red - Black)
  • Height: Rahle Boy (21 cm * 28 cm)
  • Cover: Cardboard Cover
  • Inner Paper: Shamua Paper
  • Page: 624 Pages
  • Weight: 2,370 grams
  • Fihristli: Have
  • Bag: Luxury Artificial Leather Skin, Stainless Metal Parts, Suspended
  • Cuz: Side Paper, Thread Stitching, Absolutely Inseparable

This Quran is prepared as a Page Hold, Berkenar, Secavendli, Med and Kasir in accordance with hafiz Osman Line.

The selected text is a special line that preserves both aesthetic and basic characters of letters and ensures easy reading.

The harems are sorted just below or above the letters to which they belong, especially those who are new to reading are arranged in such a way as not to challenge the turmoil of the hareke.

The line width is increased to provide ease of reading, so that the uppercase and letter spacing of the letters is kept spacious.

The words 'Allah' and 'Lord' are colored in flag red.

Secavents showing the places to breathe are shown in red by stopping to read the Quran correctly.

In the manuals used at the top of the page, it is aimed to give the names of the surahs and the numbers of the suras as well as the numbers so that they can easily find the sura and the number that the reader is looking for from the number.

In each sura title, a preliminary information about the surah is given by specifying the name of the surah, where it is nazil and the number of verses, numbers and writings.

Hatm-i Sharif Cuzleri, which is prepared by binding thirty verses of the Qur'an separately, provides great comfort in responses and especially in mass remembrances. Hatm-i Sharif Cüz, which is also very easy to carry in public with its own bag, is the choice of those who want to remember the Word of Allah together. Those who want to participate in the responses with their Hatm-i Sharif Cuz, which are individually clothed, have the comfort of carrying the leprosy separately.

Note: Your bedside book that you can carry with you all the time at home, in the car, at work.

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