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Answers to Dreams with Mehmet Emin Kırgil

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Answers to Dreams with Mehmet Emin Kırgil

Answers to Dreams with Mehmet Emin Kırgil

Product features :

Author: Mehmet Emin Kırgil
Publisher: Girdap
Dough Type: 2. Dough
Number of Pages: 328
Size: 13,5 x 21
First Edition Year: 2019
Editions: 1st Edition
Language Turkish
Barcode: 9789752429840
Weight: 318 gr


My mother, Hacı Zeliha Kırgil, who gave birth to me, raised me with what efforts, deserves respect and love at all times, I do not know how to pay her right, God bless you and not separate you from me. I always offer my wife Nihal Kırgile and my children Ab and note; dullah, Mustafa, Kafer Burak and Elife, who always support me, for their support. I wish mercy from Allah Almighty to the deceased Murat Göğebakana, who is my dear brother and snow and note, who has always been in our talks for fifteen years, and I also thank him very much for the days we spent together with him in this false world. The main hero who has always been with me since the day I met and supported me to move forward, who played a role in the publication of the book in your hand, who constantly whips and notes me; Thank you very, very much to my sister, Nur Viral, who deserves her own beautiful heart and the best and beautiful of everything.
I would also like to thank all my friends and relatives for their prayers, my editor Gamze Dokumacı and all employees of Girdap Publishing House who contributed to the preparation of this book.
I would forgive you if I have a confused person, and I offer my heartful and heartfelt love to you, dear readers.
Dreams have value and importance in Islam because they exist in the verses of the Quran and that the revelations are delivered to the prophets through dreams.
As it is understood in the verses of the Quran, that the revelation sent down to the Prophet Muhammad begins with a faithful dream, various prophets have been given some events that will occur with dreams and signs and signs.
The dreams of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) were faithful dreams. The dreams that come to us are warning, warning, herald and satanic dreams. He would come to the Prophet (pbuh) in a dream of revelation. The first revelations came to him in the form of "faithful dreams".
In Bukhari, Hz. The following is stated in a hadith narrated from Aisha (r.a):
"The first coming of the revelation to the Prophet (pbuh) was with seeing the dream to the righteous (faithful) while he was sleeping. All the dreams that the Prophet saw were obvious dreams like the morning light."
Everything the Prophet (pbuh) saw in his dream would be exactly the same. This situation had continued for six months. In a Hadith-i Sharif narrated by Bukhari, Ibn Hanbal, Tabarani and Bezzaz, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh):
"The righteous dream (the dream of the believer) is a part of the forty-six parts of prophecy."
It states the importance of the dream not only in Islam but also in ancient religions.
The fact that Prophet Abraham acted with the dream he saw in order to sacrifice his son and regarded him as divine proves that the dream is something that cannot be denied.
Istihara means "wanting what is good". It is a two-rak'ah prayer performed to gain a spiritual indication of which choice is beneficial or not when people make an important decision about themselves or make a choice.
The istihara prayer is performed as two rak'ahs. It is mustahab to read "Surah of Kafir" in the first rak'ah and "Surah of İhlâs" in the second rak'ah. After the prayer, the prayer of istihara is recited, and then, with wudu, head towards the qibla and go to bed. Seeing white or green color in the dream is good and good; Seeing it in black or red is a sign of evil.
1.REK and Acirc; T
• It is intended by saying "I intended to perform a two-rak'ah istihara prayer for the sake of Allah."
• Saying Allahu Akbar, takbir is said and prayers are started.
• Subhaneke is read.
• Eûzü Besmele is drawn.
• Surah al-Fatiha is read.
• Surah Kâfurîn is read after Surah Fatiha.
• You can go to the bow.
• Finally, go to prostration.
2.REK and Acirc; T
• Stop and pull the Basmala.
• Fatiha is read.
• The Surah of İhlâs is read.
• You can go to the bow.
• Then prostrate.
• In the sitting position, the prayers of Ettehiyyâtü, Allahumme Salli, Al-lahümme Barik and Rabbena are read.
• Greetings are given.
Reading the Prayer for Resignation
"Allâhumme estehiruke bi ilmike ve estakdiruke bi kudretike ve es'eluke min fadlike'l-azim. Fe inneke discretion and la akdiru ve talemu ve la a'lemu ve ente alâmu'l guyûb. li fi religion and maâşi and fate order and âcili order and âcilihi. Fekdurhu li ve yessirhu li summe bârik lifihi. ve'kdur li al-Hayra haysu kane. Summe ardihi bih. " (Bukhari, Tahajjud, 25, Dawat, 49, Tawhid, 10; Tirmidhi, Vitr, 18;
Ibn Majah, Akame, 188; Ahmet b. Hanbal, III / 344).
Meaning of Prayer for Resignation
O my God, I want the best from you, relying on your knowledge, I want a layer of power in my power. I ask your boundless grace to bestow on me. I don't know, but you know, I can't afford, but you can. O my God! If this work that I intend to do will be beneficial in terms of my religion, my world and my future and my grade, I appreciate this work for me, make it easy for me,deed auspicious and blessed. No, if it is bad for my religion, my world and my future, take it away from me and me away from it. And whatever is auspicious, put it on and note it, and please me and make me happy! "
839. Abu Hurayra, may Allah bless him, I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:
- "After prophethood, only the mubeşşirât remained for the ummah." Companions:
-What is Mubeşşirât? When the Messenger of God asked:
- He said "Righteousness is a dream."
Buhârî, Ta'bîr 5. Also see. Muslim, Salat 207-208; Abu Dawud, Salat 143;
Tirmidhi, Ru'ya 2; Nesâî, Applied 9; tbni Mâce, Rü'ya 1
840.According to what is narrated from Abu Hurayra radıyallahu anh, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
"When the time approaches, the dream of a believer will not come out. The dream of the believer is one of the forty-six parts of prophethood."
Bukhârî, Ta'bîr 26; Muslim, Rü'ya 6. Also see. Abu Dawud, Adab 8; Tirmidhi, Rü'ya 1; Ibni Mâce, Rü'ya 9
Another narration of Muslim is as follows:
"The ones who dream the truest are the ones who tell the truth."
Muslim, Dream 6
841. According to what is reported from Abu Hurayra may Allah be, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Anyone who sees me in a dream will just see me while awake - or as if he saw me awake. Because the devil cannot take a shape like me"
Buhârî, İlm 38; Ta'bîr 10; Muslim, Rü'ya 11. Also see. Abu Dawud, Adab 88
Tirmidhi, Rü'ya 4, 7; Ibni Mâce, Rü'ya 2
842. Abu Said al-Hudrî radıyallahu anh Nebi sallallahu heard him saying:
"When one of you sees a dream that you like, he is from Allah. Therefore, he praises Allah and he narrates his dream."
Another narration is as follows:
"Let him only say that he loves the dream. If he sees a dream that he does not like, he is from the devil. He should take refuge in Allah from his evil and not tell anyone about it. Then that dream will not harm him.
Bukhârî, Ta'bîr 3, 46; Muslim, Rü'ya 3. Also see. Tirmidhi, Daavat 52; Ibni Mâce, Rü'ya 3
843.According to what is narrated from Abu Qatada radıyallahu anh, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said:
"The righteous dream - according to a rumor, the beautiful dream is from Allah. The bad dream is also from the devil. If anyone does not like a dream, let him blow on his left side three times and take shelter from the devil to God. That clasp and note; that dream does not harm himself".
Bukhârî, Ta'bîr 4; Muslim, Rü'ya 1
844 As it is narrated from Jâbir may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"When one of you sees a dream that you do not like, let him spit on his left side three times; take shelter in Allah from the evil of the devil three times; let him return to the other side from the side where he lies."
Muslim, Rü'ya 5. Also see. Abu Dawud, Adab 88; Ibni Mâce, Ta'bîr 4
845. Abu 1-Aska Vâsile Ibnu 1-Aska radıyallahu anh, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"The biggest slanders are that a person claims to cause a cause other than his father, claims that he saw the dream he did not see, and attributes a word that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not say to him."
Bukhârî, Menâkıb 5. Also see. Ahmed Ibni Hanbal, Musnad, II, 118
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