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Cream Color Portable Lectern - Quran Lectern - Course Lectern - Book Stand

Product Code : T30160
: 4897654306087
249.00 TL
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Plastic Rahl - Portable Rahl - Mosque Rahl - Quran Course Rahl

Cream Color Portable Lectern - Quran Lectern - Course Lectern - Book Stand
Plastic Portable Rahle Features:
Plastic Rahle is made of 1st Class plastic material.

The legs can be attached and removed, so you can use and store it easily. When you remove its legs, it takes up very little space and you can store more than one lectern in a small space. Since it is made of plastic material, it can be used for many years.

There are channels on both sides of the plastic lectern at the top where you can put your pen. In addition, suitable spaces have been designed on the sides of these channels so that you can easily take your pen. You can read the Quran more comfortably with the Plastic Rahle. It is ergonomic, especially for our children, thanks to its appropriate height. You can contact us to purchase Plastic Rahle.

Plastic Rahle is Very Preferred by Quran Courses, Especially in the Summer Months.

Portable and Ergonomic Rack Dimensions:
Table Size: 46 x 30 cm
Ground Clearance Front: 44 cm
Ground Clearance Rear: 36 cm
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