The Treatise of Faith
The beliefs explained in this treatise are the straightforward views of the "Ahli Sunnah and the Congregation", who are the people of "Sirat-i Mushtaq", whom we pray to meet in every rak'ah of the five daily prayers and are ordered to comply.
Undoubtedly, the most important thing for every person who comes to this world to achieve is faith. The happiness of the world and the hereafter depends on living and dying with that faith.
Even if there is tolerance regarding deeds, there is no forgiveness for any mistakes or deficiencies regarding belief.
For this reason, although there is a word of forgiveness depending on the will of Allah about sins other than polytheism, it is certain that the deceased will never be forgiven, he will not see the face of Paradise and will not leave Hell.
That is why anyone who seeks eternal salvation must first of all have a firm belief that will make his face clear in the sight of Allah by putting himself on the subject of faith.
However, the belief of every person who says "I believed" is not valid in the sight of Allah.
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Aleyhi and Salam) has repeatedly stated that his ummah will be divided into seventy-three sects, seventy-two of them will remain in heresy and a single party consisting of "Ahl al-Sunnah and al-Jamaat" will be saved.
This book in your hand explains what this Fırkay-ı Naciye (the party to be saved) believes and how they believe and the conditions to be believed in order to be from this community, item by item in a language you can understand.
It is not possible for any individual to be saved in the hereafter, regardless of his mind, intelligence and rank, without knowing and remembering the points mentioned in this book and thus believing.
In that case, he must hold tightly to this rope, which is hanged to us by Allah and His Messenger, and have the desired firm belief and reach people who are deprived of these skills and reach this work urgently so that another person will be saved from eternal torment by receiving the blessing of dying with the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah.
Delivering the sciences in this treatise to the public is the most important issue of our day.
For today, people are confused by how and what to believe. Delivering this work to such people is the greatest good that can be done to them.
Although many books have been written on this subject before, some are not enough for their shortness, and some reduce the benefit due to the weight and length of the language.
However, this book is of a quality that will appeal to and persuade people from all walks of life.
Our supplication from Allah is that he made this booklet, which we wrote in order to ensure that people die in faith with pity, as a means to shut us up with pity.
Undoubtedly, He is the only one who hears and accepts prayers.
"Bring us to the straight path. I believe in them (grace and grace) to the way of those with whom you are; not those who are caught and strayed."
(Surat al-Fatiha: 6-7)
"Surely, this is my straight path. Follow this. Do not follow (other) ways. For those roads separate you from His (God's) path.
Here (Allah) has given you a will (order) about them so that you may beware. "
(Surat al-An'am: 153)
It has been sold by Lalegül Magazine and Arifan Publications.
Preface 7
Religion 11
Faith 11
Islam 11
Requirements of faith 12
Believing in god 13
Believing in the Angels 14
Believing in Books 15
Believing in prophets 16
Conditions sought in the Prophet 16
Qualities that should not be in the prophet 17
The difference between the Messenger of God and the Prophet 18
Twenty-five Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Quran 18
Prophets who are the Ul-Azm 19
Believing in the Hereafter 20
Believing in Fate 20
Religious sects 22
The recipe of the Ahl as-Sunnah 22
Hadith-i sharifs stating that this ummah will be divided into seventy-three sects 23
Parts of the Ahl as-Sunnah 24
Salafi sect 24
Abu Mansur-u Matürîdî 26
Imam-i As'ari 26
Disputes between Matürîdî and Ash'ari sect 27
The main features that distinguish Ahl al-Bid'at from Ahl al-Sunnah 28
The perversion of Ibn Taymiyya 29