A Special Gift That Will Be Useful And Permanent That You Can Distribute To Your Loved Ones In Your Mevlut And Societies, On Your Return Of Bebek Mevlidi, Hajj and Umrah Journey, Special For Happy Birthday.
You will find all the surahs and prayers you are looking for in this book
In terms of preparation, Arabic, Meali and Its Reading are on the same page and will make it easier for you to read.
74 gr.
Yasin Economic Pocket Size Product Content:
Arabic and Turkish texts of conquest and short periods
Hizbun Nasr
Ism-i Azam
Ism-i Rahman and Ant prayers
Special futile prayers for the days of the week
Information with the virtue of three months
Prayers against pain and pain, eczema
To protect an item from being stolen
Opening the fortune
Fertility at home
Prayers for profit in trade
Short life stories of major zats and dozens more salavats and prayers.
Hacet prayers
Healing prayers
Prayer surahs
Zelzele prayer
Prayer for the def-i of troubles
Berhetiye virtue
Blessed three months prayer
Salatı to promoter
52nd night
32 sups and 54 sups
Prayer to protect yourself from blasphemy
Prayer to get rid of debt
Praying to have children
4444 prayer
Prayer surahs
Property sûre
Kenzül arş prayer
You will be able to find many more pilgrimages and healing prayers, such as ant prayer.
Note: The label is a gift from our company. You can write the information you want written on the label in the order note section or forward it as a message when you place your order.