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This prayer is Hz. The forty names that were sent down to Idris Aleyhisselam are sheriffs. The person who reads and carries this prayer gets rid of material and spiritual troubles. His abundance increases and he regains his relief by Allah's leave.

Allah-u Ta'âlâ taught Idris (Aleyhisselâm) forty ism-i sharîfs.
However, these names of sharifs became famous for being attributed to His Holiness Abu’n-Najib as-Suhraverdî who wrote an annotation to them.
Since the prayer made with each of them will be answered very quickly, each Ism-i Azam ka and note; was found, and its magazine (all) was named "Esmâ-i 'Izâm (the greatest names)".
These names of sharifs have become famous for their speed-i effect before the ulema, saints and poles.
Many of the saints were inherited with the highest rank and note only with the abundance of these names.
The abundance of these names quickly becomes apparent (quickly evident) on those who are busy chanting these names. However, the condition for this is obedience to taqwa and pure intention.
Allah sent these names down to Idris (Aleyhisselâm), helped him against his people with their abundance, saved him from their wrong deeds, and they found him by believing and affiliating with him.
Then, when Idris (Aleyhisselam) was raised to the skies, Allah-u Ta'âlâ left these names in his ummah and note, and they read these names and continued to resign.
These names were inherited from each other to Isâ (Aleyhisselâm). He also resurrected the dead with this name, made the blind and variegated well and graded, and expounded many miracles. When twelve thousand Jews surrounded the place where he was to kill him, Allah raised him with the blessings of these names.
Thus, the world remained empty of these names until the Prophet (peace be upon him) was sent after the ascension of Jesus (Aleyhisselâm) and the note.
When the Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) became ba's (sent) and the wraths began, the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi ve Salam) fell into great trouble during the Battle of the Hendek, and then Allah's name ism-i Sharifs, Habîbi (Salâhi-i-Salalam) and ordered him to pray secretly with these names. The Prophet (peace be upon him) also read these names, and for the sake of these names, Allah made him and my companions the disbelievers.
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