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Erbakan Treatments 1 - From Erbakan's Language, National Opinion-1211

: 9786054411856
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Erbakan Treatments 1 - From Erbakan's Language, National Opinion

Erbakan Priples 1 - National View From Erbakan's Language
M. Mustafa Uzun
Number of Impressions: 3rd Edition
Language Turkish
Number of Pages: 64
Skin Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: Book Paper
Size: 13.5 x 19.5 cm
"National Vision" is the most important work of the late Erbakan. "National Vision" is the most important work of the late Erbakan, not only as a "book", but also in terms of idea, movement, organization, morality, honor, generation, struggle, politics, science and innovation.

In this treatise in your hand, we will try to convey how our Honorable Professor narrates the National Vision in his own language as much as we can. Many details such as Erbakan's definition of National Opinion, Three Basic Ideas and National Opinion, National Opinion's Services to Our Country and Why Only National Opinion are included in this work.

Erbakan, who shouted to the world for many years that the happiness of humanity will be with the National Vision, in this work; "National Vision is a remedy for imitation, the main differences between the national view and other views, the chemical structure and physics of the National Vision, what is the National Vision power, what is the goal of the National Vision?" gives answers to such questions.

My goal is to ensure that these lands do not forget the late Erbakan as much as I can and as much as my heart allows.
M. Mustafa Uzun

Trying to translate the suffering of the Ummah by traveling through the great Islamic geography from Morocco to Indonesia; A journalist and writer who provides comfort to the joy of the feast of Muslims oppressed from Gaza to Moro, or to those who lost their relatives -as it did during the Gaza attacks- and who conveys the most urgent materials to the needy as quickly as possible with the facilities provided by Cansuyu Relief Association. He traveled to more than 60 countries, Palestine and South Africa, Europe, the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Asia and Far Asia.

After Master Erbakan's desolation, he collected all the printed works that many of them were not aware of and revealed the "Erbakan Collection". From time to time he writes articles on various subjects in various magazines, national newspapers, bulletins and internet sites.

Preface 7
Meaning of National Vision Composition 9
Erbakan m National Vision Definition 11
Three Basic Ideas and National Views 13
Services of National Vision to Our Country 13
Why Only National Vision? 27
The Happiness of Humanity 30
With National Opinion 30
Replacing the "Imitation" Mentality with the "National View" 31
National Opinion is a Remedy for Imitation 32
Basic Differences between National View and Other Views 33
National Vision System; 33
Neither Capitalist nor Socialist 35
National Vision Flour Chemical Structure and Physics 36
What is the National Vision Power? 37
National Vision's Objectives 45
"Liberation in the National View" 46
Preliminary Targets in the National Vision 49
Morality and Spirituality First 49
Brotherhood of Nation and State - Nation Fusion 50
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 52
Freedom of Thought and Belief 52
Family and Women's Rights 53
Family And Woman 55
Press Issue 59
State Order 61
State Shape 62
Freedom of Thought and Conscience 63
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