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Glossary of Religious Terms

Product Code : T28990
: 9789753899819
103.00 TL
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Glossary of Religious Terms

Glossary of Religious Terms

Product features :

Publisher : Turkish Diyanet Foundation Publications
Author : Amine Kevser Karaca, Ayşe Yıldız Yıldırım
Cover Quality: Cardboard Cover
Page Quality : Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 32
Size : 21 X 29.5 cm
Weight : 120 gr
Barcode: 9789753899819
Dear Educators and Parents; The purpose of the Dictionary of Religious Terms is to create awareness in our children about our religious values and to familiarize them with the meanings of religious terms. As in all subjects, in religious education, "What age?", "What?", "How much?", "How?" Questions and answers are very important. When it comes to the child, the "balance of capacity and need" should never be forgotten. What is given without need, even if the capacity is high, harms the body and is thrown away by the body because it cannot be digested. Knowledge is always learned, but behavior is not always formed. Behavior and emotional connections and feelings are very effective in the formation and reinforcement of thoughts. Another point to be noted is that religious concepts and negative emotions should never be combined. However, from a pedagogical point of view, it is necessary to have knowledge about age periods in the acquisition of feelings, behaviors and thoughts in child development. When we examine it in general terms; 2-7 years old senses and emotions are more dominant, the child receives data with his senses. Between the ages of 7-12, the mind is more active, but the concrete period is still in progress. Abstract thinking is activated after 12 years of age. Therefore, when it comes to learning and teaching, both the developmental stages and characteristics of the child and the key concepts of the child's world (play, movement, curiosity, imagination, compassion and love) should be taken into account. In the preparation phase of the Dictionary of Religious Terms, the Pedagogical Guide for Religious Educators (Pedagogical Association, 2014) and the books and websites of our Presidency were used as resources. "Make it easy, don't make it difficult. Give good news, don't make hate." The Prophet's advice in the form of a cornerstone was accepted. Since it is addressed to the pre-school period, "familiarization" is aimed. Simplicity and implicit teaching were preferred in information, and care was taken to prevent the child from being alienated from religion by overloading information. The activities given as examples are hints and are suitable for the necessary arrangements and additions by the adult depending on the needs and capacities of the child/children. Wishing for a life in which we internalize religious terms with the harmony of the Qur'an and Sunnah...
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