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Gold Socks Mest - Thermal Mest

: 05.09.2688
275.00 TL
Featured Information

Waterproof Breathable Flexible wristband Thermal Mest - Keeps Warm - "60%" Breathability

Thermal Mest Features:
Waterproof Breathable Flexible wristband Thermal Mest - Keeps Warm - "60%" Breathability

It is a fabric made of special Neoprene fabric, consisting of 3 layers in total. Outer surface is Nylon Elastane. The middle layer functions as an elastic membrane. The inner surface layer is coolmax, arcylic, polyester.

Thermal socks protect your feet against water and cold, while helping you to fulfill your religious duties drier.

Its fatwa was obtained from the Presidency of Religious Affairs, it is suitable for use in mest. You can use it with confidence.




Thermal Mest Sock, which allows you to take ablution even though you are wearing it, helps to fulfill our religious duties while protecting your feet against water and cold on the one hand, and on the other hand, in a drier state. You can wear it in boots or shoes or even over your regular socks. With its special breathable fabric, it supports the removal of sweat and the protection of your foot health. It is an extremely practical product. It stays as if you put it upright.

Thanks to the developing technology, NEOPRENE FABRIC is recommended for everyone working in cold environments in difficult conditions.

From hunters, fishermen, our soldiers and policemen on guard in the cold, municipal cleaning workers working on the street, our shopkeepers and those working at fuel stations.

In short, we strongly recommend everyone who is in a cold environment.

About Thermal Mest Socks
Thermal mest is made of quality special neoprene fabric. Thermal is manufactured in Turkey can use immediately enchanted with complacency.

The thermal enchantment, which makes it easy to take an ablution, is designed to allow ablution. The fatwa of the thermal mest was received from the Directorate of Religious Affairs.

Practical thermal socks made of special neoprene fabric. For this reason, it is waterproof and also protects your feet from cold and keeps them warm. Thermal enamel is soft and elastic. You can use it immediately with peace of mind.

Besides being for mest purposes, it provides protection from the cold in activities such as outdoor, mountaineering, hunting and fishing. You can protect yourself from illnesses and discomfort caused by cold feet with a thermal effective mest.

Thermal revel in the ease and convenience of use is preferred by many people in Turkey, often with reason. Its fatwa was obtained from the Presidency of Religious Affairs, it is suitable for use in mest. You can use it with confidence.

Be enthralled by water and cold. Thermal effective enchantment has a wide range of uses. You can use it immediately for protection from the cold and enchantment in the mosque, office or open area.

It is waterproof with its thermally effective mest structure and provides effective protection from the cold. It wraps the feet and ankles with its elastic thermal structure. It is good for muscle and joint problems. You can order thermal enchantment immediately with the promotional price. It is limited to stocks.

You can purchase cash payment at the door or credit card payment at the door, which is a secure payment option. You can enchant with thermal enchantment and at the same time protect from water and cold.

For detailed information about thermal socks, it will be sufficient to contact our customer representatives. Order now, try it.

Fatwa of Religious Affairs

In addition, the conditions required for a product to be used as enchantment were answered as fatwa based on the application made to the Religious Affairs High Board of the Presidency of Religious Affairs:
Reference: Petition dated 16/11/2012:

In order for wiping to be permissible on the ombre worn on the feet, enchantment, etc. The garment must have the following characteristics:

1- The feet should be covered with the heels.
2- It should be possible to walk for at least 3 miles (5km).
3- There should not be a hole, tear or ripped, under or above the lower part of the heel so that three of the toes enter.
4- It must be capable of standing without tying and rubber.
5- When wet, it should not let the water into it immediately. It is wiped on the enamel that meets the above conditions.

Prof. Dr. Raşit KÜÇÜK
Chairman of the Supreme Board of Religious Affairs

Mest Catholic Knowledge
While making wudu, the three fingers of the hand should be wiped once with the wetness of the hand, and it will be sufficient. For this purpose, it is sought that the oath should be worn with ablution, it should completely cover the parts of the feet that need to be washed in ablution, and also made of a durable and solid material. The ability to walk about 6 kilometers in the mest or stand upright when left is mentioned as a measure of this strength and durability. It is necessary that there should not be a hole, cleft or tear in the lower part of the shoe, below or above the heel so that three toes can enter, and water should not intake into the shoe. It can be wiped on socks with leather covered or clawed under them. Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad, Hanafi scholars, stay and drink without seeking the condition that it is clawed.
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