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Hafiz Boy Big Cruciferous Mealli

: 0000057847878
325.00 TL
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Hafiz Boy Big Cruciferous Mealli

Mealli Large - The Boy Hafiz

Product features :

Number of Impressions 1st Edition
Skin Type Bound
Paper Type 1. Hm. Paper
Number of Pages: 263 pages
Size 14 x 20 cm
Weight: 520 gr
Publisher: Hayrat Publications


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful
O Tawab who accepts the repentance of those who regret their sins and took refuge in their lodges! And O the Wise of all deeds! When they do an ugly deed or persecute their souls, who immediately mention Allah and ask for forgiveness of their sins
Accept our repentance with our repentance, which is sincere repentance, so that I may be one of your servants. Who forgives sins other than Allah? (1 time)
I ask forgiveness from Allah, who is the owner of the infinite greatness and the endless grace, that there is no god other than him. He is Hayy, whose life has no beginning or end. All existence is the Kayyûm that survives only with him. I repent to him and release him from any deficiencies. (To 11-33-100 def)


Al-Fatiha 2
Elif, Lâm, Mim 3
and Acirc; yete'l-Kürsî 4
From the Surah of Baccarat 5
Surah Al-Kahf 5
Surah Ya-Sîn 17
Surah Al-Dhuhan 23
Conquest 26
Surah Rahman 30
Surat al-Waqa 33
36 from the Surah al-Hashir
Surah to Fri 37
From the Surah of Tahrîm 38
Residence Sura 39
Surah Al-Qiyama 41
Nehe 'Time 42
Surat al-Takâsur 44
Surah Al-Fil 44
Quraysh 44
Chapter 45 of Mâûn
Surah Kevser 45
Chapter 45 of the Unbeliever
Al-Nasr 45
Surah of Tabbet 46
Chapter 46 of İhlâs
Fate 46
An-Nas 46
Prayer 47
Virtues of Cevşenü'l-Kebir 50
Duâ-yı Cevşenü'l-Kebîr 57
Evrâd-ı Kudiye 101
To the Prophet (pbuh About the Virtue of Salawat and Acirc; Yet and Hadiths 120
Delâilü'n-Nûr 123
The Virtues of the Salawat Mentioned in Delâilü'n-Nur _ 139
Sekine 147
A Prayer in the Order of Name-i Azam 149
Münâcât-ı Üveys al-Karanî 153
Duâ-yı İsm-i A'zam 157
Duâ-yı Tercümân-ı İsm-i A‘zam 161
Münâcâtü'l-Quran 161
Ta h mîd iye 203
Hulâsatü'l-Hulâsa 219
The Nature and Value of Kasîde-i Celcelûtiye 237
Kasîde-i Celcelûtiye 239
Matching 255
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