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Kaaba Cover Essence (Original Kaaba Cover Scent) -5125

: 0000000071772
79.90 TL
Featured Information

Kaaba Cover Essence (Scent of Kaaba Cover)

Kaaba Cover Essence (Original Kaaba Cover Scent)
Product features

3cc Essence
Glass bottle
Special Boxed
The essence of the Kaaba cover is the same as the essence used for many years in scenting the Kaaba. It is completely original and non-alcoholic. The scent fragrance of the Kaaba is produced using natural resin extracts to increase its permanence.

Use of Kaaba Cover Essence

You can open the cover of Kaaba cover essence and apply it wherever you want with the roll-on part. The product is more permanent on the fabric. Do not apply directly to light colored clothes and fabrics. We recommend that Kaaba Cover Essence rub in your hand and apply to your clothes for the most effective result.
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