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Kuran Karim - Plain Arabic - Hafiz Boy - Blue - Merve Publishing House - Computer-Lined

: 9786055242435
269.00 TL
Featured Information

Merve Hafız Boy Blue Sealed Quran


• Blue Color
• Hafiz Boy 14x20 cm
• 2 Colors
• 1. Quality Shamua Paper
• Offset Printing
• Luxury Clothed Skin
• 620 Pages

722 gr.

• The selected text is a special line that preserves both aesthetic and basic characters of letters and ensures easy reading.
• The harems are sorted just below or above the letters to which they belong, especially those who are new to reading are arranged in such a way as not to challenge the confusion of the hareke.
• The line width is increased to make it easy to read, so that the uppercase and letter spacing of the letters is kept spacious.
• The words 'Allah' and 'Lord' are colored in flag red.
• When reading the Quran, secavents showing the places to breathe are shown in red.
• In the manuals used at the top of the page, it is aimed that they can easily find the surnames and slate numbers that the reader is looking for by giving the names of the surahs and the numbers.
• In each sura title, a preliminary information about the surah is given by specifying the name of the surah, where it is nazil and the number of verses, numbers and writings.


- Anyone with a Mobile Phone with iphone, Android and Windows Operating System can use this application to listen and remember our Great Book Koran Karim and Mealini Page by Page.
- All you need to do is download and install the Inigma QR Code App on your mobile phone for iphone (App Store), android (Google Play), Windows (from the relevant website).
- Then all you can do is listen to the QR Codes on our Merve Publishing House Quran by reading them on your phone with the help of the inigma program.

Sample Voice Quran (Reader Ihsan Atasoy)...

Sample Sound Meal (Reader Hayri Küçükdeniz)...

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