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Marifetname - Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz. - Full text

Product Code : T26963
: 9786054908738
790.00 TL
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Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz. - Marifetname Full Text

Marifetname - Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz. - Full text

Product features :

Publisher : Mercan Kitap
Author : Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz.
Translator : Mehmet Tamer Tutmaz
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality :Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 1016
Language : Arabic - Turkish
Size : 17 x 24
Weight : 1222 g
Barcode: 9786054908738


Marifetnâme encompasses the knowledge and culture of its time on sciences such as mysticism, ethics, theology and fiqh, as well as disciplines such as arithmetic geometry, astronomy, physiology and psychology.
It is an encyclopedic work. İbrahim Hakkı also attaches great importance to the understanding of classical philosophy and mysticism, which regards man as a small world. All mystics
likewise, for him, the highest goal of life is marifatullah, the highest degree of ingenuity. The key to marifatullah is to know yourself, and the key to self-knowledge is to know the world.
God has placed the whole world under the command of man and has made the body of man obey his spirit, so that man looks up and down by looking at his own body, the formation of his organs, the arrangement of his powers.
Let him find similar ones in the world and see that the same order continues there; especially that God rules over the universe, just as his own spirit rules his body.
From this point of view, he should be aware of Allah's actions and attributes and direct his love and servitude to Him and thus join the people of knowledge. İbrahim Hakkı aims to achieve these goals.
He emphasized the need for a sound creed and regular worship. According to him, the only condition for attaining eternal salvation is to act according to the Book and the Sunnah. the state of the friends of Allah and
The way to reach their perfection is to follow their path.


Article 1:
Realization of the Existence and Unity of the Almighty 31
Article 2:
The Mystery and Creation of the Universe 32
Article 3:
Arş-ı Azam and Hamele-i Arş 33
Article 4:
The Great Rivers Around the Arsh-i Azam and
Announces Melâike-i Kiram 34
Article 5:
The Chair, Tablet, Pen and Sidretü'l-Münteha, which are under the Throne,
Announces the Tree of Tuba and the Wall of Isrâf and the Realm of Barzakh 37
Article 6:
Qualifications, Status and Throne of Angels in Sidretü'l-Münteha
Color of Peacock with Rooster and Reminders 38
Article 1:
Names and Attributes of the Heavens, their Rivers, their Fruit Trees,
Declare High Castles and Glamorous Dresses 40
Article 2:
The Content of the Blessings of Heaven and the Houri and Gilmans Who Live There,
It Informs the People of Paradise How They Will Reach Allah 42
Article 3:
Announces the Summary of the Blessings of Heaven and the One Who Relates to These Blessings
Article 4:
Informs Liva-yi Hamd and Beyt-i Mamuru
Article 1:
With the Various Veils of the Angels Under the High Heavens, Allah Announces His Treasures, Their Joy, the Seven Heavens, and Their Sitting VjeVe Their Shapes.
Article 2:
It Announces the Birth and Setting of the Sun, Moon and Stars, and Some of Their Conditions, with the Sea Adjacent to the Earth's Sky Beneath the Seven Layers of Heaven
Article 1:
It Announces the Creation, Nature and Evsaf of Hell:
Article 2:
Hz. The Creation of Adam (As), His Entry to Paradise and His Exit From There, His Enlightenment of the Earth to Zürriye, The Birth and Death of Our Prophet,
He Declares His Greatness With His Shari'ah:
Article 3:
Time and Signs of the Doomsday, Blow of the Wall, Earthquake and Weakness. It Announces the Destruction of Beings and the Collapse of the Heavens: ii
Article 4:
The Blow of the Third Wall, the Resurrection of the dead, their Gathering at the Judgment
Giving the Books of Deeds, Calculation and Weighing and Sirat Bridge
Briefly Declares Purgatory with
Article 1:
Briefly Reports the Benefits of Dissection (Anatomy) —
Article 2:
Some of the Arts of the Almighty in the Human Body and the Characteristics of Some Organs with Some Savings Made by the Soul by His Order.
Article 3:
Declares the Beginning and the End of the Body: 64
Article 4:
Informs the Decline and Ascension of the Body and Spirit, the Decline of the Body after Passing through Certain Periods, the Change of the Body and the Baking of the Spirit 66
Article 5:
Announces the Change of Bodies and the Persistence of the Spirit 67
Article 6:
It Declares That This World Treats Us Like A Compassionate Mother 68
Article 1:
Informs the Enjoyment of the Compositions of Bodies 69
Article 2:
Informs the Nature of the Nature of Body Organs 70
Article 3:
Declares the Nature of Human Age 70
Article 4:
Informs the Reproduction and Quantity of the Four Mixed Substances of the Body 71
Article 5:
Declares the Natures, Benefits, Reasons for Action, and the Natural Spirit Born from the Vapors of the Four Mixtures.
Article 1:
Informs the Quality and Nature of Body Organs 74
Article 2:
Declares His Forces with the Names of Organs 75
Article 3:
Announces the Subtlety of Formation of the Fetus and Its Organs 76
Article 4:
Reports Features and Benefits of Body Organs 77
Article 1:
Briefly Reports the Benefits of Bones in the Body 78
Article 2:
Reports Formation of Skull Bones 79
Article 3:
Human Head Base, Side With Seat
Reports His Five Bones Like A Wall 80
Article 4:
Informs the Shape and Quantity of the Upper Jaw 81
Article 5:
Informs the Benefits of the Nose, Bone Formation and Lower Jaw 82
Article 6:
Informs the Formation and Quantities of the Teeth, Their Names and Shapes 82
Article 1:
The person who knows and realizes his own body,
It Indicates That He Can Understand God's Essence
Article 2:
Man, From Knowing the Qualities of His Own Spirit,
Informs the Way of Realizing the Oneness of Allah
Article 3:
Man Thinks About How He Manages His Own Body
Informs the Way of Understanding How Allah Rules the Realm 85
Article 4:
Man Reveals the Way of Realizing Allah's Solemnity Through His Self 66
Article 5:
Article 6:
How the Perfect Human Being Is High With Worship
He declares that he has reached his authority and desire.
Article 1:
Provides Remedies with the Protection of Health
Article 2:
Now Let's See the Beneficial and Harmful Aspects of Food
Article 3:
Recognize the Benefit of Some Foods and Fruits That Maintain Health
Article 4:
The Beauty of the Dress and a Certain Dressing Style Declares to Protect and Ornament the Body 99
Article 1:
Informs the Virtues and Benefits of Death with Verses and Hadiths I0l
Article 2:
Declares the Truth of Death 103
Article 3:
Declares the Nature of Death 105
Article 4:
Declares the Nature and Mystery of Death 106
Article 5:
Announces the Peace of the Spirit with the Pain of Old Age and the Miraculousness of Death 108
Article 6:
The Enjoyment of Death, the Separation of the Spirit from the Body, the State of Coma,
Informs the Status of the Barzakh Realm 109
Article 7:
Declares the Beginning and End of the Human Spirit 111
Article 8:
It announces that after death, souls will be resurrected according to their deeds and morals, and Heaven and Hell 112
Article 1:
Hz. The Prophet Commanded 114
Article 2:
Hz. Words of the Prophet and Attachment to Him
Declares Its Virtue and Benefits 114
Article 3:
Correcting the Faith of the Heart and Applying it to the Ahl as-Sunnah Vel Jamaat Sect: Let it be known that all Companions of Guzin and those who follow them and the religion of Mubi
The Faith of All Imams and Past Righteous Persons Has Been Arranged According to the Meaning and Content of This Verse 115
Article 1:
Hz. Prophet (PBUH) 122
Article 2:
The Nature of the World, Its Troubles, Its Torment
Expresses the Restlessness, the Happiness of the Unattached 123
Article 3:
Declares that Being Confident in the World is Comfortable and Safe 124
Article 4:
Declares the World to Be Deceiving, Misleading People 125
Article 5:
Love of the World, Obstacle to the Presence of Allah, Various Asceticism
And He Informs Ways of Removing This Obstacle with Taqwa 125
Article 6:
The Worship and Desires of the World and Its People
He Declares An Obstacle To Approach To God 126
Article 7:
It Informs the Way of Leaving the World, People, and Self and Returning to Allah 127
Article 1:
Allah Declares that the Place of Gaining His Knowledge and Love is the Human Heart 129
Article 2:
Declares the Nature of the Heart, which is the Place of Marifetullah 13C
Article 3:
Informs the State and Characteristics of the Heart 13
Article 5:
The Glory of the Universal Mind, the Origin of the Human Mind, the Beginning of the Spirit
With His Majesty, He Informs Allah's Blessing and Benevolence to the Realm 133
Article 6:
Declares the Truth and Unfathomable Secrets of the Human Heart 134
Article 7:
It Informs the Grandeur and Broadness of the Heart and the Degree of Closeness to Allah 135
Article 8:
It Declares the Virtue, Kemalism and Honor of the Human Heart 135
Article 9:
Reveals the Seven States of the Human Heart 136
Article 10:
As the human soul progresses in wisdom, its power to save others increases 138
Article 11:
With the Human Heart, Soul, Sleep and Death, He is Cleansed and
Article 12:
that the human Soul Remembers its Forgotten Old Realm
Or Reports That He Has Forgotten Completely 139
Article 14:
When the Human Spirit Returns to Its Realm,
He states that he is benefited and adorned with knowledge and wisdom 140
Article 14:
The Human Spirit Finds Honor and Delight in Knowing Allah,
He Declares That By Loving Him He Is Happy In This World And In The Hereafter 140
Article 15:
Your Spirit Wandering and Seeing Many Realms
It Declares That It Has Become Mature By Entering The Body 141
Article 16:
Why Did the Human Soul Entering the Realm of Bodies Regress?
And Kemal Declares That He Was Missing, With What He Rise And Won 142
Article 17:
Declares the Descent and Ascension States of the Human Spirit 143
Hunger and satiety
Article 1:
The Virtues of Hunger Have Been Declared in Many Verses and Hadiths 145
Article 2:
The Harms of Overeating 146
Article 3:
It reports the Harms of Satiety and the Virtues of Hunger. 147
Article 4:
Informs the Benefit, Quantity and Enjoyment of Eating Less 148
Article 5:
Benefits of Hunger, Symptoms and Harms of Satiety 149
Article 6:
Explains the Disasters of Satiation and the Benefits of Fasting with Hunger 150
Article 7:
Ten Disasters of Eating Much, Gospels of Eating Less and
The Conveniences of Reducing Food 151
Article 8:
Informs Types of Hunger, Its Status and Position 154
Article 1:
The Benefits of Sleeping Less Can Be Summarized in Seven Items 157
Article 2:
Benefits and Virtues of Sleeping Less and Getting Up at Night 155
Item 3: -159
Article 4:
Lack of Sleep is the Enlightenment of the Heart, the Blindness of the Supreme Beings 161
Article 5:
Declares the Secrets and Benefits of Sleep 160
Article 6:
The Causes of Sleep, The Spirits of the People Barzakh,
Those of the Kamils, on the other hand, report that they are traveling in the Kingdom 161
Article 7:
Informs the Types, Status and Position of Seher 162
Article 1:
The Necessity and Benefit of Talking Less is Indicated by Many Verses and Hadiths 165
Article 2:
Talking Less Protects From Sins. It leads to respect, dignity, peace 167
Article 3:
Language, Times, Deeds, Conditions, Protection of Life,
Declares Concealment and Protection from Disasters 168
Article 4:
Few Words, Dignity and Iqbale are Reasons for Preserving Conditions 169
Article 5:
Keeping Silence, Hiding Your Heart, Leaving the World,
Being Willing to Wisdom and Thus Becoming a Desire 170
Article 6:
Types of Silence, What is the Status and Position,
Marks the Hearts of the People of Knowledge 172
Article 1:
God Almighty, That Uzlet-i Nâs Brings Peace and Comfort to Man,
Reported in Many Verses of the Qur'an 173
Article 2:
It states that those who are far from the people are close to Allah and find peace 175
Article 3:
Being Away From People Provides Permanent Taste and Peace of Good People 175
Article 4:
Extend to worship, Approaching Allah, Cleansing the Heart,
Reports to Cause Peace 176
Article 5:
The Tradition of Being Away from the People, of the Good, of Finding Peace
and Murada Declares The Armenian Way 177
Article 6:
Staying Away from People, Remembrance of Allah and Thinking,
Reports Causing Consent and Peace 177
Article 7:
Declares that there are two classes of sages who are far from the public 175
Article 8:
Reports Extension Types and Conditions
Article 9:
Provides Conditions, Procedures and Consequences of Loneliness
Article 1:
Verses and Hadiths Declaring the Virtue of Dhikr
Article 2:
Declares the Virtues and Benefits of Continuing Dhikr 55
Article 3:
Informs the Effects of Continuing Dhikr 155
Article 4:
Continuation of Zikre Informs Results, Conditions and Miracles
Article 5:
Reveals the Three Levels of Continuous Dhikr
Article 6:
Announces the End of Tongue Dhikr and Its Symptoms
Article 7:
Zikre Informs the Etiquette, Effect and Conditions of Continuation
Article 8:
Informs the Virtue, Miracle and Effects of Kalima-i Tawhid. 186
Article 1:
Declares the Method of Protecting the Heart by Perception and Thinking 189
Article 2:
The Birth of Memories That Come to the Heart and
No and Reports Signs of His Evil 190
Article 3:
Declares the Need and Procedures for the Protection of the Human Heart 191
Article 4:
Proclaims Protecting the Heart More Important Than the Body 192
Article 5:
Announces Heart Diseases and Medicines and Their Names and Prices 192
Article 1:
Trust in Allah, Patience in Troubles and Accident
Declares the Benefit of Consent 195
Article 2:
Informs Miracles, Effects and Conditions of Tawakkul 196
Article 3:
Trust in Allah is Both Important in Sustenance
It Also Declares That It Is Necessary 197
Article 4:
Informs the Limit, Truth and Wisdom of Full Reliance 197
Article 5:
Declares that it is important and necessary to trust in the business of sustenance 199
Article 6:
It Announces Permanent Comfort to the One Who Puts Full Reliance on. 201
Article 1:
The Virtues of Tafvizin Are Revealed in Many Verses and Hadiths 203
Article 2:
Informs the Description, Truth, Effect and Benefits of Tafviz and Surrender 205
Article 3:
Declares the Conditions and Benefits of Concession and Delivery 206
Article 4:
Tafviz and Submission are Necessary and Important for Man
Declares It's a Job and Reasons 207
Article 5:
Tafviz and Surrender are a powerful medicine, it is like Naim Paradise. 207
Article 6:
Reports the Effects and Benefits of Attribution and Surrender 208
Article 7:
Tafviz and Surrender are Important and Important for Man in All His Works.
Declares Necessary: 209
Article 8:
The Qualification, Result and
Explains the Reasons It's Useful 210
Article 1:
The Virtues of Patience, Allah Almighty in Many Verses in the Qur'an
Hz. The Prophet (PBUH) Also Declared It With His Hadith Sharifs 213
Article 2:
Reveals the Truth, Sweetness and Miracle of Patience and Endurance 215
Article 3:
Reports the Effects and Benefits of Patience and Endurance 216
Article 4:
Parts and Benefits of Patience and Endurance
Reports the Bad Harm of Excitement I'"
Article 5:
With Patience, Perfection, Health and Well-being and Finally
Announces That Allah's Pleasure Has Been Won 218
Article 6:
Gives Examples of Ways to Gain Patience and Endurance 220
Article 1:
The Virtues of Consent are Declared in Many Verses and Hadiths 223
Article 2:
Informs the Definition and Truth of Consent to Accident 225
Article 3:
Benefits of Consent to the Accident,
Declares Its Virtues, Signs, and Types 226
Article 4:
Reports the Effects and Benefits of Consent to the Accident 227
Article 5:
Reports the Benefits of Consent, the Harms of Complaint and Rebellion 228
Article 6:
Provides a Summary of the Five Items in the Appendix 229
Article 1:
Verses and Hadiths Declaring Knowing Allah and the Importance of This Knowledge 236
Article 2:
Self-Knowledge Reveals That It Is the Cause of Marifetullah 237
Article 3:
Declares that Marifef-ı Mevlân's Highest Wish and Purpose 238
Article 4:
Arifin, Masıvayi (Except Allah)
He Forgets and Declares That He Has Found His Holiness 240
Article 5:
Arifin Declares That He Was A Fan Of His Own Body And Found With Allah 241
Article 6:
Arifin, Confident and Free from Fear and Sadness and
Warming to God, He Declares That He Lives In Peace and Comfort, Joyfully and Joyfully 243
Article 7:
With the People of Zahid, the People of Knowledge, That is, with Good People
Explains the Differences of Those Close to Allah 244
Article 9:
That Allah Almighty Is Distinguished From His Adjective, Kemal and His Attributes of Subût, All the Particles of the Universe, All the Particles of the Realm,
The affairs and states of all Creatures and the Son of man are due to His Might and
It Announces the Birth of the Love of Allah and the Filling of the Heart Z::
Article 7:
Article 8:
It announces the High Glory of the People of Knowledge and the Kemal of their Knowledge.
Declares that it is managed with caution,
Article 1:
Announcing the Praise and Virtues of Loving Allah
Article 2:
Announces the Benefits and Virtues of God's Love with Hadiths
Article 3:
Reveals the Limit and Truth of God's Love
Article 4:
Informs the Truth and Nature of Loving Allah, Its Various Characteristics, Benefits and Positions
Article 5:
Informs Some Signs and Miracles of God's Love 257
Article 6:
God Reveals His Love, Description and Truths
Article 8:
Reveals Parts of God's Love
Article 9:
God Declares the Names of His Love HHHHUlMmmilltMMIlll 263
Article 10:
Informs the States of God's Love 265
Article 11:
Mahabbe-Tı Self-Declaration 267
Article 12:
Declares the Affection of Adjectives 269
Article 13:
Indicates Love for Verbs 270
Article 14:
Declares the Love of the Works 272
Article 15:
Announces the Cohesion and Fusion of the Four Forms of Conversation 273
Article 16:
Declares the Works and Yields of the Four Aforementioned Loves 276
Article 17:
The Parts of God's Love by Levels and
Informs the Famous Seven Names with an Example 279
Article 18:
The Leaves of the Tree of Love Inform Enthusiasm and Enthusiasm 280
Article 19:
Declares True (True) Love, the Fruit of the Tree of Mahabbet 282
Article 20:
The Love of Almighty God, From the Human Mind
Declares to be More Honorable and Superior 285
Article 21:
The State and Miraculousness of Love, The Love's Heat and Condemnation,
Announces the Comfort, Covering and Peace of the Beloved 288
Article 22:
The Visible Characteristics, Invisible Secrets of Divine Love and
Declares the Height of His Glory 290
Article 23:
The Metaphor and Realities, Kunhini and Nature of Divine Love and
Announcing his ecstasy and his states 293
Article 24:
Informs the Ways and Procedures of the Armenian to Divine Love 295
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