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: 9786058144729
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The topic of prayer and fasting has been taken in a long time in the Kazan Explanation about Hanafi Law.

Nuru'l-Iza It is one of the mutemed texts of the dynastic sect. Prayer and fasting are the mufassal (long), zakat and pilgrimage (short). and Acirc has been given the dignity of the scholars.
The author, Imam Hasan Şürunbülalî, first named Nuru'l-îzâh as Imadâdu'l-Fettah. Then he shortened this evil to merak'l-felah. On Meraku'l-Felah, he wrote a famous story under the name Ahmadibnu Mohammed (al-Tahtavî).
He says, "God makes him knowledgeable in religious sciences, whoever he desires to give good to."
Oian, one of the most important books on the dynasty, intends to present this Nûru'f-îzâh text, which is needed (and applied) by both scholars and students, by making it even more exploitable with the evils and annulments of Abu Ahmed Mohammed Muhyiddîn Abdü'l-Hamîd. It is also understood from his deeds to many books written on various subjects that the aforementioned person has a say in all branches of knowledge and some of his works are as follows:
His review of Guneymî's al-Lubâb fî Sherhi'l-Kitâb,
Katru'n-Nedâ, Ibn Akîl, Şüzûru'z-Zeheb, Mugni'l-Lebîb and his works on the book Sirâciye on the subjects of "Islamic sharia, marital status of the person in terms of the person" and copyrighted works on sharia subjects. In addition to these, the aforementioned zât, Nûru'l-îzâh and Necâtu'l-Ervâh condemned the met-nini and called it "Hibetu'l-Fettâh bi Tekmileti Nöri'l-/zâ/7", adding the zakat, hajj and umrah sections to make it even more useful.
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