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Prayer Tasbihat - Turkish Reading and Meaning with Transcription - Gray

Product Code : 30505
: 4897654306184
49.00 TL
Product features:
Page: 240 Pages
Size: 14 x 10cm
Dough: 1. Dough
Binding: Cardboard Binding
Language: Arabic - Turkish
Weight: 110 Grams
Color: Gray
Features: With Transcription, Turkish Pronunciation and Meaning, Ashab-ı Bedir Şuheda-i Uhud and Hizbul Hasin Addition.

The prayers and glorifications made after prayers have reached us through authentic hadiths in terms of their sources and importance. Our Prophet (pbuh) said: "If a person says "Subhdnallah" 33 times, "Alhamdulillah" 33 times, "Allahu Afcber" 33 times at the end of each prayer, all of these make 99 times, and the 100th time says "La ilahe illallahu vahdehu la." "If he says 'to the partner leh, lehü't-mulkü ve lehü'l-hamdü ve hüve ala kulli sey'in kadir', his sins will be forgiven even if they are as much as the foam of the sea." (Muslim, Mesacid:146) This prayer tasbih that we have prepared has been compiled from the tasbihs, prayers and salawat-i sharifs reported by our Prophet (pbuh) and recited by the friends of Allah who lived in the period before us. At the same time, this glorification is the glorification made by Bediüzzaman Said Nursi (r.a). Salavats and prayers are translated verbatim from the original Arabic text.
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