O traveler of rights! "Prayer is the pillar of the religion." A Muslim who performs prayers protects his religion and breaks down his religion not performing prayers. Failure to perform prayers is either because of not believing (which, God forbid, it means leaving religion) or not knowing.
It is fard for every Muslim woman and man to learn prayer information. It is the duty of a Muslim to learn this knowledge, which is the command of Allah.
Prayer is never abandoned, it cannot be abandoned in any way. Every Muslim who has faith should know this fact in this way and thus keep it in his mind and not be heedless in his prayers.
For example, even a sick Muslim cannot leave his name. He cannot fail to pray. Prayer cannot be abandoned even in the face of enemy bullets during war or war.
Yes, if a sick Muslim cannot keep up his prayer, he will sit down. If it does not work by sitting, it does it by lying down or as easy as it gets. He even performs it with an imâ (head sign). The explanation of these issues will be made in their own department (in the prayer section of the patients).
We learn from these orders and we understand that in Islam (in Islam) there is absolutely no abandoning or quitting prayers. And to stop praying and not to perform prayers are among the major sins.
The first account that our Almighty Lord will ask from his servants in the hereafter will be the first questioning will be the worship of prayer. Learning this important worship properly is a necessary and very important duty for every Muslim's own happiness and happiness.
I have prepared this new book in the hope that it will serve my religious brothers and sisters in this regard. To this new book:
I named it.
I brought innovation and convenience to teaching prayer by giving visual forms (pictures) about how to perform prayers. For this reason, I believe that I help parents, parents and religious brothers and sisters who are responsible, even if a little.
Regarding this issue, our Prophet (Aleyhisselam) said: "The favor of the people is the one that is beneficial to the people." If I can be awarded to the Hadith Prophet, I will have the highest happiness.
My only goal is to serve my religious brothers and sisters and to reach my fortune in helping them in this important issue. And minallâhit’tevfik - Tawfîk and guidance, success, success are through the grace and grace of our Almighty Lord.
Preface 3
Thirty Two Fard 5
Thirty-Two Obligations Considered 6
A) The Conditions of Faith are Six 7
Faith in Allah 9
The Attributes of Allah Almighty Are Six 9
Allah's Subutî S / horses are Eight 10
What Does Faith Mean to Allah? 11th
Faith in His Angels 11
Gabriel -Aleyhisselam- 12
Mîkâil-Aleyhisselâm- 12
İsrâfil -Aleyhisselâm- 12
Azrail -Aleyhisselâm- 13
Münker Ve13
Fiends 13
Haf aza Angels 14
Faith in the Books 14
Faith to the Prophets 15
and Acirc; Believing in the Day of Hereafter 17
Attributes of the Prophets 17
Faith in Destiny 18
B) Terms of Islam 19
C) The Fards of Ablution Are Four 19
Ç) The Fards of Ghusl Are Three 20
D) Tayammum's Fards are Two 21
E) The Fards of Prayer are Twelve 22
Conditions Outside of Prayer 22
Rukes of Prayer - Conditions in it 25
Bidet - Cleaning 28
Ablution 32
The Recipe of Wudu is as follows 35
The Fards of Ablution are Four: 37
Sunnah of Wudu 37
Wudu and Acirc; Dab-Literature 38
Wudu Things 40
Things That Do Not Break Wudu 42
Wudu Prayers From The Prophet 43
Prayer When Ablution Is Over 44
Muslim and Acirc; Wudu Recited by Luls 45
The Fards of Ghusl Are Three 50
Ghusl - Boy Ablution 50
Sunnah of Ghusl 51
I am taking ghusl ablution 53
Situations Requiring Ghusl 56
Things That Are Prohibited Without Ghusl 59
Azan Words 60
Kamet 61
People Who Heard the Azan Recited 62
The prayer of adhan is B 63
How to Take Wudu (With Pictures) 65
Prayer Pictures 70
How to Perform Prayer 89
The Sunnah of Sabah
The Servant of the Sunnah of Sabah
Kametize 101
Fard of Dawn 102
Performing the Fard of Sabah Namazan 102
Attributing Prayers After Prayer ... 111
After Prayer (End of Prayer) Prayer 115
What Does One Who Cannot Perform Morning Prayer on Time ... ll9
What We Learned During the Morning Prayer 120
Reading Text: Fard in Prayer, Wajib
And Sunnahs 123
Midday 126
The Four rak'ahs of noon is the first circumcision
Fard of Noon 140
A Rule for Four-rakat Fards 154
The Last Sunnah of the Noon Prayer 155
The Prophet of the Last Sunnah 156
End of Prayer Tasbih Prayers 163
After Prayer (End of Prayer) Prayer 166
Afternoon Annunciation 169
Fard of Ascension 184
Prayers of Prayers 197
After Prayer (End of Prayer) Prayer 200
Evening Prayer 202
The Mandate of Maghrib 203
The Sunnah of Maghrib 213
Performing the Sunnah of Maghrib 213
Tasbih Prayers Performed at the End of Each Prayer 222
After Prayer (End of Prayer) Prayer 225
Isha Prayer 227
The First Four rak'ahs of the Sunnah 228
The Fard of the Rejection 242
Last Sunnah of Isha Prayer 255
Two rak'ahs of the last Sunnah 256
Salat al-Witr (Witr Prayer) 264
How To Make Vitir Namaz 266
Prayers Made to the End of HerNamaz 278
After Prayer (End of Prayer) Prayer 281
Tarawih prayer 284
Anyone Who Comes to Tarawih Prayer Later 287
The Performer of Tarawih Prayer 288
The Prayer of Friday 293
How to Make the First Four-rak'ah Sunnah of Friday ... 294
The First Four Rak'ah Sunnah of Friday 294
Friday's Two Rak'ah Fard 308
The Four Rak'ah Last Sunnah of Friday 309
Friday's Zuhr-u and Acirc; Performing the hir Prayer 310
The Root of the Sunnah of Two Rak'ah Times 313
Those who came to the Imam's last sitting on Friday 315
Eid Prayers 317
The Prayer of the Eid 318
TesrikTekbirleri 321
Importance of Holidays 323
The Good Ramadan Feast 324
Good Things to Do on Holidays ... 325
Funeral Prayer 327
Funeral Prayer Is Performed By Congregation 331
Funeral Deeds 333
334 Rukes of the Funeral
Must Memorize This Prayer That Can Be Read For Every Funeral .... 334
Funeral Prayer 335
Read This Prayer If A Man is 338
If a Woman Is a Funeral, Prayer Follows 339
340 at the funeral of the boy
At the Funeral of the Girl Child 340
Nobody Who Knows Pray Reads 341
Namaz Cover of Patients 343
Prayer of the Patient Sitting with Pictures 345
Prayer Prayer of Female Patient Sitting 347
How to Make a Not Traveling? 349
Method of Praying in Vehicles on Travel 352
Manner of Praying in the Sandal 355
Performing the Accidental Prayers 356
How to Perform Qazah Prayers? 363
Prayer Times 366
Kerahat Times 367
The Kerahat Time for which No Prayer is Performed is Three ... 368
Times where it is permissible to perform futile prayers .... 369
Number of rakats of prayers 370
Know the 12 Fards of Prayer 371
The Conditions of Prayer Outside are 6 372
The Rukes of the Prayer in it are also 6 374
Fundamentals of Prayer 375
Secde-i Sehu (Prayer of Error) 376
Like the Postponement of the Fard 377
Wajib in Prayer, Like the Delay of Sehven 378
Wajibin Sehuen Terkine Example in Prayer 378
Sunnahs of Prayer 380
Makruhs of Prayer 381
382 What Nullifies Prayer
Reading Text: Muezzin in Mosques 384
Muezzin Prayers 385
Salâten Tüncînâ 386
Salah in Minarets 389
Praying with congregation 390
Imamate - Being an Imam 392
When Coming at Home 394
Conditions of Compliance with the Imam of Jamâat 397
What to do to catch up with the congregation 399
If Imam Performs, He Will Not Do Jihad 401
If the Imam Does Not Perform, He Will Not Do Jama'ah 402
Fatiha Sura 408
and Acirc; yetel-Kürsî 409
and Acirc; mener-Rasulü 411
Leu Enzelnâ - Hüvallâhüllezi 413
Surah Al-Duha 415
Inshirah Surah 417
TinSura 418
Al-Alafe 419
Qadir 422
Surat al-Bayyine 423
Zilzâl Sura 426
427 of Adiyat
Surah Kâria 428
Time of Takasur 429
Asr 430
Hümeze Sura 431
Surah Elephant 432
The Quraysh 433
Al-Maûn 434
Keuser 435
Surah of Unbeliever 436
Al-Nasr 437
The Tabbat 438
Surah Al-Ahlâs 439
Al-Felak 440
Surah Nas 441
Subject 442
Ettehiyyâtü 443
AUâhümme Bârik 444
Allâhümme Salli 444
Rabbena and Acirc; tinâ Fiddgünâ 445
Rabbenağfirlî Prayer 445
Quran 446
Rufeû Order 448
Takbir 448
Salutation Spoken in Prayer 449
449 Reading While Rising from Rukû
Prostration 449
Allâhümme Entesselâmı And Minfeesselâm 450