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PVC Coated Hilye-i Şerif

Product Code : T31202
: 4897654306629
29.00 TL
Featured Information

Hilye-i Şerif, which has many virtues, is a different and special happy birthday gift.

Size: 11 x 7.5cm
There are many virtues of reading Hilye-i Şerif and keeping it with you.

No devil, cruel ruler, or disease can enter the place where he is located.
The person who reads will not be infected with poverty.
There is a reward of pilgrimage to the person who reads it.
He will not see the torment of the grave, the fire of hell will be forbidden to him.
Receives the intercession of our Prophet
Hazrat Alî (radiyallahu anh!) While describing the characteristics of our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), he said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was neither too tall nor too short to attract attention. He was the middle height of the people. His hair was neither curly nor curly. It was not completely straight; it was moderately curly. He was not stocky, his face was round. His color was white with a hint of red. The black of his eyes were very black. His eyelashes were long. His hands and feet were full. When he walked, he walked quickly, as if he was going down a hill. When he turned to one side, he turned with his body. He had the seal of prophethood between his two shoulder blades. He was the last of the prophets. He was the most generous of people. His heart was the most at ease among people. His dialect was the most accurate, his nature was the gentlest, and his friendship with people was the most gracious. He was the one who suddenly saw him. Those who saw him were afraid of him. Those who knew him loved him. Those who tried to explain him, when they were unable to explain him, said, "I have never seen anyone like him before or after him." My God! To the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy and the intercessor of his ummah, and to all; Mercy and safety have descended upon his pure family, his companions, and all the prophets and messengers.

Hilye-i Şerif: This hadith narrated from Hazrat Ali and Hilye-i Şerife, which expresses the blessed schema of our Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam, is a symbol of peace, happiness and joy that people should keep on their person, in their homes and workplaces. It is believed that it will lead to abundance and that the place will be protected from disasters. In the Ottoman society, it was considered one of the best gifts that could be given, especially to bring happiness to newlyweds.
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