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Qiblagah Game Set - Religious Trivia Family Game Like Monopoly

: 0000000722120
199.00 TL
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Qiblagah Game Set - Religious Trivia Family Game Like Monopoly

Qiblagah Game Set - Religious Trivia like Monopoly Family Game

Qiblagah Game Basic Religious Information 208 Pieces - New Version

New version of qibla family monopoly game released!
It was developed by taking your requests into consideration.
The changes that have been made;
1-The symbols on the game board have been changed and increased from 4 to 6.
2-The game rules have been changed to make it more fun.
3-Question cards were prepared as single questions to be more useful.
4-Questions have been renewed and enriched and made more attractive by adding new questions and riddles.
5-Money points changed.
6-The box of our game has also changed.
Our dear friends, as a result of a long work, our game has taken its final and perfect form with many changes in line with your demands.
It was our only desire to bring our new version game to you at the old price, but the sudden increase in printing, cargo and other costs have made us tied up and forced us to offer the new price.
It is an Islamic family game set that everyone can play with pleasure, prepared to teach the beauty of Islam and teach good manners. Family members will have fun while playing games and will be able to learn and teach without getting bored.
Qiblagah Game How to Play?
The game is played with at least 2 and at most 5 people
The "Game Order" that will ask questions that will distribute points during the game must be selected.
Anyone can choose any color pawn and it will be in the "START" section
The player turns the number spinner and advances the pawns as many times as the number received.
Ask the question corresponding to the same image on the question card in which square is your pawn on the game board.
Each correct question is 20 points of qiblagah.
The same player continues to play as long as he answers the questions correctly. If he does not know the question, the turn to play passes to the other player.
"FORWARD" advances the pawn by the number of the square.
"BACK" pulls the pawn as much as the number in the square.
"RETURN TO TOP" moves the pawn back to the start. It starts from the beginning. (Qiblaqah points earned are not refunded)
"PENALTY" waits for a hand.
The player that corresponds to this square brings balaqat, advances his pawn as much as the previous number. Earns 100 Qiblah points.
"REGAİP KANDİLİ", the player that corresponds to this square brings Kalima-i Tawheed, advances his pawn as much as the previous number and gains 50 Qiblagah points.
"MIRAC KANDILI", the player who corresponds to this square counts the times of prayer, advances his pawns as much as the previous number and gains 50 Qiblagah points.
"BERAT KANDİLİ", the player who coincides with this square draws Repentance forgiveness, advances his pawn as much as the previous number and gains 50 Qiblah points.
The player that coincides with this square "KADİR NIGHT" reads a surah he knows, advances his pawns as many as the previous number and gains 200 Qiblagah points.
"AREFE", the player who coincides with this square, reads fatiha for their background, earns 500 Qiblah points.
"HOLIDAY", the player that falls on this square kisses the hands of the family elders and earns 1000 Qiblah points.
"FINISH" when any player reaches the finish square, the game is over and the points are calculated, the winner of the game with the most points is the winner. (The one who gets the most points, not the one who finishes first wins.)
Qiblagah points are continuously complemented by the game order. For example, 2 50 Qiblah points are taken by the game order and instead supplement with 100 Qiblaqah points, thus counting points easier, scorecards will not be worn.
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