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Quran Kerim and Interline Word Word Turkish Pronunable and Meali - 5 Featured - Mealli Koran - Medium Size - Haktan Publications

: 9786058641914
349.00 TL
Featured Information

Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi Yazır, Computer Line, Very Easy to Read, Haktan Publications

Work Features:

Meal: Elmali Mohammed Hamdi Yazr
Word Meal: Mahmut Tosun, Fahri Altunkaynak, Abdullah Sarıkaya
Pages: 624
Size: 17 x 28 cm
Release Date: 2014
Place of Printing: Konya
Cover Type: Hard Cover with Skin
Paper Type: Shamua Paper
Language: Arabic - Turkish
Publisher: Haktan Broadcast Distribution

1,038 gr

5 Featured:

Arabic Line
Cross-Line Word Meal
Transcript for Turkish
Tecvidli Reading

Every Person Can Learn to Read the Koran...

Today's technology offers many products to the service of people in this subject. There are a wide range of possibilities such as interactive CDs, Internet, Cassettes, Elif ba booklets.

In this work, which is prepared for those who cannot read the Quran in Arabic after all, it will be read less inaccurately when the transcription signs shown under each word are respected.


In the name of Allah, the Merciful and the Womb...
Praise be to God.
Peace be upon His Messenger, and his apostles.
May our Lord bless our scholars and teachers who facilitate our service with their valuable work in this way. Many studies have been carried out on reading, understanding and interpreting the messages it offers to humanity. This study is one of them.

This study is intended to accurately read our book of servitude, the Quran, in Arabic, and to read it in Turkish for those who cannot read it after all. In short, we aimed to bring everyone together with the Qur'an with this work.


In this Qur'an, which is prepared as a result of a comprehensive study;
Arabic Line,
Turkish pronunciation,
The most obvious feature of this study is that it brings the reader face-to-face with Arabic Line, Turkish pronunciation.


The main thing is to read the Quran in Arabic. Nevertheless, for those who cannot read arabic, we remind you that if the Transcription signs shown under each word are observed, it will be read less inaccurately. We tried to minimize errors with great diligence while doing our work. Nevertheless, we would like to state that the criticisms of the competent will guide us in the elimination of our shortcomings and that we will pray for them.
If work is a success for us, it is from Allah.

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