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Religious Electronic Gifts - İhvan

Religious Electronic Gifts

It is essential to initiate the process of religious education at a young age and ensure that children acquire accurate knowledge. Within the product range we offer at İhvan, various options of religious electronic gifts are available. These gifts, equipped with features like sound recording, support the educational process, making them valuable for children's initial steps in Islamic knowledge. Presented in various formats and designs, these products are conveniently available for online shopping. You can choose a gift for your own child or for young children in your circle, complete all your shopping transactions through our website, and own these products from the comfort of your home.

Talking Religious Books

All religious electronic gifts are products that assist children throughout the educational process using the benefits of technology. The talking books found on our page are a great example of this. These books, which have numerous benefits from improving pronunciation to making the learning process more interactive, are created for young age groups. With their colorful pages, simple drawings, and enjoyable formats, these are books that children will eagerly engage with. These books contain various stories, advice, and teachings that encompass the fundamental knowledge of Islamic studies.

Specifically designed religious electronic gift options for preschool children are available on this page. In addition, there are book formats tailored for age groups that can read and write. During your gift selection process, taking into consideration the child's age and educational level will lead you to the most suitable option.

Within the product category we introduce at İhvan, besides individually purchasable books, there are also set alternatives available. These sets include books in quantities of ten, twenty, thirty, or even one hundred. Considering the scope of the gift you want to give, you can make your selection from different shopping options and gift sets we offer. You can also explore games that make the learning process more enjoyable, such as "Tawhid: Fastest Wins." You can add exercise books and similar product options to add color to the educational process.

Religious Educational Story Books

One of the products loved by children is storybooks. These resources entertain while educating and are a wonderful gift option for young children. Within the product range we offer at İhvan, you can access sets and books created for different age groups. These books, featuring vibrant cover designs and captivating stories, are part of our religious electronic gift category. Designed with a format for 365 days, these books divide the educational process into specific periods each day, making it more balanced. At the end of a year, they ensure that children have a fundamental knowledge of the Islamic faith. The books cover topics such as teaching children how to pray, the Arabic alphabet, and information about our Prophet. You can select the desired product and gift it to children.

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