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Religious Official's Handbook Roman Boy Hardcover-1771

: 9789759220952
569.00 TL
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This Book Compiled From Practical Information For Religious Officials By Mevlüt Özcan

Year of release: 2005
Hardcover Hard Cover
Roman Boy
1. Pulp Paper
720 pages
14 x 20 cm
This study in your hand has been prepared with the aim of being a permanent supplementary book in the hands of our brothers and sisters who serve in the Religious community of the students of the Quran Course, Imam Hatip High School, and Faculty of Theology and all Muslims. In addition, it includes what every Muslim will do, in other words, what he has to do. He is an official of every Muslim religion.

A Muslim's life is the life dominated by revelation. However, we have not seen or seen Muslims in this life for a century. We just read and learned from history.

This life lived by Muslims was written in golden letters in history and became a light and a guide for those who came after.

It is obligatory for every Muslim who understands his mind to strive with all his means for the life of the Companions to live. Since this duty has been neglected for many years, Islam, and therefore Muslims, have been despised.

Since the last quarter of the twentieth century, an Islamic movement in the world has attracted the attention of everyone, friend and foe. In recent years, those who are Muslims cry out the truth of Islam to the world and take their place in the ranks of those who long for the rulership of God.

We believe that if Islam is told, humanity, who lives the last point of unbelief, will understand that salvation is in Islam and will bring total Word of Martyrdom. Let us know this for sure: There are a lot of salivates who drooled and wandered the streets. He does not know, does not know Muhammad (S.A.V.). The reason they do not know is that our heedlessness is our understanding and failure to explain him.

Muslims of our time expect Islam to be experienced and explained from the mosque officials, muftis, preachers, briefly from the Religious Mosque. This opinion is absolutely wrong. However, the negative attitudes of a significant portion of this mosque, which cannot give what is desired due to various reasons, in other words, do not live and do not make an effort to keep alive, causes dissolution in the society that leads to destruction.

It is the duty of everybody who knows the truth to inform others about the Truth in today's world, when the number of those who aim to deteriorate our values. Everyone who believes in the principle of "the good is the order, the evil is the nehy" has a necessity to bow to this meaning. However, the society expects this service from the "Mosque of Officials", even if it is wrong. Thus, it is necessary for the esteemed "Mosque Officials", who have the courage and determination to undertake such an important task, to know their duty of notification well and to express them with their principled work. Success depends on methodical work.

There are some works referred to as "Pillow Book" or "Table Book" for every professional. These books are kept at bedside or on the desk, and read day and night. The contents of these books are considered a rule for those professionals. They call such books "Handbooks" to show that it is necessary not to drop them. Undoubtedly, the book worthy of these expressions for us is the Quran. For a believer, reading the Quran means talking to Allah (C.C.).

After that, the hadith books containing the sunnah of our Prophet (pbuh) come. The honey-like works of our scholars are among our reference books. After these, we have prepared this book in your hand with the conviction that our brothers who are devoted to the service of God should have a manual at any time. I never claim that the topics in this book are completely new, unknown. However, the subjects were tried to be tidy by scanning the sources. In this respect, it is a handbook for my religious brothers and sisters that they can use in every subject.

This study in your hand has been prepared with the aim of being a permanent supplementary book in the hands of the Quran Course, Imam-Hatip High School, the students of the Faculty of Theology, our brothers serving in the Religious Mosque and all Muslims. It also includes what every Muslim should do, in other words.

The most frightening thing of our brothers and sisters in the newly commissioned Diyanet mosque is their impracticality to the tasks to be performed. Here, we tried to explain the things to be done and the things that need to be known, down to the finest details. Marriage, funeral, equipment, offerings, etc., which are supposed to be performed by mosque staff. We drew attention to who should actually do things like. In this respect, we have explained what every Muslim should know.

To conclude, the purposes of the preparation of this book are as follows:
1. To explain how to apply the known information to those who believe in the principle of "goodness, order, evil, nehy" in their professional life,
2. To reveal the difficulties and problems to be encountered in service and to show the solutions,
3. To show the technique of being successful,
4. To reveal what the mosque should know,
5. To assist the service person,
6. Reminding Muslims of their duties ... etc. To prepare for such purposes.
Tawfiq and guidance are from Allah ...

1. Preface 5
2. The Farewell Sermon 8
3. From Caliphate to Religious Affairs 11
4. Religious administration since the Prophet 13
5. Shaykh al-Islam 14
6.Names of Shaykh al-Islam from 1424 to 1922 17
7.The books in which the fatwas given by the Shaykh al-Islam are collected 23
8. The organization of the Shaykh al-Islam 24
9. Kadeness 24
10. Muftis 26
11. Madrasas 27
12. Number of Madrasas 29
13. Education and education institutions 29
14. Services and rewards of the ulama 31
15. Religious Organization. 33
16. The names of the Presidents of Religious Affairs in the Republic period 38
17. Imam-Hatip High Schools with its history and suffering 39
18. secularism and secularism to be placed in Turkey 44
19. Secularism 45
20. How is the starting method in Islam? 52
21. Status 53
22. The word of the istize 54
23.Besmalah 57
24. Are the basmalahs at the beginning of the sura separate verses? 57
25.Takbir 60
26. Tehlil 60
27. Tahmid 60
28.The provisions of evil 60
29. Fard 61
30. Vâjib 62
31.Sunnah 62
32.Musttahab 63
33.Mubah 64
34. Haram 64
35.Makruh 64
36. Mufsid 65
37. What does denomination mean? 65
38.Our faith and deeds 65
39.The reasons for the conflict between sects 66
40. Can sect be changed? 67
41. What is the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah? 67
42. What is Aşere-i Mübeşşere? Names 69
43.Camie 70
44.The mosque in the time of our Prophet 71
45. Is there a difference between a mosque and a mosque? 72
46.How many places does the word masjid appear in the Quran? 72
47. Provisions on mosques 73
48. Is it permissible to take young children to the mosque? 84
49. Has the transfer of service in the mosque passed? 84
50.The place of mosque in city planning 85
51. Can there be a mosque without a complex? 88
52. Parts of the mosques 90
53. Minaret 93
54. Where does the custom to light oil lamps in the minaret come from? 95
55.The prayers to be read when entering and leaving the mosque 96
56.Opening a coffee house above mosques 96
57.The verdict of speaking world theology in a mosque 97
58.Collecting money in mosques 98
59. Is it permissible for tourists to enter mosques? 99
60.Camic staff 103
61.There is no "cleric" in Islam 104
62.Trade religion into trade 109
63.The duties of mosque officials outside the mosque 113
64.The view of the media towards mosque officials 114
65. Advice to Muslims 116
66.Types of religious rhetoric today 118
67. Preaching and preaching 119
68.How is preaching done? 119
69.The qualifications that should be on the visa 121
70. An exemplary preaching plan 127
71. Preacher-Sermon-Chair 130
72.The prayer to start preaching 131
73. Attention to those who will preach in prison 132
74. How have pledges been brought up until today? 133
75. Verses about making love and frightening 134
76.The prayer to be made after the sermon 135
77. Imam-Hatip 135
78.Conditions for an imam in terms of religion 136
79. Is imamat permissible for women? 136
80.The makruh of the imamate 138
81.Missing in prayer 139
82. What is the ruling on obeying the imam of the dissident sect and praying? 139
83. Is it permissible to lead a prayer on a fee? 140
84.The names of the people who were imams in the time of the Prophet with the determinations of the Prophet 141
85.Immam-related issues 142
86.Muezzin 143
87.The conditions required by religion in the muezzins 144
88.The duties of the muezzins (religious) 145
89. Athan 147
90.The fiqh provisions on adhan 149
91.The adhan prayer 151
92. The makruh of adhan 152
93. Ezanda Erroneous Reading 154
94. Why is Athan read badly? 157
95.Double recitation of adhan 159
96.The reason dogs howl while reading the adhan 160
97.Those who say Azan should be read in Turkish 162
98.Sawa wa as-Salat 163
99.Spuns to be read in Salah 167
100. Funeral prayer sentences 168
101.How will Salat-u salam (salawat) be brought? 169
102. Kamet 171
103.Which sentence the imam and congregation start to pray when the prophet is brought 173
104. Qualifications to be found in the public 174
105.The makruhs of the Kaamet 174
106. Ablution 175
107.The fard, sunnah and makruh of wudu according to the four madhhabs 176
108. Is ablution done in water heated by solar energy? 177
109.Some of the medical benefits of ablution 178
110. Ablution Prayer 180
111.His ablution according to four madhhabs 183
112.The fiqh provisions regarding ablution 186
113.Teyemmum 189
114.The evidence of tayammum's legitimacy 189
115. Prayer 191
116.The obligations of prayer 191
117.Can men pray uncovered? 193
118.Do you pray in pajamas? 194
119. Can one pray with a short-sleeved shirt? 195
120. Can one pray with bare feet? 195
121.Time of Fard prayers 196
122.How are the prayer times arranged outside the solar system? 199
123.How to make intention to prayer? 199
124. How will the imam intend for the imam? 200
125.The provision that a person who performs prayers should not put a suture in front of him 201
126. How much should the reading be effective in various prayers? 204
127.The chapters read by the Prophet in various prayers 205
128.Reading two or more suras in one rak'ah 206
129.Reading a surah in two rak'ahs 206
130. Why do you read the recitation in the daytime prayers, in secret, and in the night prayers? 206
131. Why do we prostrate twice in prayers? 208
132.Drawing clothes while prostrating in prayer 208
133.The performance of prayer according to the four madhhabs 209
134. Who is the Sahib-i tertip called? 220
135. Is it permissible for two intentions to do both sunnah and qada prayers while performing sunnahs? 220
136. The qada prayers 222
137. How will the qada prayers be performed? 226
138.Cemalizing five daily prayers in 3 times 226
139. 227 about the benefits of prayer
140.The Congregation 238
141.The first congregation in Islam 238
142. Praying in congregation 238
143. Reasons hindering joining the congregation 241
144.The points that imams should pay attention to regarding ablution and prayer 242
145. Mister 248
146.Mesbuk 248
147.Lahik 248
148.The arrangement of the ranks 250
149. Muzahat Betting 252
150.The explanation of the subject of prayer in congregation according to 4 sects 255
151.Sunnah after prayers 257
152. Reciting the Mihrabiye 264
153.Security after prayer 265
154. Is it permissible to read the Surah Ihlâs before fard prayers? 265
155. Verses about the five daily prayers in the Quran 267
156. Prayer rug and exhibitions 268
157. Is it possible to pray on prayer rugs with pictures of the verse, the name of Allah, Mecca and Medina on it? 268
158.The types of prostration and prostration 269
159.Secde-i sehiv (False prostration) 269
160.Tilavet prostration 270
161. Praise Prostration 271
162.The performance of the Friday prayer and the recitation of the sermon 271
163.The terms of the Friday prayer 271
164. Friday prayer sermon 274
165. Imam-Hatip notes to the master 283
166.The prayer and prayer of istihara 286
167. Prayer for rain and dua 288 and 636
168.Why is the lunar calendar used in Islam 291
169. Calendar 291
170.The reason for the use of the lunar calendar in Islam 292
171. The importance of time and the calendar 293
172. Why is Islam sometimes to the moon; sometimes he credits the sun 296
173. Calendar establishment and month in Islam 300
174. Hijri calendar 305
175.Military calendar 306
176. Rumi calendar 306
177. Hijri months - Gregorian months 309
178.Which blessed days and nights are in which month 313
179.The explanation of the Qibla clock 314
180. Qibla time and world qibla day 315
181. The subject of caution in prayer times 315
182.The month of Ramadan and its worship 318
183.Ayat about fasting 321
184.The frequently asked questions about the month of Ramadan 321
185. İtikâf 324
186. Night of Power 325
187. How will the night of Power be revived? 326
188.Ayat about the Night of Power 327
189.Why Sakal-ı Şerifs open to visit on the night of Power 327
190.The Tarawih prayer 328
191. What is Yevm-i shek? 331
192.The days of fasting are makruh 332
193. Iftar 334
194.Shour meal 335
195.Diseases that prevent fasting 336
196. Fitra 336
197. Nisab and essential needs 338
198.The list of charity alms 339
199. Eid al-Fitr and prayer 343
200.The performance of the Eid al-Fitr prayer 344
201.The time of the eid prayer 368
202. Sacrificial bet 354
203. The sacrifice of Akika 361
204. Sacrifice of the Nezir (vow) 362
205. Eid al-Adha and prayer 365
206. Tesrik Takbirs 365
207. How is the eid al-adha prayer performed? 367
208.The time of the eid prayer is 368.
209.Ayat in the Quran about sacrificing sacrifice, the festival of sacrifice 378
210.The definition of the Kaaba 380
211. Pilgrimage bet 383
212. Pilgrimage to someone else's place 386
213. Umrah bet 387
214. Are the hands of those who come from the pilgrimage kissed? 388
215. Who kisses whose hand how and why? 388
216.The verdict of hajj according to the four madhhabs 391
217.The dictionary of the Hajj judgment 395
218. A sermon on Hajj 396
219. Visiting a mosque 401
220. Zakat bet 402
221. The three measures of wealth 402
222.The subsistence allowance in the Islamic tax system 403
223. Calculation of zakat and goods subject to zakat 404
224.The quorum of goods subject to zakat 405
225. Goods not subject to zakat 407
226. Zakat on real estate 410
227. Zakat on adornments 411
228. Zakat on trade goods and the method of giving 411
229. How to give zakat for rented houses and shops? 416
230. To whom is zakat given? 418
231. To whom is zakat not given? 422
232. Is zakat given to the state? 422
233. Is tax counted as zakat? 424
234.The main differences between zakat and tax 424
235.The penalty for those who do not pay their zakat 425
236. Verses about Zakat in the Quran 426
237.The oath bet 428
238. kaffarah of oath 429
239. Verses about the oath 431
240.The Quran and its names 432
241. Touching the Quran without ablution 433
242. Is it possible to enter toilet with the Quran in the pocket? 435
243. Is the Holy Quran created? 435
244. How was the Quran sent down? 436
245. Modes of coming of revelation 436
246. Revelation scribes 437
247.and Acirc; the benefits of knowing the causes and causes 438
248. And Acirc; how was the arrangement of the yet? 438
249.The Quran in short from the language of numbers 439
250. Where is the middle of the Quran? 440
251. The first verses that were sent down 441
252.The last sent down verses 441
253.Nâsih-mensuh verses 441
254. What is Huruf-u mukatta? 443
255.The beginning of the suras 443
256. How was the movement of the Quran? 444
257.The collection and duplication of the Quran 446
258. Addresses in the Quran 446
259.The nature of the repetitions in the Quran 447
260. Repetition of Stories 448
261. Oaths in the Quran 450
262.Sciences included in the Quran 451
263.Tefsir and its varieties 451
264.Tefsir 452
265. Te'vil 452
266. Tabdil 452
267. Distorted 452
268.Translation 452
269.Male 453
270. Quran teaching 454
271. How to read and teach the Quran 456
272.Quran courses and Quran teaching 457
273. Female teachers of Hanım Quran Courses 458
274. Hafiz 459
275.The qualifications that must be possessed by the people of the Quran 461
276. Can you read the Quran where the sin was committed? 462
277. Can the Quran be read in a place where hijab is not observed? 463
278. Will the pages of the Qur'an be burned when they wear out? 463
279. What is the recitation, who are its imams? 464
280. Is the Quran read or read for a fee? 465
281. Can a dead person read and read the Quran? 476
282.The nature of downloading hatim 478
283.Takbir between short suras 479
284. Finalizing Hatim with Prayer 480
285. Whoever reads the Quran, would he have made a hatim? 484
286. If he does not know how to read the Quran, would he recite a hatim for every line in the Quran? 484
287.The manners of reading the Quran 485
288.Secavent, stop and stop signs 488
289.The issues that those who read the Quran in jerks will pay attention to 493
290.The ways of reading the Quran 493
291. What are Lahn and teganni? 494
292.Telâvet in accordance with the assembly and statements 495
293. Where and how much Quran should be recited? 498
294. Verses to be recited in the Quran with a gentle sound 499
295.Blessed days and nights in Islam 500
296.Mwlid and mawlid ceremonies 504
297.The reason why Mevlid was written 504
298.Sections of the Mevlid 505
299.Mevlid texts are mixed 506
300.Mwlid ceremonies 510
301. Mevlid women 514
302. Naming a newborn child 520
303. Circumcision ceremonies 522
304. Marriage verdict 525
305.Conditions for a valid marriage 525
306. Mahrem-namahrem concepts 526
307. Mehir 529
308.Mehr-i muaccel 529
309.Mehr-i müeccel 529
310. What is clear from the concept of marriage in Turkey? 529
311. Is the contract of the municipal official a religious marriage? 530
312.The method of execution of the marriage 530
313. To be read on the wedding night dûa 537
314. Fatwas related to marriage 537
315. Can a Sunni woman and Alevi man marry? 538
316. What is the ruling on renewing marriage in mosques? 538
317. Verses about marriage in the Quran 540
318.The prayer made at engagement and ceremonies 541
319. Are the engaged people married? 543
320. Prayers at weddings and ceremonies 544
321. Is it permissible to decorate cars at weddings? 544
322. Tip, is it permissible to give or receive graciousness? 544
323. Is it permissible to go outside with a wedding dress? 544
324.The prayer of the groom dressing 545
325. Prayer for receiving a bride 545
326. Divorce 546
327. Reasons for divorce according to Islamic law 546
328. Marriage to Mut 547
329.Hulla is forbidden 556
330. Adopting 568
331. The issue of blood brotherhood 568
332. Mention of Death 569
333.Duties against the deceased 569
334. Funeral Salah 571
335.The method of washing the dead 572
336.The method of wrapping the dead in shroud 575
337.The shrouding of the female body 578
338.The person of the funeral prayer 581
339. Who cannot perform the funeral prayer? 584
340.The conditions for the prayer of the dead body to be valid 585
341. Method of burying the corpse 586
342. Suggestion and suggestion after the burial of the dead 590
343. Having read mawlid for the dead 593
344. Is the grave opened after the dead body? 594
345. Smackdown and Transfer 594
346.The method of carrying out the shatter and the transfer 596
347. How will the money, which is put on the turnover and cue, be distributed? 599
348. Is it permissible to transfer the dead to another place? 600
349.The provision of making over graves 601
350. How will the order of the cemetery be? 602
351. Jurisprudence on cemeteries 603
352.The custom of visiting graves 604
353. Do the dead know the state of those who are alive? 605
354. Is it permissible to visit the grave of the disbeliever? 606
355. Jurisprudence related to death 606
356. Is the simile abandoned for the funeral prayer? 607
357. Is there any time for the prayer of the dead? 607
358. Is the funeral prayer performed for a person who commits suicide? 609
359. Can a child who was born still be prayed for funeral? 609
360. Can a person have my grave dug before he dies? 610
361. Can the dead body be buried at night? 610
362. Is it permissible to bury the body with a coffin? 610
363. Is it permissible to do it on the 3rd, 7th, 40th and 52nd night? 611
364.Dua 612
365. How should prayer be done? 612
366. How to start prayer? 613
367.The acceptance times of prayer 614
368.The conditions of acceptance of prayer 615
369. Receiving places of prayer 616
370. Those whose prayers are not rejected 616
371. The Absolute Prayer 617
372.Change 617
373. Signs that the prayer is accepted 619
374. Why are hands raised in prayer? 619
375. Why do palms open to heaven in prayer? 620
376. How will the hands be held in prayer? 620
377. Why are hands rubbed after prayer? 620
378. Beard and beard prayer 621
379.The farewell prayer of hajj 623
380.The manners and prayers of drinking Zamzam water 625
381. Supper 626
382.The prayer to be read when entering or leaving the house 627
383. Prayers to be read while sleeping and getting up 628
384.The verses about sleep in the Quran 630
385. Prayer to be recited when dreaming 630
386.The prayer to be read at the entrance and exit of the halal 631
387. Prayer to be read while traveling 632
388.The prayer to be read while getting on all kinds of vehicles 632
389.The prayer to be read on boarding the ship 633
390.The prayer to be read when looking at the night sky 634
391. The prayer to be read when the new crescent is seen 635
392.The prayer to be read when the thunder is heard 635
393. Prayer to be protected from submission 635
394. Rain prayer 636 (and 288)
395.The prayer to be read at the groundbreaking ceremonies 637
396.The prayer to be made by the institutions 638
397. Visiting the patient and his etiquette 640
398. Reading to a patient 640
399. Is it possible to be treated with prayer? 641
400. Verses and prayers to be recited to the patient 642
401. The evil eye is heard 644
402.Diet (punishment for killing a human being) 645
403.Filling a tooth 646
404.Blood and organ transplantation 647
405. What is Sufism and sect? How was it born? 649
406. 650 of Sufism
407. What is a sect? 658
408. When were the sects established? 660
409.The status of the orders in the Ottoman period 661
410. How to understand the sheikh's fake? 663
411. Who is Mürşit? 665
412. Characteristics of true guide 665
413. Who believe in false sheikhs? 666
414.Definition of sheikh and professor 668
415. What is the meaning of Şeyhe intisabm? 668
416. Should everyone share something? 669
417. What does it cost to deny mysticism? 670
418. Why is hostility to sect? 671
419.There is no Sufism without a monopoly 672
420. Miskinler lodge 674
421. There are also lodges. 674
422. There is no life without chanting 675
423. The nature of clear and silent dhikr 677
424.The quintessence of affiliation in sects 678
425. Jihad is the greatest worship 681
426. Variants of Jihad 683
427.The big jihad, the little jihad issue 684
428. Jihad with the soul 685
429.Muslim women and jihad 686
430. Political jihad 687
431. Legal provisions on hunting 692
432.The list of meat and inedible animals according to 4 sects 693

MY GOD!...
Make those who read this book with sincerity, do their deeds, and make their efforts strong, their minds open, their wisdom, but their deeds righteous, their sustenance lawful and abundant ...
Make your friends faithful and righteous, their pilgrimages blessed and repeat with a healthy, material and spiritual clean life ...
Do not separate their mind, perception and fehim from the right and perfect, good and sunnah ...
Secure themselves with material and spiritual cleanliness.
We have many flaws. Our operation is incomplete ...
For the sake of Habibi Zişan, make him one of those who entered Paradise without any reckoning, from those who always saw Jamalullah ...
and Acirc; MIN ...
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