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Riyadh's Succession Conversations and Advice-1746

: 9786055126049
649.00 TL
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Masiyyets, Sins, Fiqh, Hadith, is the Book containing the Basic Knowledge of Siyer Islam.

Translator: A. Faruk Licorice
Published Date 2014-03-01
Number of Impressions 1st Edition
Language Turkish
Number of Pages 760
Skin Type Bound
Paper Type Book Paper
Size 17 x 24.5 cm


Enlightening the hearts of the Arifs with the rays of the blessings of the cemâl nârs, the minds of the most mature people who are astonished in understanding the grandeur, kibriya and cavalry, who make the spirits in awe with the beautiful smells of the urn and visâli generation, generosity, grant, grace and nevâl lahmetr ra, With the attributes of kerem and fadl, season free from being a wife, child, partner etc. And praise be to Allahu ta'ala, who is clear from fault. We witness that there is no ma'bud but Allahu ta'ala who is worthy of worship. He is a Witness, a Significant, a Mutaâl. We also witness that Muhammad is the servant and Messenger of Allahu ta'âlâ. He is the best of the worlds with his high states and perfection attributes. Sallâllahü alayhi wa ala wa Acirc; lihi and Ashabihi wa wa sallam. These are the pioneers who led people to perversion. In particular, Atîkullah Sıddik-ı ekber, Hazret-i Ebûbekir, who spread the religion of Islam to low and high places, and who brought it to high places, Hazret-i Osman-ı Zinnûreyn and Şirk, the collector of the Quran. Many blessings to Aliyyül-Mürtazâ who eradicated tuğyan, unbelief and mischief, and all those who follow them day and night and love them!

Be thankful and thankful to the knowing, creative and wise God that he created millions of creatures from nothing out of nothing, out of his will and power with his command to be. He filled and decorated the heavens with thousands of radiant objects and pure spiritual angels. Ya, the folds of the heavens, and the Acirc; li Imran, one hundred and ninetyth: "Surely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the coming of night and day one after another, for the mind-bearers, showing the power and grandeur of Al-lahu ta'ala, There are definite proofs. "According to the verse, he decorated with bright stars like pearl beads and planets like lamps. He decorated the earth with beautiful images, clean and appropriate shapes, apparent entities, holy and perfect souls.

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He pulled the object in the level of existence of the image.

In the last verse of the chapter of Yâsin, it is stated: "What is Allahu ta'ala, who is in the power of seven, is the possession and disposition of everything. You will always be returned to Him after death."

He made the human species, the essence, the essence of all creatures among all beings and creatures. and Acirc; he made dem safiyyullah (salawat-urrahmâni alayh) halifa on earth. As a matter of fact, in the thirtieth verse of the chapter of al-Baqara, he says: "I create a caliph (a human) who will fulfill my decrees on earth. Thus, and Acirc; dem aleyhisselâm, "and Acirc; I kneaded the dough of dem with my mighty hand in forty mornings" was honored with having the hadith. He glorifies his glory with the verses of twenty-nine of the chapter of Hijr and the seventy-second verse of Surah al-Sâd: "When I complete his creation and give him spirit, you shall prostrate for him immediately".He sowed the seed of love and enthusiasm in the soil of human heart. He wrote the word of love on their high forehead. He released the saying "I was a secret treasure; I liked being known and known" to the world. "He loves them, they love him," his loveliness fell in the angel. This great admiration and goodness of Allahu ta'ala about man is only for the benefit of man. Otherwise, Allah ta'ala is free from benefit and adultery. As a matter of fact, in one of the books that descended from heaven: "O and Acirc; dem son, the profit of my creation is only for you, not for me." He sent great prophets and supreme apostles of human kind and chose each of them as the bearer of al-ma'b and the inspiration, the book and the kalam as the contractor, and the delivery of orders and decrees to people. Saâvâtullahi and salâmühü alayhim ajmaîn. Among these distinguished servants, the sultan of the Prophets, the commander of the guards, the sun of the sky of prophethood and prophethood, the full moon of the sky of fu-tawah and the heavens, the greatest and the most beautiful of the creatures, and Acirc; The witness of Mecca and Medi-ne, the owner of the secret authority of the Kaaba Kavseyn, the master of the secrets of the two jihans, the purpose and the summary of the existence, the master of the signs of generosity and generosity, the owner of the maqam-ı Mahmud, the master of the sake of the elected sema. He chose (peace be upon him). He said about him: "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have created purple."

Masnavi: O the essence of creatures,

The light of the eyes of the people of observation.

What does it say for him, wait and listen to the Right,

Without you my native, I wouldn't have created it.

He made the ummah of his apostle the best of the ummah, and by informing about this situation in his own book, and in the hundred and tenth verse of the chapter of Acirc; li Imran: "O ummah of my habib! You are the most dignified ummah that has been revealed for humanity; it commands goodness from evil. You keep it and continue to believe in Allah "he says. In the hadith: "My companions are like the stars in the sky.You will be saved with whatever you follow. And bless the other scholars and saints! Velham-d lillâhi Rabbil the world!


Translator's Preface 5

Author's Preface 11

The Book's Reason 13

Works Reserved in the Book 15

Mukaddime-Children and Acirc; id Provisions 21

First Part - Fards and Waqibs in Creed

Ma’rifetullah = to know Allahu ta'ala 23

Allah Exists and is One 24

Life, Science and Power 31

The Attributes of God and Success 37

Allahu The Exalted Speaks Through Pre-eternal Kalam, Creating

It Is His Adjective And Everything Is What He Willing 42

There is No Similar and Equivalent to Allah.

Every Defect and Omissions Are Excluded 49

Six is ​​the Condition of Faith 59

The Existence of Angels and Belief in Them 59

Belief in the Books of Allah 66

Believing in the Prophets (pbuh) 72

Believing in the Last Day 77

Faith in Destiny 84

The Conditions and Basis of Faith 92

Faith and Unbelief Do Not Coexist 98

Ahl-i Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'at Sect 107

The Merits of Those in the Madhhab of Ahl-i Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'at and the Introduction of the Sect of Ahl-i Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'at and the True Faiths of Those Who Were Right 107

The Behaviors of Imam-i A to His Companions (against mercy of Allah) 113

Ascendant of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) 116

Second part

The B e Fard of Islam [Charter] 131

Kalima-i Martyr 131

The Fards [Conditions] of Islam and the Means of Word of Martyrdom 131

Five-Time Prayer is Fard 141

The Context of Dictionary and Shari and the Virtue of Continuing Prayer 141

Wankab Conditions of Prayer 144

Hayiz and Nifâs 147

The Validity of the Prayer and the Probation from the Hadest 149

Exorcism 157

Setr-i Avret and Its Rules 160

Istikbâl-i Qibla 163

Prayer Times 166

Prayer to Pray 171

Fards in Prayer 173

The Obligations of Prayers 179

The Merits of Those Who Pray and Threats to Those Who Do Not 185

About the Reward of Prayer with Congregation and Leaving Community

Threats 191

Imamship and Conditions of Imamship 195

The Virtue of the Friday Prayer and the Fard of the Friday Prayer

and the Reward of Performing the Friday Prayer 199

Terms of Fri and Performing Prayer to Fri 201

Zakat and Usrun Conditions

Obligation of Zakat 207

Threats About Those Who Do Not Pay Zakat 213

Fasting Bet

Fasting and Acirc; Interpretation of the Yetis and Fasting of the Month of Ramadan 220

Fasting and Acirc; Truths, Subtleties and Signs in Yetion 223

Fasting, Its Conditions, Rüknü, Decree, Interpretation, Fards and Parts 227

The Virtue and Merits of Ramadan-i Sharif and Fasting This Month. . .231

The Night of Destiny, the Virtue of Finding Him, and Tonight Descended

Angels and Mercy and Blessings of Allah 236

The Virtue of Fasting 240


Hajj is Fard. Fards and Fards of Hajj 244

Respect of the Kaaba, Its Honor, Virtue and Building 248

Building the Holy Ka'ba-i Honors 249

Fard of Kifâyes

Parts, Types of Fards and the Decree of Each of them 255

Kifâye Fard and Vâcib and Its Varieties 258

The Rights of the Muslims, whose Father is Fard of Kifâye. . . .260

Greetings, Judgments, Greetings and Rewards of Giving 261

Saying Yerhamükellah 266

Involvement 267

Advice, Terms and Literature 268

Patient Visit 273

Divine Grace 275

Penalty in the Grave 280

Emr-i Ma’rûf and Nehy-i Münker 283

Islamic Wastes

How Many Islamic Wajibs Are, Number of Vajibs, Eid Prayers

and Two Feast Nights 288

Six-Day Fasting in the Month of Shawwal 289

Explanation of the Seven Principles of Islam

Sadaka-i Fıtır 291

Sacrifice 293

The Virtue and Mercy of Sacrificing 295

The Sacrifice of Ismail Aleyhisselam 298

The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah and the Virtue of Worship in Ten 302

The Fasting of Muharram and the Virtue of the Day of Ashura 306

The Month of Rajab-i Sharif and Its Virtue 309

Fifteenth Night of Sha'ban Month 312

Witr Prayer 319

Service to Father and Mother 321

Eighty Rights of Parents to His Son 323

The Reward for Discontent with the Parents and the Penalty for Disagreements 327

Child's Rights Over Parents 331

Women Serving Their Husbands 334

Women's Rights over Husbands 336

Zevil Erhâm and the Alimony of Those Obliged to Care 339

The Rewards of Alimony and Charity 342

Making Umrah and Its Provisions 347

Other Ameli Fard

Numbers of Other Deeds 351

Still Winning and Its Conditions 351

Bled Still and the Virtue of the Patient Poor 3545

The Virtue of Poverty and the Poor 358

Marriage and Decree in Islam 361

Virtue of Marriage, Good Will in Marriage and

The Harm of Marrying Evil 366

Preparing Your Religion in Transaction 371

Rights of Sultans 374

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and Acirc; line Hürmet 378

Meşayıh and Acirc; Law of Limes and Eternal Observance of Them 379

Üstâd [Hodja] Hakkı and His Honor 382

The Rights of the People of Conversation and the Literature of Conversation with Them 384

Neighbor Right and Pay Attention to It 386

The Right of Servants and the Way of Treatment 388

Animal Rights 390

Hadds 392

How Many Types 394

Diets and Rulings 397

Head Wounds and Rule of Religion 397

Kaffarah 399

Terms and Provisions 401

Penalties of Redemption 402

and Acirc; Observing the Border of Shari'ah in Dats 403

Conditions, Catering and Virtue of Visiting 405

Literatures of Drinking Water 408

The Literatures of Sleeping 409

Third Part - Good Morals

What Are the Good Habits Obligatory to Achieve and What Are Their Abundant? . .411

The Legacy of this Wise Master 412

Good Morals and the Abundance of Each 413

Repentance and Repentance 413

Patience to Misfortunes 423

Thanks to Ni'met 432

Accident Consent 440

Havf and Rajâda İ'tidâl 444

Trust in Distress and Surprise 454

Sıla-iKahm and Helping Relatives 459

Fidelity 463

Getting along with People 466

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 469

Mother, Father of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)

and Their Grandfather was Always a Believer 473

Things Special to the Prophet (Aleyhisselâm) 481

The Miracles of the Prophet (pbuh) 483

The Light of Prophet Muhammad and How He Was Created 489

The Mawler of Prophet Muhammad-His Coming to the World- 493

Death of Prophet Muhammad 496

Muhabbetullah and the adjective of Muhiblerin 502

Love and Acirc; States of Lovers 512

Fourth Part - Leaving Fard in the Religion of Islam

Unbelief, Shirk, Discord, Riot 519

Parts and Types of Disbelief 519

Shirk and Its Types 521

Discord, Its Types, and the Adjective of the Disbelievers 524

Apostates and His Judgment 527


Types, Parts of Bid and and Acirc; fets 531

and Acirc; Parts of the Transition, Parts and Seventy-two Bid'at Party

and Names of Right Sect 532


Parts and Types of Obligations-Sins 534

Major Sins and Number 536

Prohibitions and Banners 538

Drinking Wine, Gambling, Harms of Drinking Wine and Threats About Drinkers; Gambling and Acirc; fets, Cannabis

Suffering is Unlawful and Sins 541

Threats to Adultery and Adultery 549

The Evil of Livade and the Punishment of the Lot 552

Threats About Interest and Interest Eaters 555

Backbiting and the Sin of Backbiting 561

False Oath, False Shahidlik, and Mocking Muslims 564

Doing Nemmamlık and Acirc; feti 566

85.Letter 568

The Second Volume of the Mektûbât-ı Rabbaninin, 23rd Letter 576

Third Volume, 41st Letter 579

Abandoning Bad Morals 591

Ucb, Kibr and Riyâ 591

Gardening and Disposing 593

Gadab (Resentment) and Others 597

Love of Property and Authority 598

Fifth Part - Science Parts

Fards and Wajibs in Science 601

Deeds that are Fard-i Kifâye 601

Sciences that are Fard to Learn 603

The virtue of scholars and scholars 604

Threats about Knowledge, Knowledge and People of Knowledge 607

About the Issues of Fiqh

Imamate and Prayer and Acirc; id Mes'eleler 612

Is Wage Allowed in Taat? 615

Talaq [Divorce], Marriage and Oaths In These 616

Various Matters on Worships and Wisdoms 618

The Issues of Shopping, Dealing and Being Fatal in Islam 620

Wrong Usûl

Worship-in Parts and Provisions 624

The Successor of the Science of Kââet, the Names of the Seven Kurras and the Râvîs 626

The Verdict of Med, Vakfa, Sâkin Nun and Tenvî 629

Foundations of the Quran 630

Sâkin Nun and Tenvîn 631

What matters in the remembrance of ideology in tajwid 632

Isti'lâ Letters 633

Number of the Quran and Acirc; yet, Words, Letters and Suras 633

Each Juz Escapes A Verse 635

Method of Hadith

Parts and Types of Hadith-i Sharifs 636

The Successors of Hadith Science 637

Tafsir Books, Hadith-i Sharifs 638

Types of Hadîs-i Şerifs 651

Usûl-i Fiqh

Parts and Provisions of the Rule of Religion 656

Licenses and Types 657

Malicious Provisions 658

Medical Science

The Beginning of Medicine and Foods 659

Yimek, Drinking, and Acirc; genius 660

Patient Meals 665

The Successors of Medicine and Words of the Hukaman 702

Farâiz, Tereke Science and Branches

The Honor and Virtue of the Science of Farâiz 705

Rights Regarding Meyyitin's Estate 706

How Many Ways Inheritance Income 707

Fards and Rightholders 707

Father and Mother How Many Kinds of Heritage Fall 709

Asabeler 709

Zevil - Erhâm 711

Knowing the Originals of Pardon 712

Solving the Problems of Attitude 715

Consent = Eligibility 716

Ced and Cedde Issues 717

Various and Mixed Submissive Problems 719

Second Volume, 31. Letter 721

Second Volume, 89th Letter 723

Second Volume, Letter 81, 724

Second Volume, 66th Letter 726

Third Volume, 35th Letter 728

Third Volume, 47th Letter 729

Third Volume, 123.Letter 731

Letter of a Sufi Scholar 733

Setr-i Avret and the Veiling of Women 738

Life 747

Completion Date of the Book 748

Epilogue 751
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