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Tajweed - The Holy Quran with Word Meal - Rahle Boy - Noah Publications

Product Code : T27446
: 9786055385354
429.00 TL
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Tajwed Pedestal - Word Meal - Rahle Boy Quran

Tajvitli - The Holy Quran with Word Meal - Rahle Boy - Noah Publications

Product features :

Publisher : Nuh Publishing
Meal : Elmalılı Hamdi Yazir
Broken Meal: Dr. Tahir Tural - Yunus Keles
Calligraphy: From the line where millions of people learned to read the Qur'an. Very easy to read computer line
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality : Shamua Paper
Number of Pages: 611
Size : 20 X 28 cm
Weight : 1350 g
Language : Arabic - Turkish
Barcode : 9786055385354
DataMatrix : Yes
Tajweed: Yes
Word Meal : Yes
It is Approved and Sealed by the Presidency of Religious Affairs Mushafs Review and Recitation Board.

Since the covers of the Quran are produced in different colors, they are sent in the colors that are in stock.

Word Meal Preface:

It is an inevitable duty to carry out meticulous studies, taking into account language differences, in order for the message of the Qur'an, the word of the owner of the universe, to be understood correctly by every nation. The Lord of the Worlds has created human beings in different colours, types and types and also created differences between them in terms of language, which is one of His divine verses (Rum, 30/22). Language difference is indeed an exemplary feature. In this context, it is necessary to convey and declare the verses of His attribute of kalam to humanity through languages that are one of the literal verses. That's why in our country, the study of food has become important and many studies have been done. However, it does not seem possible to find scientific rigor and richness of meaning in all of these translation studies. Sometimes, it can be seen frequently that words are attributed to unrelated meanings or that the loaded meanings do not match the words. This study of ours is a modest study that aims to understand the meaning of the words of the Qur'an and to teach Arabic through it, far from a claim of perfection.
In this study, the full meal part on the side was provided by the publishing house. Except for a general review and correction, we had no involvement in this matter. We have done the original work on the body text in the form of word translation. While doing this study, we have reviewed basic Qur'anic works such as Müfredât and Garîbu'l-Kur'an, as well as dictionaries, commentaries and some translations made by Ottoman scholars. In our study, we tried to pay attention to word, meaning and sentence compatibility. We tried to avoid stereotypical imitations that we often encounter in meals. Due to the structure of Arabic, we sometimes resorted to explanations in parentheses in order to understand the meaning correctly. We tried to harmonize the expressions in parentheses in a way that would not disrupt the mana flow. The biggest difficulty of word translations is to establish the meaning of both words and sentences without disturbing the integrity of the text. In the word translations we see in the market, we have observed that this integrity is lost in general. For this reason, in this study, we have tried to produce a proper translation at the same time when the words are read from right to left in accordance with the Arabic writing direction. Of course, at this time, it may sometimes be necessary to read a word or two from the left. However, when the reader grasps this unity, he will be able to catch an easy style.
In this context, from the 158th verse of the Ali Imran period to the 31st verse of the Nur period; Again, from the 1st verse of the Ahzab period to the whole of the Fussilet period, Tahir Tural made the rest of it. It was made by Yunus Keleş.
This study aims to make an original contribution to the study of translation with its deficiencies, flaws and errors. At this point, this study is always open to correction and improvement with the criticism and recommendations of the scientific community. Of course, mistakes and shortcomings are inevitable for us people who are afflicted with anger. For this reason, faults and shortcomings are from us, and success and success are from Allah.

Dr. Yunus Keleş - Religious Affairs High Council Specialist
Tahir Tural - Religious Affairs High Council Specialist
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