Zeyneb (Patience and Vafa Timsali)
It is 21x13.5 in size
Consists of 336 Pages
2. Pulp Paper
Kalon Cover
Patience and the Timsali of Loyalty Hz. Zeyneb
"The apostle was touched. His shining eyes were filled with tears. He turned to his Companions:" This is the necklace of Khadija. ' He said, "His sword is his memory. If I ask, you can send this ransom back to Zainab and release his wife too!"
"The woman, caught between her revelation and her love, finally made her choice. She was going to delay the love."
‘‘ The story of those who attribute different meanings to their lives will never end as drops flow from the illuminated sky of revelation. Zeyneb is one of the close rings of that march that will continue from time to time. Gönül wanted to understand and describe him. The heart loved it. The mind met with him. And the pen ... this time chose it to be a decoration ... "
Two beautiful people who love each other very much! Someone, the daughter of God's Last Messenger, Hz. Zaynab, the other Hz. Hatice's nephew Ebu'l As. Locked doors that are opened with love, faith, revelation, separation, longing, prayers and words. While the blind knots were thawed in the education of the beloved, the two lovers with divine manifestation would delight with their hearts. "
‘‘ Zeyneb is the best of my daughters. He suffered many misfortunes for me. "
Hz. Muhammad (pbuh)
"When Jibril brought news from the world beyond the heavens in his heart story, they bowed to the epic of love without reproach. This was a word in the journey of the heart. As was chosen as the The Lord of Your Word, by showing loyalty at the expense of love."
"O you who believe! When believing women come to you by migrating, test them. Allah knows better about their faith. If you find out that they are believing women, do not send them back to the disbelievers. They are not lawful for them. They are not lawful for them."
Surah al-Mümtahina: 10
"Inneme'n-nisa şakâyıku'r-ricâl."
"Undoubtedly the woman is the man's joke."
Hz. Muhammad (pbuh)