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Abdulkadir Geylani Golden Advice Tevhit Kills Everything-1556

: 9786054810260
275.00 TL
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Abdulkadir Geylani Golden Advice Tevhit Kills Everything

Abdulkadir Geylani Golden Advice Tevhit Kills Everything

  • Author: Abdulkadir Geylani
  • Redaction: Mürettibhane
  • Publishing House: Tradition Publications
  • Dough Type: Shamua
  • Size: 12 x 20
  • First Year of Printing: 2017
  • Number of Prints: 2. Edition
  • Media Type: Skinless
  • Barcode: 9786054810260

Allah cannot hold a mercy to the people and imprison him. (Fâr, 2)

In the name of Allah, the Merciful and the Womb.

God! Who knows that I'm indesisting in praise of your weakness! The most kamili of those who praise you, the truth of their names and adjectives, and the subtleties of the deeds of the deeds, In the honor of those who know you in a way that is worthy of your kemal, who you have not inspired others, and who will inspire you many times more on the day when your intentions will be revealed and your excuse will be in the middle, you will salute him, his exquisite presence, his blessed kemaline, salat ü se-lam, salat ü se-lam. Do not leave anyone out of their nebis, messengers, angels and prophets, and let them all be excused.

Abdulkâdir Geylânî, his dogaye is Abu Mohammed. He was born in 1077 (Hijri 470) in Geylân, Iran. Nesebi is based on The Prophet's grandson, Hassan. Abdulkâdir Geylânî, who was sent to Baghdad for education at the age of eighteen, began preaching in this city after wearing his sûflik cardigan from the hands of Kadi Abu Sâid al-Mubarak and in 1127 (Hijri 521) Yusuf al-Hemedânî himself. Later, he went into seclusion in the town of Kerh until the time he started preaching again and was engaged in constant worship for twenty-five years. In a short time, he became numerous disciples and his fame was pushed beyond the boundary of the region. In 1165 (Hijri 561), he died in Baghdad and was buried there. Some of his works include: Günyetü't-tâlibîn, Fütûhu'l- Gayb, Hizbü'l-beşâiri'l-hayrât, Cüâü'l-hâtir, Melfuzât-ı Geylânî, Mektûbât, Sırru'l-cannabis and Mazharu'l-envar, es-Sirâcu'l-vehhâcJî Leyleti'l- mi'rac, al-Fethu'r-rabbânî, al-Fuyûzâtü'r- rabbâniyyeJî'l-Evrâdi'l-Kâdiriyye, Behçetü'l-esâr, al-Mevâhibü'r-rahmâniye ve'l-Futühu'r- rabbâniyyefiMerâtibi'l-morality's-seniyye and'l- Makâmâti'l-irfâniyye, Yevâkitü'l-hikem, Divânü




ABDULK and Acirc;Dİr GEYL and Acirc; NÎ'S DEATH 189

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