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Notify me when its in stockThe Book Including the Knowledge of Adaptability Taught in the Lessons of the Naqshbandi Sect
Pages: 120
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Hamd said to God, the Lord of the Worlds, Salât ü selâm also said to our Prophet, Efen-dimiz and our great Mohammed, against him and 'sselâm', to His prophet.
O passenger of the Way of The Right,
Many books have been written on this great cult. However, our great-miz said, "Every century, people need an interlatercite to understand and tell the people of that era in a way that the people of that era undertly undertly." If there was no such need, the book sorties would not have increased so much. Because the Qur'an and the sheriffs explain in the best way all the prayers and prayers necessary for us.
Tarîkat-ı aliyye-i Nakşbendiyye is the most beautiful work that has been written on the subject, "al-Hadîkatü'n-Nediyye"W{abdr, which was te'lîfed by the sheikh Mohammed bin Suleiman al-Bagdâdî. Mevlâna Halid Bagdâdî master made this work te'lif while he was alive.
They say it themselves:
"One day, my great-son Mevlânâ Khalid said to me:
- What do you read in conversations? They asked me.
"al-Hadîkatü'n-Nediyye I said, "I'm reading Wabru."
They asked me, "Is he a demon?"
I said, "This is the clearest work ever written." So Mev-lânâ Khalid kuddise sirruh said, "The work is my deeds from beginning to end."
From this, I realized that His Holiness Mevlânâ Khalid had said the worship of the work and mohammed bin Suleiman al-Bagdâdî had written it.
The book "al-Hadîkatü'n-Nediyye"is the waste of learning the history of the world, that the Nakşbendiyye order is the strongest and most superior tarik, and that it is aimed at sneering the munkirs of this path. After the Book was revered, the voices of those who confused the minds of the believers, the harvesters and the believers were cut off with the trust and help of Allah.
It was very difficult for new things to choose and learn the bets about the subject of the work. For this reason, we summarized the book "al-Hadîkatü'n-Nediyye" so that the sâs of this road could benefit from convenience, and we made some statements by arranging and arranging the divine and superstitule tradition necessary for all of us by waiting for the ec-rini from Allah, and we called the work "al-Behcetü's -Seniy-ye".
We ask Cenab-i Hak for the success of this blessed path to live in peace and fezne.
It is God who has succeeded and set it straight.
Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Hânî
Author's Introduction 5
Mânevî Neseb 23
His Holiness Mohammed Mustafa (p.a.) 28
Abu Bakr Sidddıyk (r.a.) 34
Selmân-ı Fârisî (r.a.) 37
Kasim bin Mohammed (k.s.) 40
Ca'fer-i Sâdik (k.s.) 42
Bâyezid Bistâmî (k.s.) 45
EbüT-Hasen Harakanî (k.s.) 48
Abu Ali Farmedî (k.s.) 50
Yûsuf Hemedânî (p.s.) 52
Abdulhâlık Gucdüvânî (k.s.) 54
Hâce and Acirc;rif Rivegerî (k.s.) 59
Hace Mahmûd Fağnevî (k.s.) 61
Hâce Ali Râmitenî (k.s.) 63
Mohammed Baba Semmasî (k.s.) 65
Sayyed Emir Ashâl (p.s.) 68
Hâce Mohammed Bahâuddin Nakşbend (k.s.) 71
Hâce Alâuddin Attâr (k.s.) 77
Hâce Yakub Cherhî (k.s.) 80
Hâce Ubeydullah Ahrâr (k.s.) 82
Hâce Muhammad Zâhid (k.s.) 86
Dervish Mohammed (k.s.) 88
Hâcegi Muhammad Ikenegî (k.s.) 90
Hâce Muhammad Bâkî (k.s.) 91
Imam Rabbânî Ahmed Farûk Serhindî (k.s.) 93
Al-Urvetül-Vüskâ Muhammad Ma'sum (k.s.) 96
Sheikh Seyfüddîn (k.s.) 98
Sayyed Nûr Muhammad Bedâyûnî (k.s.) 100
Habîbullah Mazhar Cân-ı Cânan Shamsüddin (k.s.) 102
Shah Abdullah Dehlevî (k.s.) 104
Mevlânâ Khalid Ziyâuddîn Bagdâdî (k.s.) 107
FOURTH PART Important Recommendations of Abdulkerim Sylî His Holiness 110
and Acirc;DAB 113
The Disciple's Own Self and Acirc;dâbı 114
Degrees of The Sufîs 134
Being with the Myrd and Acirc;dâbı 138
What the Disciple Should Know 142
With the Infringeing of the Disciple and Acirc;dâbı 147
In the Muridin Family and Acirc;dâbı 153
Ihvan Ladies' Cult Sulûku 158
Meshihat and Acirc;dâbı 160
SIXTH PART Chant 175
PART ONE Heart 179
Leeching the Order 181
ChantIng Wire 185
Chat 187
Râbıta 190
Lord and Acirc;dabı 196
Tenbih 197
A Complete Icâzetnâme Sûreti 199
Râbıta's Madness 202
Sheikh's Remembrance Continued 208
Zikrin and Acirc;dâbı 211
Information about Letâif 214
Nefy ti Isbât 215
Teveccüh and Murâkabe 218
1. Vukûf-i Zemânî 220
2-Vukûf-i Adedî 221
3-Vukûf-i Kalbî 222
4-Hûş Der-Dem 222
5-Nazar Ber-Kadem 223
6-Sefer Der-Vatan 224
7-Halvet Der-Encümen 225
8-Yâd-Kerd 226
9-Bâz-Geşt 227
10-Nigâh-Dâşt 227
11-Yâd-Dâşt 228
Tefrika - Vesvese - Kabz 229
Kerâmetler and Hârikalar 235
Fenâ and Bekâ 242
Sheikh Saves money in the West of the Disciple
Treating the Disease 245
Allah Against God Zâhirî and Acirc;dab 247
Bâtinî Edebler 248
Hazrat Shi'ı Nakşbend (k.s.) 250
Imam Rabbâni (k.s.) 266
Mevlânâ Khalid Zıyâuddin Bagdâdî (k.s.) 273
A Letter of His Holiness Mevlânâ Khalid 280
Vasiyyeti of Mevlânâ Khalid 283
Duâ 284