Place of Publication: Turkey / Istanbul
Dimensions: 13.50 x 20.00 cm
Printing Language: Arabic / Turkish
Paper Type: 2. Dough
Number of Pages: 197
Skin Condition: Skinless
As mentioned in the work named "Tuhfe" of Imam-i Nesefi (Rahimehutldh); It is narrated from Şemsü'l eimma-i Hulvânî (RadıyallâhuAnh) as follows: In the waqia (dream), Ibni Abbâs (Radıyallâhu Anhiimâ) said: The sultan of the Mujtahids. Abu Hanifa Nu'man ibni Sabit (Imam-i ve Acirc; zam) (Rahimehullâh) The Messenger of Allah and His Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Sallam), the friend of Rahman Ta'ala, blessed Ravza-i Mutahhara He was praised with an ode, which is called "Dürr-ii meknûn (hidden pearl)".
This eulogy has a number of virtues and air.
1. Every morning and evening, angels and Kerubian (angels who circumambulate Kürsi), who are the servants of the holy Ravza, recite this ode in the morning and evening.
2- Disasters, accidents and troubles do not hurt those who continue to read this ode.
3. They do not encounter any evil that will please their enemies.
4. Make sure of the Mevt-i füc (sudden death).
5. Contagious diseases such as henna (plague) do not enter the house.
6. Magic does not profit (magic does not work) when it is read and where it is found.
7. The hearts of the managers are filled with joy and relief.
8. Their sins are forgiven (forgiven).
9.Whatever the wish is made for seven days one after another (if it is continued without a break), the wish will be achieved (the desired thing will come true).
This work is the annotation of the couplets of the holy ode, whose virtues are mentioned above.
Allah-u Ta'ala bî had praise praise, his Habib and Acirc; to his companions after salevat-ı expert and delivery of ulya; The point I want to explain:
This poor brother is a bankrupt lover who is incapable of loving the Prophet (Sallallah-u Aleyhi ve Salam), let alone knowing him properly.
After my imprisonment life, I said to myself, "The Honorary universe (Sallallah-u Aleyhi ve Salam) is the viladet-i sheriff of our Prophet in Rabi'l-awwal, which is the month of Mawlid of the Prophet (Sallallah-u Aleyhi ve Sallam) every year. I had pledged that I will prepare a short work about him in his memory.
After I was released from prison in November 2002, I praised Allah for the success of my treatises named "Şecere-i Nebeviyye" in 1424 (2003) and "Seeing the Prophet (saas) in a dream" in 1425 (2004). Thank you.
To realize this intention in 1426 (2005) Rebî'l-before, when we met,
Imam-i and Acirc; "al-Kasidetü'l-Meymûnetü'l-Mubaraku'n-Nu'maniyye" belonging to zam (Radıyallahu Anh), in another rumor, this magnificent treatise named "ed-Dürrü'l-meknûn" I thank Allah so much for my success that I have been able to present his translation to you, that thanks to this, I will be able to verify this intention until the last year of my life! and Acirc; min!
This year, I could not find time for a broad commentary and explanation due to the lack of time. Allah's supplication is to make each couplet successful in a detailed manner as soon as possible.
This ode, consisting of fifty three couplets, was previously available to this poor as a ruin (writing), which is Bakkal ve Acirc, which was one of the words of Muhammed Şevki Efendi in 1306 years-i Hijri; maruf as-Seyyid al-Haj Ahmad al- ve Acirc; It was written by rif (Rahime-humullah) with a unique art of calligraphy.
We depicted these masterpieces exactly to the right head of our treatise, which is the head in Arabic.
Later, this treatise was written by al-Haj Ibrahim ibni Muhammed el-Yelevaci (Rahimehullah) in 1265 in the Yazılı madrasah around Halid ibni Zeyd Ebâ Eyyüb el-Ansarî (Radıye Anhü'l-Bârî) (Eyüp Sultan). Translated in verse and translated by Mustafa Şükri in 1279 and published by al-Haj Halil:
Between pages 58-65 of the blessed magazine titled "al-Mecme'atü'l-Kübra mine'l-kasâidi'l-fuhra fî Hakk-ı Nebiyyinâ Muhammedini'l-Büşra Aleyh-i Salâtüllahi ve selamühü'l uzma" When I found it, I was once more pleased with the point of citing a printed work.
Allah Almighty, the owner of the work, Imam-i and Acirc, be pleased with our Master and those who have served and read this work with the copies of cem, translation, calligraphy, copying and tabs since his time.
For the sake of our Sayyidü'l-Beşer (Sallallah-u Aleyhi ve Sallam) to whom he was dedicated, you may grant him your patronage in the world and your intercession of kindness. and Acirc; min! Yâ Mu’în!
Our Lord's request is to accept and accept this service in accordance with his consent, and to please and approve of Habib- i Kibriya s.a.v from us and everyone who reads it with love.
1.Beyt 7
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Miraj Bahri 30
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