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Al-Münkız Mine'd-Dalal Dalaletten Hidayete

: 9786054810376
175.00 TL
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Al-Münkız Mine'd-Dalal Dalaletten Hidayete

Al-Münkız Mine'd-Dalal Dalaletten Hidayete

  • Translator: Shamsettin Yeltekin
  • Release Date: 02.2019
  • ISBN: 9786054810376
  • Number of Prints: Printing
  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Pages: 126
  • Skin Type: Paperback
  • Paper Type: Book Paper
  • Size: 5 x 21 cm

"Prophets are doctors of heart disease. The benefit and function of the mind is to introduce us to the truth of the nubuvvet and to accept that it is incapable of grasping what is grasped with the eye of the nubuvvet, to imply the nubuvveti and to take us by the hand, as if to hand over the blind to the guides and the kind doctors who do not know what to do. The domain of the mind and the end of its reach
This is the point. Beyond that, there is nothing the subject can do but try to understand what he will give himself." The mind that Ghazali glorified and meant is the mind that is addressed to this revelation.
Imam-i Ghazali, who destroyed religious knowledge and circumcision, bid'horses, designed these truths to find full meditation even before the common and called on those who had actually moved away from Allah spiritually, spiritually and spiritually to be guided again to Guidance and Salvation.
Imam-i Ghazali's volume is small, but in terms of its effect
The great al-Munkiz-Mine'd-Dalâl is a very important book for the lovers of truth who have dedicated their life to searching for the truth. In particular, it can also be called a bedside book for those who seek peace and direction of spirit, heart, idea or even feeling...
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