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Behcetün Population

: 9786059531115
439.00 TL
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Commentary on the "Bukhari Concise" named "Behcetü'n-Population" by His Holiness Ibni Abi Cemre

Commentary to Ibni Abi Cemre and Acirc; it is called "Behcetü'n-Population" "Bukhâri Concise"
The Messenger of Allah - 72
Author: Ibn Abi Jamra
Publication Prepared by: Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü (Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca)
1. Pulp Paper - Chamois
16 cm x 24 cm
1st Edition 2017

Religious Artifacts
The person in this house of commentary will be the nail of the intercession of His Holiness Ibni Abi Cemre
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to Ibni Abi Jamra (Rahimehullâh) in the realm of meaning:

"Whoever confirms this annotation (believes what he wrote) and acts with what is in it, no one can know the rewards (in the world) that will be given to him (in the hereafter).

Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Books

Whoever approves this annotation or keeps him with him (at his home - in his home), you will be his means to Allah (and reaching His consent) on the Day of Judgment, and he will intercede to him (with the permission of Mawla Ta'ala). and you will enter him into heaven.

If you do not know each of them, or whoever will come after you until the Day of Judgment, Allah will meet among you on the Day of Judgment and you will be their means to Allah. "
(Ibni Abi Jamra al-Ezdî el-Mürsî el-Endelüsî, al-Merâi 'l-hisa, Rüyâ no: 6, sh: 928, -Behcetü' at the end of the population-)



Sentence praise: "Allah will raise those who have believed among you, and those who have been given knowledge (about the religion of Islam) will raise them (against ordinary Muslims) with many exalted degrees." It is reserved for Allah, who states that he will grant high degrees to the people who are given knowledge with his (from the struggle).

In a hadith narrated from Abu Ümâme al-Bâli (Radıyallâhu Anh), the highest of salahs and the highest of greetings:
"And Acirc; the superiority of lim (who knows the religious sciences) over the abid (who does not know) is like my superiority over the lowest of you. Undoubtedly, all of His angels, the people of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in his home and even fishes pray (prayer and forgiveness) to those who teach good (religion) to people. " (et- Tirmidhi, al-llim: 19, no: 2685, 5/50), the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi ve Salam), his Ahl-i Beyti, his companions and his muhaddisîn-i kirâm hazarât get on.

Dear readers! As you may know, in the previous (71st) booklet, I have presented a detailed account of Ibni Abi Jamra (Rahimehullâh), the author of this work, about this valuable work and the dreams he saw about this work.

As I mentioned there; Ibni Abi Cemre (Rahimehullâh) saw in his dreams about this blessed book, especially regarding the good news promised to those who acquired the book (who bought it) or who kept it at home - in my home, from Rasûlüllâh (Salâllâhu Aleyhi ve Sallam) and Allah. Some of the incentives had been conveyed to us.

Here are the main ones in this Turkish part of the book. In addition, if you cannot read the book of such a blessed person, the Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam) placed it in this commentary so that you can at least keep it in your house and act with some of it, by adding the three prayers to Ibn Abi Jamra (Rahimahullâh) at the end of this book, I have been succeeded in publishing this precious work in the hope that you will bring many blessings. Let Hamden lillâhi Subhanahu-Allâh-u Te‘âlâ not deprive us of the intercessions of Ibni Abî Cemre (Rahimehullâh) due to our interest in this work, let us give us the benefit of his blessed work properly and explain his blessings on us. Amine!

1 Shaban 1438/27 April 2017
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