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Beşâiru'l Hayrat (Good Good News) Salevât-ı Şerîfesi

: 9786059010825
109.00 TL
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Beşairu'l Hayrat - Good Salawat
One Who Reads Once Even Forgives, Death, Armageddon, providing protection; salawat that blesses the sustenance

Beşairu'l Hayrat - Good Salawat
Book Features:

Product Type: Book
Chamois Paper
12 x 16 x 1 cm
Paper Cover
Language: Turkish Arabic

After endless praise to our Almighty Lord, unlimited blessings to our beloved Prophet, his Ahl al-Bayt and all his companions! Beşair'ul - Hayrat
This poor person's acquaintance with this salevat-ı sherifa was at the Medrese-i Yûsufıyye, which I entered at the end of 2011 and went out at the end of 2012, as a result of my exposure to a great oppression and slander.
In one of the thousands of letters sent to me, one of our brothers sent me a photocopy of this salevât-ı sharîfah. Even though I have wanted to introduce my precious community to this salevat-ı sharif since the day I was released from prison, I could only succeed in this in Shaban-i Sharif in 2014 due to the large number of my engagements.
Of course, the photocopy sent to me was a 6-7-page section taken from a Turkish book, and I had no opportunity to research the sources of this faction in prison. After the imprisonment, I had the opportunity to present to you the most authentic, perfect text of this speedb-i sharif by making a copy among some of the sources I obtained from the Suleymaniye Library, which is why I am very grateful to my Lord.
The fact that the month of Şâbân-ı Şerif is the month of the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Sallamjm) and that the 56th verse of the Surah of Ahzâb, who ordered us to bring salawat to the Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam), was found in this blessed month. can be seen as.
Our Lord read this salevat-ı sharif to our sentence, especially in the month of Shabân-ı Sharif, in a complete loyalty and affection against the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi and Salam), and the supreme gavs Abdulkadir-i Geylânî (Quddis Sirruhû) was not the gospel of his prophets. and Acirc; mîn.


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious and Most Merciful.
This salat is a salat named Beşairu'l Hayrat - Good News of the Good, written by Sheikh Abdulkadir Geylani, the imam of the imams, upon the Prophet sallallahu.
May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. Praise be to Allah, who bestowed on us faith and the blessing of Islam.
Imams of the imams, the sheikh of the ummah, the sayyid of the elite, the pole of the poles, the gavsul azam Sayyid Abdulkadir Geylani said to some religious brothers:
Get this salat from me. I received this salat through inspiration from Allah, the Holy and Jalil. Then (in a spiritual way) I showed this blessing to the Prophet (pbuh). I wanted to ask him about the reward of this blessing and he gave me the following information before he could even ask him. He said: There is something strangely superior in this salah. This salat raises its owner to the highest degrees. When he means something, what he thinks is not lost, and his prayer for Allah does not return. He removes the sins of the person who read this salah once and those in that assembly. When the time of death comes and the moment of death comes, four angels will be present next to the person who reads this salah.
The first is chasing the devil. The second word suggests testimony. The third makes him drink Kevser with a glass.
The fourth is covered with gold filled with the fruits of heaven in his hand, heralds his place in heaven and says: "Good news to you OAllah's servant!" That person looks at his place in heaven, sees his place in heaven with his eyes before his soul emerges, and enters his grave in safety, joy and happiness. He does not see loneliness and hardship in his grave, and forty doors of mercy are opened for him in his grave. A lamp of light is hung on his head. He will be resurrected with that lamp on the Day of Judgment. He wears an angel on his right that heralds him and on his left gives him confidence, and on two dresses. He is given an elite mount on which he will ride. He does not feel longing and regret. It is easy to calculate.
To those who read this salah, hell calls out as follows: "Quick late, O Allah freed you! Surely I have been made haram for you." Whoever reads this salat enters paradise with those who entered first. He is given forty silver domes in Paradise. A hundred tents of light inside each dome, a sofa made of camphor wood inside each tent, a thin silk fabric mattress on each sofa, a fragrant, bright, big-eyed huri in every bed created by Allah in the most beautiful way, like the moon in the longest night. has. Apart from these, Allah (Jala al-Jelaluhu) gives those who read this salah something that the eye does not see, the ear does not hear, and that does not come to a person's heart.
The Sultan of Saints, Sayyid Abdulkadir Geylani said: This salawat causes seventy doors of mercy to open and wonders to appear on the path of wisdom. This salawat is better than freeing a thousand male and female slaves, slaughtering a thousand camels, giving a thousand dinars of alms, fasting for a thousand months. There is a secret secret in this salawat. This salawat causes sustenance to be easier, morals to be good, needs to be fulfilled, degrees to rise, sins to be erased, wrongfulness to be covered up, and the righteous person to be respected.
Sultan of Saints, Sayyid Abdulkadir Geylani said: This salawat is not given to anyone other than a righteous and perfect person (not everyone can learn this salah. After becoming a righteous and perfect person, this salat is given permission to teach). These salawat features are complete and it has faiades. When the owner of this salawat has an important job in the world and the hereafter, all the blessings he recites from this salawat become intercession for him along with the Prophet (peace be upon him). This salawat is the occasion of those who chant the salat of those who pray (in terms of the verses in it), the preaching of those who preach, and the occasion of those who take the occasion, and this salat is the great Qur'an (containing verses of the Quran) salat. I named this salah as Beşâiru'l Hayrat (good news). Here is the salawat that speaks of itself: The sheriff of ABDÜLKADİR GEYLANİ, who forgives a Genius Who Reads Once, provides protection with four angels at the time of death, provides abundance for the sake of the apocalypse and gives many more good news.
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