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Circumcision Mustahab and Manners Recited in 4000 Articles 2 Volumes Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca

: 9786056882418
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Circumcision Mustahab and Manners Recited in 4000 Articles

Circumcision Mustahab and Manners Recited in 4000 Articles 2 Volumes Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca

Author: Hüsamettin Vanlıoğlu, Abdullah Hicdönmez, Fatih Kalender, Emin Ali Yüksel
Takriz: Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü (Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca)
Edition: 1st Edition - October 2018
ISBN: 9786056882418
Publisher: Tuana Publishing
Size: 24x17cm
Number of Pages: 1st Volume 544 Pages, 2nd Volume 520 Pages

All the praises are in the Quran: "(O people!) If you have loved Allah, obey me so that Allah will love you (please give you rewards) and cover your sins for you." His saying (Surah Al-Imran: 31) is reserved for Allah'-u Te'ala, who commands His Habibi.

Endless salat-u greetings In a hadith narrated by Irbaz ibni Sariye (Radiallahu Anh), "Whoever will live (after me) will see a lot of controversy (disagreement on religious issues). Beware of affairs. For, they are a complete perversion. Whoever among you attains this (the time of war) should embrace my circumcision and the circumcision of those rickety caliphs who have been guided. (et- Tirmidhi, as-Sünen, al-'Ilm: 16, numeral: 2676, 4/408; Abu Dawud, as-Sunen, as-Sunnah: 6, number: 4607, 2/611) God, the companions of the Companions who are subjected to him properly and the precious Ehl-i Beyti Amine!

This valuable work in your hand is from the fiqh scholars that I trust and trust very much; It was written by Hüsmettin Hoca Efendi, Fatih Hoca Efendi, Abdullah Hoca Efendi and Emin Ali Hoca Efendi. In this work, the life principles declared by our Prophet (pbuh) are; Sunnah, mustahab and decency were tried to be brought together. Of course, since there are so many circumcisions and mustahabs that cannot be made, nobody can make a claim on this issue. However, what is apparent and what is necessary for everyone is not covered in this work.

May Allah make our sentence based on this work and make our world and the hereafter prosperous. Amine.

Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü (Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca)
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