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Cübbeli Ahmed Hoca Ta'dili Erkan Book-1191

: 9786054814183
169.00 TL
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Ta'dîl-i Arkan is to calmly fulfill every bowing of prayer such as standing up, bowing, and prostration, and every limb calm down while doing these rukuns.

Ta'dili Erkan
Product features


Number of Pages: 156

Skin Type: Hardcover

Paper Type: Book Paper

Size: 13 x 19 cm


After the endless praise of Allah to Allah, unlimited salât-ü salâm to His Habîbi Muhammed Mustafâ, good prayer to the companions of Allah and his goodness until the Day of Judgment; The point we need to express is this:

Although the subject of ta‘dîl-i arkan in prayer is covered in many works, some of them only include hadiths and narrations pointing to their importance, while others only state their decrees.

In this work, we have considered it appropriate to deal with all these issues together, and we aimed to make our brothers who are ignorant or lax about this issue correct their mistakes and get rid of the curse of prayer and take their prayers.

Our supplication from Allah Almighty is to benefit from this work until the morning of Judgment and thus decrease the number of people who lose ta‘dîl-i arkan among prayers.

Our request from you is that when the Prophet (Sallallahu Aleyhi and Salam) passed away, you should take the last will of prayer seriously, read this book carefully and act on it, and encourage everyone to do so for the sake of your prophet.

It is explained in authentic hadith-i sharifs and works that a person who quits ta‘dîl-i arkan even if he performs a prayer will be addicted to some disasters such as being hit with the curse of prayer, dying unbelieving at the last breath and hitting his face in the hereafter.

May Allah be able to easily calculate our sentence about ta'dîl-i arkan, which is the pillar of prayer, which is the first task we will be asked about. and Acirc; mîn!

10-Muharram-1429 19-0 January-2008



Ta'rifi of Ta‘dît-i Erkan 11

The Decree of Ta'dîl-i Arkan 12

Evidence of Ta'dîl-i Arkan's Wajib 15

Where Ta'dîl-i Arkan is Valid 25

The Duration of Waiting for Circumcision in the Tribe and in the session 30


Ayat-i kerîmas that state the importance and virtue of the five daily prayers .... 105

Hadiths and narrations regarding the importance of Ta'dîl-i erkan 45

Non-compliance with Ta'dîl-i erkâna is considered the worst theft 45

The prayer of a person who does not obey Ta'dîl-i arkan will not be accepted: .. 47

The prayer of a person who does not obey Ta'dîl-i arkan will be hit in the face 49

The prayer is like mizan, the deduction will be lacking 53

The prayer performed without Ta'dîl-i erkan is not sufficient and how to perform the prayer

should 55

Those who do not obey Ta'dîl-i erkan will curse their limbs 59

A prayer performed without ta'dîl-i erkan will not be atonement for sins 60

The prayer performed without Ta'dîl-i erkâlâ will not gain the consent of Allah ... 61

Allah will not respect the prayer without Ta'dîl-i Erkâlâ 62

Those who do not obey Ta'dîl-i arkan will not be able to protect their belief 63

Those who miss Ta'dîl-i rulers are not safe from torment 66

Ta'dîl-i e rkaqah will not be counted in prayer 68

Non-obedience to the Ta'dîl-i arkan will cause the breakdown of the prayer, and the breakdown of the prayer will cause the breakdown of other deeds 69


What the person performing the prayer should do 75

Those who know Ta'dîl-i arkan should teach those who do not ... 81

Statements of Imam-i Rabbânî (kuddis sirruhû) about ta'dîl-i erkân 87


Thirty disasters expected to happen to those who leave Ta'dîl-i rulers 105
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