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Deeds That Brings the Night of Power to Rejuvenation

: 9786050623918
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Deeds That Brings the Night of Power to Rejuvenation

Deeds That Brings the Night of Power to Rejuvenation

Product features :

Publisher: Lalegül Publishing
Author: Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü
Cover Quality: Soft Cover
Page: Quality: 2. Dough
Number of Pages: 184
Language: Arabic - Turkish
Size: 13 x 19.5 cm
Weight: 144 g

He praises Allah, who gave us the Night of Qadr, which is better than a thousand months, out of all these ummah, and to the Ehl-I Beyti and his companions, Muhammad Mustafa, who is the only means of all these virtues. I salute hudud salat-u.
As known; The virtue of the Night of Power and the worship performed in it is better than the one done in a thousand months is declared in a separate surah that is declared solely in the Quran. If this were not the case, many theologians would not have accepted the virtue of this night as they rejected other nights. However, since this issue is clearly stated in the Quran, some cannot refuse this night by hiding their infidelity and others by coming to humanity.
It is narrated from Abu Hurayra (RadıyallâhuAnh): "The lifetimes of my ummah are between sixty and seventy, very few of them will be over that age." (at-Tirmidhi, as-Sünen, numeral: 3550, 5/553; Ibn Mâce, as-Sünen, numeral: 4236, 2/1415; Ibn Hibbân, as-Sahîh, numeral: 2980, 7/246) hadith-i As understood from his sheriff; Since the life span of a person from this ummah is an average of sixty-seventy years, and when we accept that the period of man until the age of puberty is childhood, the period after that age until thirty with insanity and ignorance, and after that age with the concern of providing for children and children, it is also essential for him to live. When we reduce the time that a servant needs to spend on providing his needs, he will not be able to spend the whole of a few years of his life, even all the promises and notes of a few months; even his kits will not be able to spend on the righteous deeds that will satisfy Allah. we can easily understand.
When the Prophet (Sal-lellâhu Ta'âlâ Aleyhi and Salam) was informed that his own ummah would live less than the life of other ummahs, he was very sad because of this, and Allah was a grant for him more than a thousand months, equivalent to eighty three years and four months. He bestowed the Night of Power, which is an auspicious night, to his ummah.
As a matter of fact, according to the narration of the great mujtahid Imam-i Malik (Radıyallâhu Ta'âlâAnh): "The Prophet (Sallellahu Aleyhi and Salam) had long life and the note of the people who passed before him; there are some parts that Allah wishes to show from his soul. Considering that the life of his own ummah was very short when he was taken, he worried that his ummah would not reach the rewards that others had achieved in a long life, and thereupon, Allah gave him the Night of Power, which is better than a thousand months. " (Malik ibn Enes, al-Muwatta’s figure: 335, 3/462)
At this point, when we think well, the fact that a Muslim who lives for seventy years will comprehend as sane after the age of ten will be sixty, and when this number is multiplied by sixty nights, this number will correspond to five thousand years.
This means that Allah's reward for losing a period of time more than thousands of years of blessed coal of Nûh and Shuayb (Aleyhimesselâm), means that this ummah bestowed on each individual.
If we think further; Narrated from Ömer ibni'l-Hattâb (Radıyallâhu Ta'âlâ Anh): "The life of the world is seven thousand years." (Al-Hakîmü't-Tirmidhi, Navâdiru'l-usûl, 2/36; İbnü Ebi ' d-Dunya, az-Zühd, numeral: 374, sh: 170; The same mlf., Zemmü'd- worldâ, numeral: 247, sh: 116; The same mlf., Muhâsebetü'n-nefs, numeral: 102, sh: 120; ed-Dînevrî, el-Mücâlese, number: 917, 3/278; 'Ali al-Kârî, Mirkâtü'l-mefâtîh, number: 5514, 8/3499; al-Münâvî, Feyzu'l-Kadîr, number: 6758, 3/547; as-Süyûtî, Câmi'u'l-ehâdîs, numeral: 23504, 21/278; 'Ali al-Müttakî,
Kenzü'l-‘ummâl, numeral: 16459, 6/444), the blessing of practicing almost a period of the life of the world in worship means that any person from this ummah is gracious.
However, the most important issue here; It is the fact that scholars disagree on the determination of the Night of Power in many accounts.
Of course, this disagreement of them does not arise from their own ijtihad, but only because there are different hadiths from our Prophet (Sallellâhu Ta'âlâ Aleyhi ve Salam), which are confirmed by authentic statutes.
Even Ibn al-Hajar (Rahimehullâh) mentioned more than forty verses on this issue that since the nights of Ramadan-i Sharif will not exceed thirty, the fact that these verses are more than thirty must be a reflection of the other scholars' view that they should be outside the Ramadan-i Sharif of the Night of Power and note; (Ibn Hajar al-Askalânî, Fethu ’l-Barî, 4/262)
It is for this reason that Imam-i and Acirc; zam Abu Hanifa (Rahimehullâh) (in terms of jurisprudence and note; tube) said that the Night of Power could be all year and (for example, after the fifteen of Ramadan) to save his slave or divorce his wife Kadir About the person who connects to reach the Night:
"The Night of Power of the year he said is in the first half, and the next year, the second half and the note; in case it is possible, his slave will not be captured until the end of the next year's Ramadan.
There is no talaq waqi about his wife. " l-Hindiyya, 1/366; Bedruddîn Muhammed as-Şiblî, Tesqîfî'l-esinrıe, p: 140)
As such, the mosque was closed every year, first on the other ten nights of Ramadan, and then on the last ten nights of Jibril (Aleyhisselam), even in the last twenty nights of the year when the Prophet (Aleyhisselam) even passed away. It is of great importance how we can understand and create such a night, where people like us, whose lives are short and whose capitals are scarce, will never go to their homes and always worship with the intention of reaching the Night of Power without ever meeting with their wives.
For this reason, Ra- Sulullah (Sallellâhu Ta'ala Aleyhi ve Salam), who is very sorry for his ummah, mentions some other righteous deeds and they should be done in any night or day.
He declared that by reaching the Night of Power and restoring it by worshiping would be equivalent to rewarding, and with this, he informed us of the great blessings of Allah.
Of course, the seventeenth night of the month of Ramadan, the nineteenth night, especially the odd nights of the last ten nights, especially the twenty-fourth night of the double nights, and the twenty-seventh night, which was accepted by the general acceptance of the ummah, is strongly hoped to be the Night of Power and authentic hadith about each one. Performing the deeds mentioned in this booklet on those nights and days of which i sheriffs are present gains more power in terms of mustahab.
Because even when it is done at another time, it will be equivalent to the whole revival of the Night of Power, even about some who earn reward as if it was done on the Night of Power. No one will have any difficulty in realizing that no calculator will grant how much their virtues will be folded when we consider that the deeds that are declared were made on the Night of Power.
He declared that by reaching the Night of Power and restoring it by worshiping would be equivalent to rewarding, and by this way, he informed us of the great blessings of Allah.
Of course, the seventeenth night of the month of Ramadan, the nineteenth night, especially the odd nights of the last ten nights, especially the twenty-fourth night of the evenings, and the twenty-seventh night, which was given to the general acceptance of the ummah, is strongly hoped to be the Night of Power and there is a sound hadith about each of them. Performing the deeds mentioned in this booklet on those nights and days of which i sheriffs are present gains more power in terms of mustahab.
Even when it is done at another time, Ka and note; even some who earn reward as if it was done in the Night of Dir, "the whole Night of Power is equivalent to the revival." No one will have any difficulty in realizing that no calculator will grant how much their virtues will be folded when we consider that the deeds that are declared were made on the Night of Power.
Here in this epistle, we tried to declare all the dhikr, prayers and suras to be recited from the Quran one by one that we can find in the works related to these deeds. Therefore, in this work, first of all, how important is it to revive the Night of God?
In a hadith narrated from Zira Abu Huraira (Radıyallâhu Anh), the Prophet (Salallah Aleyhi ve Salam) said:
"There is such a night in that (the month of Ramadan-i Sharif) that it is better than a thousand months (in terms of the months other than Ramadan on the Night of Power). Whoever is deprived of the goodness of that night, that person is really deprived of (all good).
"(an-Nasâî, as-Sünerı, as-Siyâm: 5, numerals: 2106, 4/129; Ahmed ibnü Hanbal, al-Musnad, numeral: 8991, 14/541; Ibn Abi Shayba, al-Musannef numeral : 8959, 3/1)
Thus, our book has been recorded under the title "The Importance of Compiling in two chapters", and the second part has been submitted to your resign under the name of "The Righteous Deeds That Will Win the Succession of the Night of Power".
Every year, on the Night of Power, on the occasion of the Night of Power and that holy season, on the condition that Allah does not dismiss our sentence even a little bit from the creed of Ahl as-Sunnah throughout our life.
In addition, our Almighty Lord commands our sentence to be successful in doing all the righteous deeds written in this work, which is about the deeds that will earn the reward of the Night of Power, and that on the Day of Judgment, when nothing but virtuous deeds will gain the slightest benefit; may be gracious to each of us. Amine!
and let the first part succeed to oblige the "Night of Power. And Acirc; mîn!"


Muqaddime 5
FIRST B and Acirc; B
"The Past Sins of Those Who Complain the Night of Power are Forgiven" Some Issues Preserved by the Hadith 20
Issue 1: The Harm of the Night of Power and the Ramadan on the Condition of Faith and Faith
Politics Make Sins Forgive 20
Issue 2: Destruction of the Night of Power and
The Politics of Ramadan Make Sins Forgive 23
Issue 3: Many Deeds, Atonement for Sins
What Does The Atonement of the Other Deeds Mean When One Of Them Clears His Sins? 26
Issue 4: Night of Power Without Sleep
Is it Makruh to Worship? 28
Issue 5: The Ramadan Fasting of the Promise of Forgiveness Connected to the Night of Power and
What is the Difference between Terâvî and Relativity? 28
Issue 6: Without Realizing It Is The Night of Power
Will the person who obeys the same term be the same? 32
SECOND B and Acirc; B
KADİR NIGHT, IHY and Acirc; SEV and Acirc; S and Acirc WILL GAIN; LİH AMELLER 41
Deeds That Will Make the Night of Power Success Successful 47
FIRST B and Acirc; B
1.Amel: The Obedience of Each Night From the First Ten Nights of the Dhu'l-Hijjah 48
Issue 1: The Importance of "Being Equivalent" in This Hadith 50
Issue 2: No Fasting Permitted on the Tenth Day
So Why Is It Called The Fasting of Ten Days? 54
The Virtue of Not Eating or Drinking Until the Sacrifice 54
Issue 3: The Last Three of Ten Nights
Anyone who believes heaven will exist 58
Issue 4: Among These Nights Especially
The Virtues of Terviye and Arafah Nights 59
Issue 5: Especially From These Nights
The Virtue of the Feast Night 60
Issue 6: Ten Nights and Days
What Deeds To Do For Obedience 62
a) Doing a lot of Tasbih, Takbir and Remembrance of Allah 63
b) Doing Forgiveness, Sadaqah and Prayer Too Much 67
c) Terviye, Arafa and Nahr (Eid al-Adha) Suggestions to be Read at Night 68
d) An Important Prayer That Can Be Performed In Each Of The Ten Nights 70
e) The Five Virtuous Dhikr Taught to Asa (Aleyhisselâm) ... 74
f) Dhikrs to be Recited in the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah for Forgiveness of Past and Future Sins 75
SECOND B and Acirc; B
CEM and Acirc; ATLE TO MAKE - 81
Amal 2: Making the Evening Commitment 81
3.Amel: Evening and during Ramadan
Performing the Isha with Jamah 85
4.Amel: Performing the Isha Prayer in Congregation. 86
N and Acirc; FİLE PRAYERS - 88
5.Amel: After Maghrib Prayer
To Perform Four Rakât 88
6.Amel: Performing Six rak'ahs after a nightfall 89
N and Acirc; FİLE PRAYERS - 90
7.Amel: Prostration and Prostration After Isha
Making Two Rakât with Tabârake Surahs 90
8.Amel: Sunnah after Isha
To perform four rak'ats 94
9.Amel: From the Masjid After Isha
To perform four rak'ahs without leaving 99
10.Amel: After Isha-Waafun-İhlâs, Prostration
and Making Four Rakât with the Surah of Tabârake 103
11.Amel: Prostration After Isha,
With Surahs of Duhân, Yasîn and Tabârake
Performing four rak'ahs 104
12.Amel: After Isha, At First Rak'ah
To perform three and Acirc; four rak'ahs with the surahs of ta'l-Kürsî, one each in the other rak'ahs, and the surahs of İhlâs and Falak-Nâs 122
13.Amel: Fidelity after Isha at Friday Night
and Making Ten Rakât with the Surah of Falak-Nâs 123
14.Amel: Fourteenth in Ramadan
Performing Tarawih Prayer at Night 125
15.Amel: Terâwîh in Ramadan
Prayer 126
16.Amel: Duhan, Tabârake, During the Night.
Praying with the Surahs of Prostration and Hashr 128
THIRD B and Acirc; B
17.Amel: Prostration in the Midnight Isha
and Reading the Surah to Tabarah 132
18.Amel: Prostration at Any Time and
Reading Characters of Tabarak 133
19.Amel: in a day and night
Reading Surahs to Prostration and Tabarak 134
20.Amel: Especially at Night
Reading Surahs to Prostration and Tabarak 134
21.Amel: Specially After Isha
Reading Surahs in Prostration and Tabarake 136
22.Amel: Reading the Surah Inna Enzelnâhu 137
FOURTH B and Acirc; B KADİR NIGHT SEV and Acirc; BI
23.Amel: Waiting for Guard Among the Serhad Tribes 138
24.Amel: Knowledge to Learn Fiqh
Sitting for a Period in the Council 141
25.Amel: The One Who Brings Success on the Night of Power
A Tawhid and a Rosary 144
26.Amel: Making Peace Between Two People
Taking Steps for 146
27.Amel: Reading Hızb-i Seyfi Virdini Narrated from Ali (Radıyallâhu Anh) 147
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