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Zippered Thermal Mest

Product Code : T27887
: 05.16.1225
315.00 TL
Featured Information

Waterproof Breathable Flexible Thermal Mest - Keeps Warm - "%"60% Breathable

Zippered Thermal Mest

Product features :

Thanks to its elastic structure, it wraps and keeps your feet warm, and can be worn over socks.
Thermal enchantment is extremely easy to clean and wear.
Thanks to its thermal feature, it keeps the feet warm.
It wraps the foot and prevents muscle and joint pain.
It is zippered.
It is extremely resistant to wear and tear due to its unique fabric and sewing shape.
It is absolutely necessary to wear socks during the use of Termal Mest. In case of wear and tear on heels, soles and toes when used without socks, it is user fault.

Thermal Mestin Usage and Care:

We recommend using it at temperatures of 10 degrees and below. After ablution, first dry your feet completely and wear them with thin cotton socks. It is very easy to clean. Either throw it in your washing machine or turn it upside down and hand wash with warm water and soap.
In the hustle and bustle of life during the day and especially in cold winter months, it is very difficult to make ablution. For women, this difficulty is even greater. In order to make our work a little easier in this regard, we can use various enchantments approved by Religious Affairs. You can easily perform ablution by simply wiping on it without removing your Thermal Mest.Fatwa of Religious Affairs:

T.R. Presidency of the Presidency of Religious Affairs
Issue 69942030- 105-E93798
Subject : Konya Provincial Mufti Dim Questions and
Reference: Letter dated 12.06.2018 and numbered 3486.
In fiqh books, the following conditions are sought for mests to be wiped over:
a) The mestler should cover the parts of the feet (which are obligatory to wash during wudu), including the heels,
b) The mestlerin is about 5 km. or more durable enough to walk,
c) The mestlers should be strong and thick enough to stand untied after being put on,
d) There are no holes three times as wide as the smallest toe in each of the mests,
e) The mestlers should not absorb the water and pass it to the feet immediately. (Aliyyü'l-Kari, Fethu Bâbi'l-İnaye, 1.107-108; Tahtavi, Hûşiyetü 't-Tahtâvî, p. 130-131)
In this respect, if the aforementioned mests have these qualities, they can be anointed.
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