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Futuhul Gayb-1563

: 9789758719389
245.00 TL
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It Is The Book That Was Sheikh By Ibni Teyyimiye And Revised By His Holiness Abdulkadir Geylani

Futuhul Gayb

  • Translator: Ilyas Aslan
  • Translator: Derya Cakir
  • Release Date 2003-01-07
  • ISBN 9789758719389
  • Number of Prints 7. Print
  • Language ENGLISH
  • Pages 212
  • Skin Type Paperback
  • Paper Type Book Paper
  • Size 15 x 22.5 cm

Gate of

The author of the work is a whole mountain; maybe even the heir is a big hill... They are the nails of the face of the ground. Like mountains with bowls of doom, they are in their authority. If we are weak; We can't get comfortable with a great mountain without a scathing eye, nor in the perm of a gigantic mountain.

This work; Again , a mountain like a mountain that is closer to the stars and has a broader horizon is a husûsi observatory in order to be able to watch above, and in this respect it speaks to the unique place. But this observatory; In order for us to do the observation of how we are seen from above, it is hoped that it will be an office for our mountain-like world and our people, and in this respect it speaks to each and every one of us. If it's a great work, it's just a masterpiece. Another sign that you are a masterpiece is that you have no objection to the author being the "king".

Again, this work; a face is mest with the course of the mekni stars in the zodiac; Although surrounded by castles from nur-dan, it is a meyus work on the other side of us manza-rayla, which opened a possible door on the deed of our Unique Creature, thinking that it was left empty. May Allah limitlessly the author of Azze and Celle and his prophet, and let the believers feel the ingress and prayer of Habibi Sallâllahu Aleyhi Vesellem.

When translating the work into our language, we took care to capitally express the prony "O", which points to our Prophet, the imam of all messengers and nebis. This prony is shown in lowercase in sentences where our Lord is also the subject of everything, secretly or openly; this terbi-ye is also left to us from the Two Cihan Servers. Thank you to Al-lah (Celle Celâlühû), who chose and sent us.

Hayy and Kayyûm. Ol Ferd; Kuddûs is the Referee. We even start with His name...

He said, "God is pleased with him." Of course you do; Don't be a bidder, obey; do not deviate, but do not deviate; Do not run, but gnaw about the Right; Do not accusation him, but confirm him. Do not doubt, do not fear, persevere; do not run away; do not be pessimistic, wait and watch; If ye'se do not fall, be brothers; Do not be adversate, but unite to the deeds; Do not be separated, but love one another; Do not disgust one 30 with each other, and be abslaged from sins; Do not be covered with them, and decorate with obedience to your Lord, do not leave our Lord's door, do not turn away from turning away from Him, do not try to repent, and do not get tired of apologizing to your Lord during the night and during daylight hours.

Thus, it is not a good way to do it You will be mercyd and resmned. You will be kept away from the fire. You'll be cheered up by heaven. You will be delivered to God! You will be blessed in peace, and you will bow down to virgins. In this case, you will be either. You're with noble women. You are enjoyed with huri-es, all kinds of beauties and the voices of dynasties. You will be raised with the nebis, the sedids, and the righteous.

Abdulkâdir Gaylânî

Abdulkâdir Geylânî, his dogaye is Abu Mohammed. He was born in 1077 (Hijri 470) in Geylân, Iran. Nesebi is based on The Prophet's grandson, Hassan. Abdulkâdir Geylânî, who was sent to Baghdad to collect at the age of eighteen, began preaching in this city after wearing his cardigan from the hands of Kadi Abu Sâid al-Mubarak and in 1127 (Hijri 521) Yusuf al-Hemedânf himself. Later, he went into seclusion in the town of Kerh until the time he started preaching again and was engaged in constant worship for twenty-five years. In a short time, he became numerous disciples and his fame was pushed beyond the boundary of the region. He died in Baghdad in 1165 (Hijri 561) and was buried there.

Günyetü 't-tâlibîn,

Hizbü 'l-beşâiri'l-hayrât,


Mektûbât, Sırru'l-cannabis and Mazharu'l-envar,

es-Sirâcu'l-vehhâc fi Leyleti'l-mi'rac,


al-Fuyûzâtü 'r-rabbâniyye fi 'l-Evrâdi 'l-Kâdiriyye,

Behçetü 'l-esrâr,

al-Mevâhibü 'r-rahmâniye ve'l-Futûhu'r-rabbâniyye fi Merâtibi'l-morality's-seniyye and'l-Makâmâti'l-irfâniyye,


Ibn Teymiye

His dog name is Abu'l-Abbas, his name is Ahmed. He was born in Harran in 1263 (Hijri 661). When he was seven years old, his family settled in Damascus because of his pressure. It is rumored that he listened to more than two million teachers. He memorized it quickly and forgot late; therefore, it has a strong memory; Besides the Quran, it is said that he also memorized the book of hadiths, the first of which was written by al-Khomeini. He attracted attention when he started giving fatwas when he was not even 19. Ibn Teymiye, whose most important part was that he was a case-timer, a tenor, an innovator and a reformer, died in Damascus in 1328 (Hijri 728). Some of his works include:

al-Cem Beyne'l-Akl ve'n-Nakl,

Minhhacu's-Sunn'n-nebeviyye fi nakzı kelâmi'ş-şîati'l-kaderiyye,


al-Cevabü's-Sahih li-men beddele dîne'l-Messiah,

al-Red ale'n-Nesârâ, er-Risâletü'l-Cyprus,

Tahcilu ehl-i Bible,



1. "Every Believer Needed Ones" Dâir 15

2. Dâir 16 to "Recommend The Good"

3. Dâir to "Test" 17

4. To the "Spiritual Death" 19

5. About "The World" and The Incentive not to Intify It 21

6. Dâir 23 from "Mahlûkat to Fânî"

7. To "Relieve the Sorrow of the Heart", 25

8. Dâir 28 to "Don't Approach God All"

9. "Discovery and Observation" ye Dâir 30

10. Dâir 32 to "Nefs and Their State"

11. "Shehvefe Dâir 35

12. To "Surrender to the Command of Allah", Dâir 37

13. Dâir 40 to "Cleanse the Heart of Love of Goods"

14."Obeying the State of The Friends of Allah", Dâir 42

15. "Fear and Umife Dâir 44

16. Dâir 45 to "Trust and Makamlan"

17. Dâir 47 to "The Great Importance of Being a Prophet to Hakk with the Promise of Mürşid".

18. "About the Nehyed of Complaining 50

19. "Ordering ad to Stick to Your Promise and Banning Returning from Your Promise" Dâir 53

20. "Sallâllahu Aleyhi Vesellem Return to Those Who Do Not Doubt' To Kavl-i Sherff Dâir 55

21. About "Demon Aleyhillane" 57

22. Dâir 58 to "The Testing of the Mu'mi with Trouble When Measuring the Will".

23. Dâir 60 to "Do Not Show Sustening to My Taxi Made by Allah"

24. Dâir 62 to "Do Not Walk Through the Gate of Mevlâ"

25. Dâir 64 to the "Tree of Destruction"

26. To "Prohibition of Lifting the Veil From The Face", Dâir 66

27. "No and Sherry To Be Two Fruits" Dâir 69

28. Dâir 73 to "Muridin Ahvâli's Tafli"

29. "The Antiquity Vesselâm Our Lord's 'Poverty Almost Was Going to Be Blasphemy' To Kavl-i Shariff Dâir 75

30. "What Should I Do, What Is the Remedy?" About the Nehyed of The Saying 77

31."Bugz for Allah"a Dâir 79

32. 80 about the Nehyyed of "Making Someone Else a Partner in the Love of Allah"

33. Dâir 82 to "Evaluation of Man in Four Classes"

34. About "The Love of Res resendent to Allah" 85

35. "Verâ" to Dâir 88 36. To "The World, and Acirc;hiret and What to Do for These Two", Dâir 90

37."Condemnation of Hasedin and Its Dehydring" 94

38. "Truth and Nasihaf'a Dâir 96

39. Dâir 97 to "The Disclosure of Shikâk, Vifâk and Nifâk"

40. When does Sâlik become part of the Rûhânîler Group? 98

41. Dâir 100 to "Wealth and Greatness"

42. "Explaining The Two State of the Vested 103

43. About "The Place to Ask God for Something Other Than" 105

44. " and Acirc;rif-i Billah's Reason for The Execution of The Dua", Dâir 106

45. "Nîmet and Belâ and İmtihari'a Dâir 108

46. "The Person Whose Preoccupation Is My Remembrance...' Dâir 112 to Hadîs-i Kutsî"

47. To "Closer to Allah" Dâir 114

48. To "What the Mum should be engaged in", 115

49. About "Sleeping" 117

50. "What Is Upon God's Way away from God and What Provides a Rapprochement with Him" Dâir 119

51. Dâir 121 to "Zuhd"

52. Dâir 123 to "The Testing of a Group of Believers with Trouble".

53. "Ordering to Demand the Sustenant of Allah and to Be a Prophet in Him" 124

54. To "The Joy of Being Reunited with And To The One Who Wants to Meet God" 126

55. Dâir 128 to "Abandonion of Nasips"

56. "Kulun, Mahlûkat, Hevâ, Nefs, İrâde and Emellar Fâni Beâni Besfna Dâir 130

57. To "Do Not Discuss Fate" and "Consent to Him" 132

58. To "Do Not Demand the Blessing of the Lord Alone by Making An Effort from All Cihets", Dâir 134

59."Belâya Yzâ and Nimete Şükr"e Dâir 136

60. Beginning and Conclusion" by Dâir 139

61. To "Do Not Start Any Work Until The FairNess Is Revealed", Dâir 141

62. To "Love, To Be Loved and To Be Needed" 143

63. Dâir 145 to "A Veçhi of the Prophet"

64. "Lifeless Death and The Immortal Hayaf'a Dâir 146

65. About "The Nehyi of Resurging the Lord For Delaying the Duâya îcâbe" 147

66. "Ordering and Abandoning the Duâ", Dâir 149

67. Dâir 151 to "Nefs and Jhâd and Keyfyeti"

68. The Lord's, "He Is About to Be a Separate She at Any Moment" Kavline Dâir 153

69. "Ordering the Request for Forgiveness, Ismet, Muvaffakiyet, N/N and Patience from Hakk Teâlâ" 155

70. To "Thank you and Confess to Imperfections" 157

71. "Mürîd and Murâd'a Dâir 159

72. "When he entered the bazaar, mala meyleden there and even though he entered the bazaar, he told Sabrederi that Dâir 161

73. "A Part of the Lord Who Relies on the Shames of Others is to Evliyâ 163

74. "What a Smart Man Should Show Evidence of God's Revelation" 165

75. To "Sufism and What It Is Built On", Dâir 167

76. To the "Will" Dâir 169

77. "From Mahlûkat to Being Fâni and Being With Allah" Dâir 171

78. Dâir 173 to "Mucâhede Ehli, Muhâsebe Ehli, Ulü'l-Azm and Its Features"

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