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Füyûzat-ı Rabbaniye-1958

: 9789758514151
239.00 TL
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Füyûzat-ı Rabbaniye - Abdulkadir Geylanî

Füyûzat-ı Rabbaniye



  • PaperBack
  • 160 pages
  • 2. Dough Paper
  • 13.5 cm x 19.5 cm in size

The great velî Gavs-i A zam Sheikh Muhyiddîn Abdulkadir GEYL and Acirc; FÜYUZ and Acirc, which are considered to belong to NÎ (kuddise sirruh); This work, T-I RABBANİYYE, is the son of Seyyed Mohammed Saîd, one of the Kadirîs, and Abdulkadir GEYL and Acirc, who have seen the fame and respect they are worthy of in the islamic world every century and are included as the discirist-i-prophets on the throne of the hearts of the sofis; The virds of His Holiness; The manzumes that pour into his heart from the world of the prophet and find his expression in his tongue; He compiled it by collecting and bringing together some of the inspirations that had come to his heart as a manifestation of The Almighty's faith in him. As a matter of fact, the author says that the need of the ehl-i cult for the remembrances, ideas, virds and manzumes, duâ and niyazs belonging to Gavs-i A'zam and that he has been dealt with many times in this regard, and that the requests and insistence of those who have endeavored him for the preparation of such a work have not been stopped, and he especially wants to draw attention to this.

We can safely say that Abdulkadir GEYL and Acirc; FÜYUZAT, which, like his Holiness NÎ (K.S.), is in the highest rank of the guardianship office, according to some, is in the highest rank, and who believes in the heart of a kadri great guardian who is the prophet muhammadiyye (S.A.), will not fit into the books with volumes and those who irrate in the narrow mold of words. However, Seyyid Ismâil 's (K.S.) chose more famous and easy-to-understand among the people on the sofiler floor, and FÜYUZ and Acirc; He was able to make up the book of T-I RABBANİYYE. Its purpose is to try to open a window to the divine femonies that come from the upper office of the edging for the passengers of this road, especially for the members of the Kadirî Order.

We didn't think it was needed to make the work work exactly clean. However, we chose a translation path in a way that was easy to understand for the readers.

As for the reason why we have carried out such a work, which upsets the rûh and the mâna of sufism: In an age when matter prevails and spiritual values are pushed into a corner, it is now accepted by many sane people how much it is needed for communities and nations to strike a balance between matter and mâna. Because religion and morality are the only factors that develop consciences and adorn hearts with feelings of compassion, compassion and righteousness. The sufism of religion is the busiest way. Therefore, it is the fezy principles of Islam that will break the domination of materialism, draw a set for luxury life, bring spirits out of the pit of matter, bring huzûr and calm to the life of the community, and the goals and purposes of these principles that conquer the hearts. Sufism constitutes the kaaide of this goal and purpose.

Those who process the high morality of Islam and the veil of the prophet are the great zats who grew up in the school of nubuvvet. The Messenger of God sallalahu, especially against him and sellem, and the fortune-tellers who followed the eshab-i kirâma, weave this curtain and entrust it to those who followed them. Cüneyd Bagdadî, Ma'ruf Kerhî, Abdulkadir Geylânî, Rabia al-Adeviyye and the great parents of the precedent, took the curtain from the Messenger of God (A.S.) as an example and processed many curtains and thus decorated the Islamic palace with the curtains they woven.

Our duty today is to introduce the new generations with all the elegance and power of the san'at on those curtains and to put the hearts under the caressing nature of these curtains.

Here's the FÜYUZ and Acirc we've been sweating; We have chosen T-I RABBANİYYE for this purpose. It is God who gives the fury. He is sufficient for us, and he is a good guardian.

And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Acirc;

Celal Yildirim

One or Two Words of The Prophet
Another Piece of Gavs-i A'zam
Seven Names That Constitute the Way of Our Order
Gavs-ı A'zam's Risâl about Ranks
Enjoyment of the Agreement with the Disciple of the Sheikh in the Supreme Order
The Names Of The Names Read in the Order of The Kaâdirî
Names and Characteristics of Seven Authorities and Names and Characteristics of All Ranks
The Names of the Seven Authorities of the Sofis and the Nefsin in Each Office
The Will of Hazrat Gavs
Gavs-i A'zam (K.S.) His Majesty's Akidesi
The Invasion of Gavs-i A'zam
Gavs-i A'zam's Manzumesi Vesîle
Spiritual Drunkenness
Another Manzumesi of Gavs-i A'zam
Manzumesi About The Castle
Kaside-i Sharife
Manzumesi about Shatıh and Tevhid
Gavs' A'zam's A Ode
Requesting Help through Gavs-i A'zam (Istiğae)
Enjoyment of Entering the Halvete in the Order of The Prophet
Fatiha's Tertibi7, which will be read after five hours of prayer
Private Duâ
Hatmi of the Kadirî Order
Menkibes of Abdulkadir Geylâni (k.s.)
Virds of Gavs-i A'zam
Gavs-i A'zam's Noon Virdi
Gavs-i A'zam's Afternoon Virdi
Gavs-i A'zam's Evening Virdi
Gavs-i A'zam's Yacht Virdi
Gavs-i A'zam's Weekly Virdi
Sunday's Virdi
Monday Virdi
Virdi on Tuesday
Virdi on Wednesday
Virdi on Thursday
Friday Virdi
Saturday Virdi
Vird-i Kübra of Gavs-i A'zam
Ruler Indicating Seven Degrees of The Vef
Ruler Shows Seven Positions of Sofis
Contents 159

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