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Hz. Prophet's (s.a.w.) sermons

Product Code : T25784
: 9786054869268
190.00 TL
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Hz. Prophet's (s.a.w.) sermons

Hz. Prophet's (s.a.w.) sermons

Product features :

Publisher: Konevi Publications
Compiled and Translated By: Serkan Ünal
Cover Quality: Soft Cover
Page Quality: Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 317
Language: Arabic - Turkish
Size: 13.5 X 21.5 cm
Barcode: 9786054869268
Weight :


In the name of the Most Gracious and Most Merciful ... Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. We seek help from him, ask forgiveness from him, and seek refuge in Him from the evil of our souls. Whoever Allah guides, no one can deflect him. Whoever leaves him perverse, no one can be found to guide him. I testify that there is no god but Allah. Again, I testify that Muhammad (s.a.v) is his servant and messenger. Salat and peace is His messenger, the lord of the worlds, our prophet Hz. Muhammad (pbuh), his followers, his companions and those who are subject to them until Doomsday for good.
In a period when mankind completely lost his way, stuck in the darkness, and mischief occurred due to what he had done on land and sea, Allah (swt) sent his supreme revelation to his blessed messenger, with the decree 'Call on the way of your Lord with wisdom and good advice' that his apostle will always be on the duty of wisdom. He commanded. As the first-degree addressee of this order, Hz. Throughout his life, the Prophet (pbuh) summoned the path of our Lord with wisdom, even with his words, deeds, declarations and even his silence and sleep, and he acted obliquely in every suitable way to carry out his mission of prophethood.
Undoubtedly, the most powerful and effective means of this sublime duty are the divine revelation sent down to him and the hadiths, which are a type of this revelation that he speaks with his blessed mouth. Our Prophet (s.a.v) never showed a fütur at the point of fulfilling his duty until he reached Refîk-i A, and was always interested in guidance and notification. For this, he invited people to Islam, sometimes one by one in tawhid, and sometimes to big and small masses. One of the methods he uses to make his voices heard in these communities is to give sermons to his addressees on various occasions.
It is considered a modest service for the ummah to bring together these sermons or appeals to communities scattered in various hadith sources. We have set out to prepare the work in your hand with the hope that these blessed words of the Prophet (pbuh) will be like a pulpit today, and as a result, the work has become what you have with the grace of Allah (c.c). We ask Allah (c.c) to accept this work in his own sight and to make its usefulness widespread.
We would like to state here that if any of our distinguished scholars or readers who consider the book consider a mistake that must be corrected, their constructive correction and criticism will be responded with thanks and appreciation, with the permission of Allah.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone I have benefited from in the preparation of the study and especially Hz. Asst. Asst. Assoc. Dr. I express my deepest respect and gratitude to Ramazan Sönmez.
Praise be to Allah, whose blessings good deeds are complete ...
Serkan ÜNAL 23.11.2015 Beylikdüzü / İSTANBUL


Words of sermon, huthabe and hatîb 19
Religious rhetoric and sermon 20
The sermons and general appeals of the Prophet (pbuh) 20
Hz. The reasons for the sermons of the Prophet (pbuh) 21
Hz. The style and effects of the Prophet's (pbuh) sermons 21
Provisions regarding the sermon 22
Current work 24
Some basic sources of hadith that we use in compiling the narrations. 25
1.Amals are according to intentions 29
2. "Warn your close relatives!" His sermon after the verse was revealed .... 29
3.How would the Prophet (pbuh) begin his sermon? 30
4.Hz. The Prophet's (pbuh) address to a rukyeci named Dımâd who came to him 31
5.The key to heaven 33
6.Islam is founded on five principles 33
7.Kul is not considered a believer unless he believes in four things 34
8.To say "La ilaha illallah" in ihlâs at the time of death 34
9.A person cannot commit major sins even though he is a believer 34
10. What should be done in the face of the delusions of Satan 35
11. Signs of the hypocrites 35
12. To convey the word, to be together with the true Islamic society 36
13. Avoiding falling into a secret shirk and praying for it 37
14. Avoiding minor sins 37
15. Hz. Like the Prophet and doomsday 38
16. Making the moments and heart separate is a means of salvation 38
17.Do not interfere with any intentions except Allah 39
18.The mujahid who jihad and was killed for Riya, who learns and teaches ilm
The bad fate of the scholar and the rich who donated 39
19. The importance of learning and teaching fiqh, basic fiqh knowledge
a year may be enough to learn 41
20. Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) was offered Paradise and Hell,
who tortures animals will be tormented in Hell, the place of a stealing person is Hell 43
21. The descent of Christ (a.s) to the earth in the afterlife 44
22. Characteristics of the Deccal 45
23.The state of the Ummah in the Doomsday 46
24. Inquiry into the grave, rewards and torments in the grave 48
Chapter One: Cleaning-Prayer 53
25.Complete wudu is a means of forgiveness of sins 53
26. To make wudu and perform prayers as Allah ordered
atonement 53
27. When the ablution is to be received nicely and when it is done in congregation,
care 54
28. The virtues that wash away sins 54
29. To give importance to mouth and teeth cleaning 55
30. The body of veiling during ghusl 55
31.Namaz is a supreme authority, the plague of sümkür in the mosque, the mosque
keep clean 55
32. Kul is first blamed for prayer, the fard obligations of supererogatory prayers.
reinforcement 57
Sect 33 should be made on seven organs 57
34. To correct the ranks of Namazda, to follow the imam while performing his pillars.
to 58
35. The five daily prayer clears sins 59
The Virtue of Performing Vain Prayer at Home 60
37. Not giving up performing Friday prayers 60
38.Nammaz kıldıran to keep prayers short, the people he led
supervision 61
39.Namazda, not acting before the imam 61
40. Correcting the gaps and filling the gaps is a mercy
the fact that it causes deprivation of mercy 62
41. A person is counted in prayer as long as he waits for prayer in the mosque 63
42. The virtue of performing the yacht and morning prayers in congregation 63
43. If the one who makes it unbelievable avoids major sins
enters heaven 64
44. Performing a futile prayer in homes 64
45. To rush to do righteous deeds and repentance before death,
Who can pray to whom by earning the consent of Allah by mentioning Allah a lot and not leaving the Friday prayer without an excuse? 65
Taking ghusl while going to Friday prayer 66
47. Taking a ghusl on Friday and applying a fragrance 66
48 Taking care of cleanliness on Friday 67
When prayers are accepted on Friday, 49
50. Not leaving Friday even if the Masjid is far away 68
51. Hz. Prophet (pbuh) read the Surah Mülk in the sermon, the imam
Speaking of a person while he is in sermon prevents him from gaining reward from the Friday prayer 69
52. Hz. The Prophet's (pbuh) thought that it would be obligatory for his ummah.
abandonment of futile prayers 70
Chapter Two: Fasting 71
53. The virtue of the month of Ramadan 71
54. Respecting the month of Ramadan, avoiding sins 73
55. Hz. Prophet (pbuh) in the ten days in the middle of Ramadan
He used to do creed, then in the last ten days, the night of Qadir occurred in the last ten days of Ramadan.
56. Six-day fasting in the month of Shawwal 75
57. The good news of angels to believers on Ramadan feast 76
Chapter Three: Zakat-Sadaka 77
58. Giving is better than the one who takes it 77
59. The reason why the poor are in trouble is because of the zakat of the rich.
they should not give 77
On the Day of Resurrection 60, a person's property that he was stingy will be punished
will be the reason 78
61. Everyone should give alms in proportion to their power, good and bad grounds.
openers 78
62. Three things that lead to the taste of faith, zakah
refraining 80
63. Managing an orphan's property on his behalf means that zakat does not end that property.
work 81
64.The requirement that the person in charge of collecting zakat should not receive gifts from those from whom he collected zakat 81
Fourth Chapter: Hajc 82
65.Hajj Being Fard, Hz. Fulfilling what the Prophet (pbuh) ordered and avoiding what he prohibited 82
66. Amounts of the Prophet 83
67.Hac alimony to be accepted as a lawful law; otherwise it is rejected 83
68. The virtue of doing waqf in Arafat 84
69. Allah's being a guarantor for the rights of servants over those who do hajj.
Chapter Fifth: Sacrifice 86
87. Strength is casting! 103
88. The reward of the Day of Judgment for shooting arrows at the enemy and freeing slaves.
89. Hz. Advice to a commander appointed by the Prophet (pbuh) and those around him 105
90.The share of the Mujahideen from the booty is one-fifth, to avoid treachery, not to be afraid of the condemnation of henna, the virtue of jihad ... 107
91. Providing the equipment of a person in the way of Allah 108.
92. Not killing those who say the Word of Martyrdom 108
About the families of those who went to Jihad 93
plague 109
94. Being a martyr in the way of Allah
is atonement for mistakes 110
95. Parts of the Martyrs 111
96. Who other than those who died in war are considered martyrs? 112
Chapter Seven: Prayer and Dhikr 112
97. What do you mean when the adhan is recited? 112
98 Waiting until mid-morning in the place where prayers are performed after the morning prayer and engaging in dhikr 113
100. The rain prayer is Allah's (c.c) Hz. Prophet's (pbuh) prayer
occurrence 114
101. Hz. Prophet's (pbuh) about some people in distress
his prayer, some portents of doomsday 115
102. Allah's name is the greatest. 116
103.The virtue of the Word of Tawheed, Chanting all together 117
104. Angels descend to dhikr assemblies, dhikr assemblies are heaven.
How does a servant know his value in the sight of Allah? 118
105.Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) believing in Allah and himself and
His prayer about the unbelievers 119
106. Dhikr that shields against Hell 119
107. Not to raise the voice too much, one of the Paradise treasures.
108.Hz. The Prophet's (pbuh) prayer in the battle of Uhud 121
109. Prayer made in the absence of someone else is accepted quickly 122
110. Praying is Worship 122
111. Allah (c.c) will not turn the will to a blank, at midnight your prayers are
since when 123
112. No shiqi sitting with those who remember Allah / do not return empty-handed 124
113. Hz. To send blessings to the Prophet (pbuh), the consent of the parents
earning, making use of Ramadan properly 125
114. The prayers that were sent to Hz. The Prophet (s.a.w) is presented 126
115. Remembrance of Allah, Hz. To bless the Prophet (pbuh) 127
116.Hz. Angels bless those who bless the Prophet (s.a.w) 128
117. The closest ones to the Prophet (pbuh) 128
118.Hz. Rewarding the Prophet (pbuh) once blessing 129
119. Hz. The virtue of paying blessings to the Prophet (pbuh) 129
120. Thank God, telling the blessings of Allah, being with the Islamic community.
121.Continuing to read the Quran 130
122. To forget the Qur'an is one of the greatest sins. 130
123. Those who will be shadowed in the shadow of Allah's Throne 131
124. Prayer while wearing a new dress 131
Chapter One: Complying with the Quran and Sunnah 135
125.Hz. Speech of the Prophet (pbuh) to Ansar 135
126. People are obliged by the Quran and Sunnah. The bids and
avoiding lies, the necessity of being truthful 136
127. Things that do not comply with Allah's book cannot be stipulated 137
128. Commanding the good in order not to be deprived of various good
one must avoid evil 138
129. Immunity of the contracted person Immunity of a Muslim
like 139
130. His sermon to the people of Makkah 140
131. The necessity to respect the executive 141
132. The best and worst of rulers against them
Treatment to be done 142
133. A person who does not have faith will not have faith in a person who is unfaithful. 143
134. Your companion Hz. His allegiance to the Prophet (pbuh) 144
135. To be mild in worship, Hz. From the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)
It is not Him who turns away 145
136. Pilgrimage Khutba 146
137.Ashhaba, to respect the nature and the sign of a believer 147
138. Commanding good and forbidding evil in the time of peace of the Ummah, Hz. The punishment of those who forge a lie about the Prophet (pbuh). 147
139. About those who do not do what the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did.
140) Not to torture the soul by going too far, to keep the middle way, Hz.
Holding on to the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) 149
141. Hz. The example of the Prophet (pbuh), what he brought and his tribe 149
142. Hz. Events experienced by the Prophet 150
143. Question about things that the person will not like when explained
the necessity of not asking 151
144. Being with the Islamic community 152
145. Implementation of provisions and no favoritism 153
146. The fact that infidelity is haram and the punishment to be given because of it in Doomsday 154
147. Not being a partner in the persecution of cruel rulers, enduring righteous deeds.
148. The sincere return of the other party to a person who cannot express himself in the conflict between two people but who is right.
149. You cannot be an intermediary by breaking the boundaries of Allah, avoiding slander 157
150. Everyone is responsible for their dependents and things 157
Chapter Two: Taqwa and Good Morals 158
151. People are two groups: those dear to God and those who are not. 158
152. How you live, your reward will be good 159
153. Hiding sins committed 159
154 It is forbidden to mince meat 160
155. Two things that will get a person into Heaven 161
156. Reasons for abusive penalties 162
157. When is the life of the world better than death? 163
158. Avoiding minor sins 163.
164 To Repent 159.
160. The magnitude of God's satisfaction because his servant repents.
161. The hereafter will bring about it 165
162. The servant of Allah (c.c) knows that he forgives sins and repents
when he forgives his repentance 165
163. God's mercy is very extensive 166
164. Blessings in the world are not a sign of true happiness 167
165.Hz. Seven people cursed by the Prophet (pbuh) 168
166. The Sin of Lying Witness 168
167. Abstaining from alcohol and alcohol-related work 169.
168. Some things that Allah forbids and does not tolerate 169
169. To rush to righteous deeds before seven things 169.
170. Running for righteous deeds before six things 170.
171. Rehabilitation of individuals is necessary for the peace of society 170
172. Hz. It is haram for the Prophet (s.a.w) to accept charity 171
173. The best of the amalgams is the one who is permanent, even if a little. 171
174. Finding the middle ground 172.
175. Responsibility of administration, the plague of forgetting the Quran 172
176. Allah humiliates those who investigate others' faults 173
177. Do Not Curse 173
178. The animals that inflict may be killed, the house where dogs are fed
the rewards of their owners are reduced 174
179. People are parts and parts 174.
180. The consulted person is like a custodian 177.
181. Allah wanted things to be done well in everything.
treating animals well 177
182. Complaints to Allah the unnecessary animal killer 177
183.What is appreciated about human beings.
how at once he reached God 178
184. Types of Sadaka 179
185. Anyone who eats garlic should not approach the mosque 179
186. Doing good deeds constantly in order to benefit from the mercy of Allah.
187. Treating neighbors and guests, Guest is free from three days.
A treat with less money counts as a charity given to him 181
188. The condemnation of the deputies, the miserable servants 181
189. The best and worst of men 182
190. Fame and its influence on a Muslim 183
191. The reward of the devotee 183
192. Not being hostile to Allah's friends and being busy with futility after performing fard obligations gains Allah's love and miracle 185.
193. Some decency that should be shown in mosques 185
People who earn the love of Allah 186
195. Avoiding sitting on the roads, giving the right to the roads 186.
196. Allah (swt) disgraces those who investigate others' mistakes.
197. Not being safe from a bad fate 187
198. Hz. The Prophet's (pbuh) speaking in anger and his
His compassion for his ummah 188
The Text of the Same Sermon in Muslim 189.
200. The importance of amalgamation, the lineage of man does not benefit himself 190
201. Avoiding Desire 190
202. Science brings goodness 191
203. Four things that are from the Sunnah of the prophets 191
204. One should not be offended for more than three days 191
Statement on profitable trade 192
206. The Sacrifice of Muslims 192
207.Avoiding cruelty and stinginess, the best deeds 193
208. To be patient with the problems, Hz. Of the Prophet (pbuh) and
Some troubles that his companions suffered with hunger 194
209. The love of the world and the fear of death cause the disaster of the ummah. 195
210 The world's misleading people 196
211. The truth of world life 197
212. Not being deceived by the beauties of world life 197
213. It is mercy to be content with what Allah appreciates 199
214. The Mighty Believer is more lovable to Allah (c.c), In good things
Asking God for help but not showing helplessness, not saying I wish 199
215. For those whose aim is the hereafter, the world will come even if it does not want it 200
216. Not having a long term 200
217. The reward of being patient with a small amount 201
218. Submitting God duly 201
219. What are the things that will be enough for man from the world? 202
220. The Khutba of Salih (pbuh) about the misfortune that hit his people 202
221 Confined communities are not allowed to enter their homes, Being independent 203
222. Troubles that will befall believers at the end of time 204
223. Hz. The five plagues that the Prophet (pbuh) took refuge in Allah from being exposed to the ummah 206
There will be fights in the Ummah 207
225. The Ummah will fall until Doomsday 207
226.When Jesus (as) descends to earth, what will happen in the world 208
227 To be exercised in righteous deeds before the seedlings appear 208
The penalty for trying to break the unity of the Ummah 209.
230. Those who quit religion as they left the bow 210
231. What a believer should do at the time of Fitna 210
232. "Take care of yourself!" meaning of the verse 211
233. Taking refuge in Allah from the torment of grandeur, all kinds of sedition and the Dajjal 212
234.Hz. Prophet's (pbuh) names of some hypocrites
report 213
235.Hz. The Prophet's (pbuh) ummah
fear of competition 214
236 regarding the property that Ummah Muhammad (pbuh) will own 214
237. Danger of the informed hypocrite 215
Chapter Three: Halal Earnings-Trade-Marriage 216
238 Allah divides morals just as he divides sustenance,
Even if it is spent on goods that are not obtained from halal, abundance is not given to that property;
239.Avoiding bribery, not deviating from the Quran and the way of Allah 217
240.Muslim's property can only be halal with a pleasant heart. 218
241.Allah accepts the prayer of those who obtain their sustenance lawfully 218
242. A person finds his sustenance as he finds the term, his provision is obedient to Allah.
243. Wealth is the wealth of the heart, seeking sustenance from halal 220
244. Sustenance is destined, the blessing from Allah can be obtained only by obedience to him.
245.The situation of the aghairs in the hereafter 221
246.The debtor is detained in the hereafter because of his debt 222
247. The trouble that unpaid debt will bring in the hereafter 222
248. Dear spouse, accepted prayer 223
249. What are the qualities to marry a woman? (I) 224
250. What characteristics do you marry a woman? (II) 224
251. Marrying women not because of their beauty but because of their religion 225
252. A person's worth is measured not by his property but by his piety 225
253. Getting the consent of women to be married 226
254. A man's being alone with a foreign woman and a woman's
It is not permissible to set off without mahrem 226
255. Women can only give things from their homes to others with the permission of their husbands. 227
256. Types of adultery 227
257. Penalty of adulter 228
258.Women not revealing their ornaments and in mosques
observance of manners 229
259. It is not permissible for a woman to smell and go outside 229.
The importance of taqwa and a righteous spouse 230
261. Some characteristics of women 230
262. Who has the right to divorce? 231
232. Avoid Divorce 232.
232. Avoid Asking to Divorce 232.
265. The reward for repeating what the muezzin said is
loyalty to their husband 232
266. Remembrance of Allah when the sun is eclipse, the sun and the moon are among the verses of Allah
They are a verse, the reason why most of the dwellers of Hell are women is because they are ingrateful to their husbands. 233
First Chapter: Virtuous Persons 239
267.Hz. The virtue of the Prophet (pbuh) 239
268.Hz. Regarding the humility of the Prophet (pbuh) 239
269.Hz. Five things given to the Prophet (s.a.w) 240
270.Hz. About some of the features of the Prophet (pbuh) 240
271. The virtue of Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) 242
272.Hz. Umar's (r.a) virtue 243
273. Hz. Umar's (r.a) superiority 243
274.Hz. The virtue of Uthman (r.a) 243
275.Rasullah (pbuh) is closer and more precious to believers than they are, Gadiri Hum incident 244
276.Hz. The virtue of Ali (r.a) 245
277.Hz. Fatima's virtue 245
278.Hz. Hasan (r.a) and Hz. The virtue of Husayn (r.a) 246
279.Hz. The Prophet (s.a.v) Hz. Hasan and Hz. Khutba compartment to take Huseyin with him 248
280.Hz. The names of some Companions to whom the Prophet (pbuh) was pleased248
281.Ca'fer b. The virtue of Abi Talib (r.a) 249
282.Hz. The virtue of Abbas (r.a) 251
283 The Companions are the trust of the believers 251
284.The Orders are from Quraysh 252
285. Protecting the Qur'an and Ahl-i Bey, the virtue of the Quraysh 253
286.Hz. The Quraysh of the Prophet (pbuh) emphasized deed, not words
287 The importance and virtue of the Sahâbe-i Kirâm 255
288. The virtue of the first three generations of the Hijri 255
289. Treating companions nicely, not being united with foreign women 255
290.Hz. Disqualifying the Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) 256
291. His verdict between the sons of Ansar, Muhâcir and Hashim 257
292.Hz. The Prophet's (pbuh) address to Ansar and the value he gave to them. 259
293. Hz. Speech of the Prophet (pbuh) to Ansar 261
294. Loving Enthusiast; defeat them 263
295. Virtue of Ansar 264
296.Ensarin's virtue and the Prophet. Its importance for the Prophet (pbuh) 265
297.Hz. The people whom the Prophet (pbuh) described as my brothers 265
First to enter Paradise 266
299. Allah (swt) replies the few deeds of Muslims more, Allah
Gives your more to anyone 268
300. Friends of God and those who grind them 269
301. The state of those who love each other for Allah in the Day of Judgment 270
Chapter Two: Virtuous Deeds 272
302. What is atonement for sins, after the prayer
Waiting for another prayer in the mosque, following the imam in prayer, observing veiling and eye protection 272
303. When God's love or anger towards his servant is in heaven and
spread on earth 273
304.Three things that are atonement for sins, three high degrees, three saviors, and three destructive virtues 274
305. Anyone who acts of imagination and avoids great sins enters Paradise 275.
306. Dealing with the Qur'an, the verses of the Quran will be the light on the Day of Judgment 276
307.The Qur'an is the feast of Allah, each letter of it is given ten thawabs 277
308.Hz. Reading the Surah of Zumar in the sermon of the Prophet (pbuh) ... 278
309. He used to read Surah Al-Qaf in his sermon 278
310.Hz. Prophet (pbuh) recited the Surah of Unbeliever and İhlâs 278
311. Hz. The unique quality of the Prophet (pbuh) about the Quran 279
312 from his first speech when he came to the medina 280
313. Hz. Prophet (pbuh) read the Surah of Conquest on the day Mecca was conquered 281
314: Deeds and beneficent gates 281
315. It is paradise to help his Muslim brother, to seek knowledge
eases the way 283
316 Some graceful deeds 284
317: The Doors of Spreading Salem 284
318 The virtue of the first ten verses of the Surah of Mu'min 285
319 Some virtuous deeds and situations 285
Chapter Three: Virtuous Spaces 286
320. The Honor of Mecca, Hz. Abu Shah of the Prophet's (pbuh) sermon
321. Regarding the virtue of the Madinah-i Münevvere 287
322. The virtue of Masjid al-Haram, Masjid an-Nabawi and Masjid al-Aqsa 288
323. On the virtue of the Madinah-i Münevvere 288
324.Medine's virtue 289
325 About the virtue of the land of Damascus 289
326 Muslims' property and lives are haram for each other 293
327. Vedada Pilgrimage (Imam Muslim Narration) 294
328.Veda pilgrimage and sermon (narration of Abd b. Khomeid) 303
329.To demand ilm before ilm is abolished, if scholars leave means ilm goes away.
330. The Farewell Sermon (Tabari Narrative) 308
331. Regarding holding on to Allah's book 311
332. Khutbah on good and bad deeds 312
333. 313 of their last speech.
334.All misfortunes will come to light after Rasulullah (pbuh) 316
335.Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) informing him of his death, Hz.
Abu Bakr's (r.a) fine understanding and virtue 316
336. Life 318
Tags: Hz. Prophet's (s.a.w.) sermons, sermon book, sermon book pdf, oratory book sermon prayers
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