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Ibn Abbas Commentary - 1386

: 9786055094881
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Ibn Abbas Commentary - 1386

Ibn Abbas Commentary
The Book Ibn Abbas Commentary, Compiled from 15 Hadith Sources Tafsir-i Ibn Abbas
Writer Muhammed Firuzâbâdî
Translation Cevher Caduk
Publishing House İlk Harf Yayınevi
Paper Binding Chamois Paper, Hardcover, 5 Volume Sets
Sheet Size 3.872 pages, 15x22 Cm.
Year of Publication 2016
ISBN 9786055094881
Original Name: Tenvîrü'l-Mikbâs Min Tefsîr-i İbn Abbâs
Skin Type: Hard Cover Coated Plastering Skin
Dimensions: 15x22 cm
Number of Volumes: 5

It has always been a matter of curiosity how the Quran, the basic source of the religion of Islam, was perceived and understood by the first generation. One of the ten people who had the most narrations about the Quran among the Companions' generation was Abdullah b. Abbas. The interpretation of many verses has been attributed to Ibn Abbas, who has received praises such as "Hibrü'l-Ümme / Ümmetin Scholar" and "Tercümânü'l-Quran / Translator of the Quran" since the early ages, in hadith journals and rivai interpretations .
This commentary, which includes the whole of the Qur'an named Tenvîr'l-Mikbâs min Tafsir-i Ibn Abbas, has been attributed to Ibn Abbas by Firuzabadi, the owner of the kamus. Firuzâbâdî compiled this commentary. Firuzabâdî presented the chain of isnad that reached Ibn Abbas at the introduction of the tafsir. Although many different words have been said about the chain of isnad, we have shown many narrations attributed to Ibn Abbas in hadith journals in the footnote for the reader so that the reader can compare them and consider the interpretation of the Quran, one of the distinguished figures of the Companions' generation.
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