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With Broken Meaning and Interrogative Preposition - The Qur'an with Perseverance and Interpretation, Volume 4

Product Code : 29177
: 9786057278319
479.00 TL
With Broken Meaning and Interrogative Preposition - The Qur'an with Perseverance and Interpretation, Volume 4

Product features
Publisher : İsmailağa Publishing House
Prepared by: Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü - Ahmet Abdullah Kozlu - Yusuf Çelener
4.Vol. 16-20. Jus
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality : Shamua Leaf
Number of Pages: 550 pages
Language : Arabic - Turkish
Size : 17 X 24 cm
Weight : 920 g
Barcode : 9786057278319


Endless praise:
"Verily, it (the Qur'an) is a very clear verse that is (memorized) in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge" (ei-Ankebut Surah: 49] It is reserved for Allah Almighty.
Boundless Blessings:
"The most honorable people of my ummah are those who carry the Qur'an" (et-Taberânî, al-Mu'jamu'l-kebir, numeral: 12662, 12/125; al-Beyhakî, Shu'abu'l-Iman, numeral :2703, 2/556;
'Abdurrahmân er-Râzî, Fezâü'l-Kur'ân, number:47, sh:88), the Ehl-i Bayt of Rasûlullah (Peace be upon him) who recited the Qur'an in the best way possible. May it be upon the Companions who convey the Book of Allah to all His servants.
After that, we declare that; This work in your hand is named as "Qur'an-i Azîm with Broken Meaning and Question Preposition and Meâl-i Şerîfi with Commentary" and it is aimed to confirm the name.
To interpret the Qur'an word for word, of course, requires serious and careful study by appreciating the destined questions, declaring the prepositions of questions and mentioning the hidden ones.
In addition to this, it is also essential to give a collective meaning, which we can say "Explicit Translation", so that those who want to understand the Book of Allah Ta'ala can easily understand what their Lord has commanded and act accordingly.
Undoubtedly, understanding the Qur'an, which has an extremely superior fluency and eloquence, cannot be achieved by simply reading the translation.
For this reason, the broken meaning of each word in the verses and the prepositions of questions, which are extremely important for the correct comprehension of that meaning, are used a lot in this work and it is aimed that the reader will understand the meanings of the Qur'an-i 'Azîm perfectly.
Our Master, Hadji Mahmud Effendi, would always advise us to give meanings word for word while giving meaning, and to teach people lessons in this way, and he would say, "My desire is to understand the meaning of each word of the Qur'an thoroughly."
So, with the desire of our perfect master to realize this wish, we have prepared this work for you in accordance with the method he instructed us.
Some Specialties in Our Meal
1- Although the Makki/Madani expressions, which are mentioned to indicate the places of descent (landing places) in the guidance of the surahs, can be seen differently from the ones written in some mushafs, these records have been mentioned on the basis of the preferred views in the commentaries.
2- It is never permissible to make a translation without parentheses, as some scholars argue. Because the Arabic lexicon is a language based on conciseness and discretion, it is not possible to correctly understand the meaning by translating it exactly.
"I've done it!" Our answer to the words like: "Well, who understood what?!" Moreover, when we look at the translations of these claimants, it is seen that they use some signs such as taksim (/] and hyphen (-) instead of parentheses.
Therefore, the method we follow in the meanings we give in this book; It is a great effort to record the meanings of the words contained in the âyat-i-kerîmas outside the parentheses, not to include even a word that is not included in the text, and not to neglect the meaning of even a letter in the Qur'an, until Allah Almighty Let not the expressions that do not occur in the speech of Allah be confused with the verses, and any word in the Divine Word should not be meaningless!
a) For example, to words like (dJi) and (dtd,l): "Here's to you! This is...", "here's you! We took care to give meanings such as "They..." and we did not avoid repetition with the thought that it would disrupt the flow.
b) Again, in this translation, the meaning of no pronoun is not blank, but as in many translations, it is not translated with clear nouns, the meaning of the pronoun has been preserved, and the meaning of each of the pronouns has found its place, no matter how many times it is repeated.
c) In addition, each of the secret bowls declared in the tafsir has been mentioned appropriately and it has not been stopped from being repeated. However, the same meaning is not repeated, and different translations are used in one such as "Let there be my Kasem" and in the other, "I swear" or "I swear".
d) Especially; The meanings of the letters expressing affirmation and verification were given one by one, and different phrases such as "Surely", "Of course", "Definitely", "Definitely" and "Really" were used according to their appropriate location.
When they occur repeatedly in a verse, different meanings such as "Of course, certainly" or "Of course, no doubt" are preferred.
3- Since the commas in the text of the translation are related to the text, attention should be paid to the context of the meaning.
4- If the different and important meanings of the words or sentences in the verse are mentioned by the commentators; then the second or third meanings, taksim (/) isâreIt has been recorded in a different writing style in the text with .
Since these different meanings are sometimes mentioned as the second or third meaning of a word and sometimes a sentence, it needs to be read carefully in order to be understood correctly.
5- We can explain an important difference of this work from other translations as follows:
When the word "Yed" is mentioned in some of the mutashabih verses, the Salaf scholars take it as a basis to mention the word literally and not to interpret it, which was accepted more strictly by the successor scholars.
However, today the Velihâbîs, who claim to be "Salafi", separated from the Ahl al-Sunnah because they did not stay where the predecessor stood and gave these words the meaning of Turkish lexicon and likened Allah to His creation. It is not permissible to translate such mutashabih verses in any language.” (al-Gazâli, llcâmü'l-'avâm 'an ilmi'l-kelâm, Mecmû'atü Resâili'l-Gazâlî, risale figurev.14, p:42]
In order to save our readers from this danger, we preferred not to mention words such as "Yed", "Wech" and "Yamin" with their words, but to interpret them with meanings such as "Saving", "Management" and "Essence", according to the sect of the successor scholars.
6- Regarding the stories of the prophets; Especially in the stories of Eyyûb, Davud and Süleyman (Aleyhimüsseiâm) mentioned in the Sâd Sûra, we gave great importance to preserving the creed of the people about the prophets' ismet attribute, preferring the sound words.
Effort is from us, from our mentor and tawfiq is from our Almighty Lord!
9 Cemaziyelevvel 1443 / 13 December 2021


Al-Kahf Surah of Galilee 3
Surah Maryam 21
Taha Surah Galilee 63
Al-Anbiya Surah-i Galilee 120
Al-Hajj Surah Al-Galilee 172
Al-Mu'minun Surah al-Galilee 221
Surah an-Nur Galilee 267
Al-Furqan Surah Al-Galilesi 315
al-Shu'ara Surah al-Galilesi 353
Surah an-Naml 423
Al-Qasas Surah Al-Galilesi 469
al-'Ankebut Surah al-Galilesi 522
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