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Quran Kerim Meali - Computer Lined - Rahle Boy - Kaaba Patterned - Haktan Publications - Computer Lined

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389.00 TL
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1st Quality Chamois Paper, Luxury Cloth Skin, Computer Line, Easy to Read, With Index, Sealed, Rahle Size (20x28 cm)

Kurani Karim Meali Computer Lined Rahle Boy Kaaba Patterned - Haktan Publications

Product Specifications :

Publisher : Haktan Broadcast Distribution
Simplifying : Prof.Dr. Mustafa Private
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality : Shamua
Number of Pages : 622
Language : Arabic - Turkish
Size : 20 x 28 cm
Weight : 1,422 gr
Kaaba Looking

One of the meanings of the Qur'an, a guide to hydration, is "reading". Because it's the most read and must read book. "Reading" is called the Quran in the meaning of the book that should be read. Humanity is always in need of the remnants and notes of the Qur'an, the most rewarding and the latest celestial book sent to all mankind. For him, understanding, living and explaining this book is a duty that every Muslim will focus on with precision.
Considering its various characteristics, it is possible to define the Qur'an as follows: the Qur'an is the Miracle word of Almighty Allah, which was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad through revelation in Arabic during his 23 years of prophecy, which began with the Fâtiha period and ended with the Nâs period, which was written in the manuscripts and was worshipped with his grace."
The Qur'an was sent not only to the Arabs, but rather to all mankind. There are two ways to communicate the Qur'an to people. Either teach all people Arabic or translate the Qur'an into other languages. Since it is difficult and impossible to teach Arabic to all people, it is stated that various languages are established in the Qur'an and this is evidence of the power of Allah. Therefore, the need to translate the Qur'an into other languages has arisen.
Today, many people in the world become Muslims every day either by reading and listening to the truth of the Qur'an or by turning to translations and interpretations. This is one of the striking proofs of the miracle of the Qur'an and its freshness at all times.
With these thoughts, we have gained the meal of the deceased Elmali Mohammed Hamdi Yazr in his interpretation of the Language of the Qur'an by sticking to the truth as a result of meticulous work. When preparing this work;
-The interpretations of the scholars of the Circumcision were acted in accordance with the interpretations and the interpretations were avoided.
-The Turkish equivalent of Arabic words was extended and maximum attention was paid to the deterioration of the deceased's expression.
-Efforts have been made to use plain language.
-Our work used the first edition of the work between 1935 and 1939.
-We left huruf-u mukattaa like Elif, Lâm, Mîm as it was.
We tried to minimize errors with great diligence while doing our work. Nevertheless, we would like to inform you that the criticisms of the competent will guide us in the elimination of our shortcomings and that we will pray for them.
If work is a success for us, it is from Allah.
Honorary Altunkaynak

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