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Ingenuity - Ibrahim Haki Hz. of Erzurum - Merve Publications

: 9789758514045
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It is the Introduction and Sales Page of Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı's Marifetname Book.

Ingenuity - Ibrahim Haki Hz. of Erzurum - Merve Publications

Since the 18th century, when the "Ingenuity" of the Ibrahim Right of Erzurum was written, it has been one of the most widely read works of the entire Turkish Islamic world. This work, which has been published many times in Bulak (Egypt), Istanbul and Kazanda, has been translated into Apocalyptic and Farschay and read with interest all over the world.

Ingenuity is a tremendous encyclopedia of religion, sufism, social, and of course my sciences, all of which are collected in it... It can be said that Mariftename is a library in itself. The generations before us have learned a lot from him, we are learning and they will learn in future generations...
Browse_detail_publication_date 2014-02-01
Isbn 6055242299
Number of Prints 1. Edition
Language Turkish
Number of Pages 959
Skin Type Hardcover
Paper Type Book Paper
Dimension 17 x 24.5 cm

Foreword to New Printing

The "Ingenuity" of His Holiness Ibrahim Haki of Erzurum has been one of the most widely read works today, as it was yesterday. This large and immortal work, which has been published many times in cultural centers such as Bulak (Egypt) and Kazan, especially in Istanbul, has been translated into French, Persian and many other languages and read with interest in these languages.

Ingenuity is an encyclopedia that gathers all religious, sufi, social and natural sciences. This work is a library in itself. The pre-cekis have learned a lot from this work, and we are. Of course, future generations will benefit from this work.

Since the 1970s, Ingenuity has been transferred to modern Turkish and ba-sedded. Some of these are summarized, and some have numerous errors caused by reading inad errors. Since this work is an encyclopedia, it is not enough to know only Ottoman language and transfer it to modern Turkish. In addition to religious and sufi sciences, natural sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology; it is also more or less important to bend the social science such as sociology, history and psychology. In addition to Os-manlica dictionaries, Ottoman-French and Ottoman-English dictionaries are also required. Because some concepts can only be understood and put into domestic ye-rine with the help of these dictionaries.

Years ago, I simplifyed Ingenuity. Despite repeated warnings and, this simplification continued to be printed. I have to admit, be-nim, my know-how that day wasn't enough to simplify this work. Now I'm surprised I made those mistakes. Like I said, I've always opposed publishing the work as it is, but I couldn't stop it. I've been crushed by these mistakes for years.

And the addition of "Professor" to the beginning of my name drove me crazy. I even put them on the look for it, but it didn't work out. And since I know this market, it didn't work for me to take it to court. However, when I did that simplification, I was someone who hadn't even done his PhD yet, who didn't have enough knowledge.

Finally, in 1995, I formed a team in the dean's department of Mugla University Faculty of Arts and Sciences and told them to come to me where they were hesitant and compared the Simplification of my Ingenuity to osman-lıca original. After a long study, this simplification in your hand appeared. Of course, I didn't just supervise the work done, so I reviewed it one by one. Now I recommend this work with peace of mind. In the meantime, since the work was published, I have made new corrections and will continue to do so. Because it's a bedside book.

I am very pleased to present to you the simplification of a full text and as error-in-error Ingenuity as possible. I would also like to thank the employees of Merve Publishing House who contributed during the preparation of this revised and corrected new edition.

I'm always open to any suggestions that might come as I mentioned. Work is one of us, Tev-fik Ahah.

Prof. Dr. Durali Yilmaz Istanbul, 2013


Foreword to The New Edition 15

Life and Works of His Holiness Ibrahim Haki of Erzurum 17

23-53 According to the religious issues to be believed and relied during the qur'anic verses and prophet hadiths and the opinions of Islamic scholars; Four sections explain the sweat of the wound-adhan of the arch, the Kurdish, the heavens, the heavens, the places, the seas, the light, the omens, the state of the apocalypse, the destruction and destruction of the world, the world of reuniting with the Merciful.

Part One: In summary, it states the order of creation of the world with six articles of Levh-i Mahfiz and pen, the nature of the size of the arch-adhis, the rivers around it, the angels and the other top-luluklan and the Kurdish, Sidre, Levh-i Mahfiz and pen under it 23

Part Two: It explains the names, qualifications and numbers of the heavens, the rivers they have, the varieties of the trees, the thousandners, their blessings, the virgins and the tickle to four items 33

Part Three: The curtain angels under heaven explain the seas, the heavens, the seven heavens and the angels in each sky, the movements of the sun, moon and star, the state of the universe and the atmosphere with four substances 37

Part Four: It explains with five substances the inhabitants of the seven seas, eight Mount Kaf, seven places and each layer, hell and seven layers, and the enjoyment of creation of those in each layer, the conditions of sleaes and apocalypse, the destruction of the world and the state of the apocalypse 43

FIRST BOOK / 55-238 The order of creation of the worlds, which are mirrors of the universe with their surfaces • the qualities and situations of the worlds and ores of the world • the shapes and situations of the essences and objects • the image and hikme-tini of the world of principles and objects • the destabilization and formation of living things, compounds and elements, wisely in three sections.

SUBJECT ONE: and the creation of Acirc;lems; it explains the ni-teliks of the gems and provinces of the world with three chapters, as islamic philosophers found with their reasoning. .. 57

Part One: Proves God, the Vacib'ul-body, and briefly describes the possible cev-all and the provinces with three articles 57

Part Two: The way in which feleks, souls and minds appear; ranks of nature; change of essences; holes in the transformations of fire, air, water and soil; the birth of mines, plants, animals and man, and the intermediary among the bunlann; where the spirits come and go; wisely tells the joy of the world of bodies with four substances 61

Part Three: Explains the very important and very needy rules of ma-the theortics, which describe the number of items that appear in matter and in the mind, with ten articles, for ten easy methods 67

Part Four: Describes the quantities of objects, the shapes of geometry that describe their size, which are important and needed for subordination-ronomy, with four substances in an easy method 80

SECOND SUBJECT: and Acirc explains the proof that the shape of the lemin is round, the arbitrariness of the situations of stars and fe-leks, wisely in ten sections 87

Part One: It notes that the shape of the world of objects is round and that the large circles and layers of feleks drawn in the world sphere and the essence and structure of the objects and the shape and structure of the largest paralysis are subsethical 87

Part Two: The owner of the zodiac, the sky, the shapes and names of the zodiac, the folds of the zodiac and the fixed staring, the ranges of the moon, the distance of the celestial bodies are reported by four substances 97

Part Three: It notes the structure of the seventh sky and the fele of Zuhal (Saturn) in it with six substances 108

Part Four: Explains the structure of the sixth sky and the qualification of the Customer (Jupiter) star, which is still there, with five substances 113

Chapter Five: Explains the structure of the fifth sky and the va-es of the Star of Merih, which dominates here, into five articles 117

Chapter Six: Explains the structure of the fourth sky and the provisions and conditions of the Sun, which is the sultan here, with four articles 120

Chapter Seven: The structure of the third sky and the states of the Venereal star (Ve-nus) that rule here explain five points 124

Chapter Eight: Five articles bend the structure of the second sky and the status of the Utarit star here 128

Chapter Nine: Explains the structure of the earth's sky and the status and qualities of the moon that prevails there, the object related to the moon with six articles 132

Chapter Ten: It explains the moon's affections with the power of Allah and the situation as of the zodiac, the hours of the seven planets, the number of feleks, their voices and their nags, their centers, the movements of the circles, the beginnings of light objects with five substances.

TOPIC THREE: It wisely explains the nature and qualities of the submerged bodies that are formation and decay in its structure, namely the locations and situations of the four elements, the qualifications and status of the three unions and their changes in shape with the effects of light objects, the change of the qualities of Turks with the provisions of the ruin, some articles of new astronomy in ten chapters 153

Part One: Explains the nature of the fire unsum, the qualities of their attitude and condition with four articles 153

Part Two: The air explains the essence of the flour, my qualities and situations, the universe space (atmosphere) formed in the upper, middle and first layers from its three layers with four substances 154

Part Three: Explains the sub-layer of the air globe, its nature and qualities, its movement and name, and other situations with eight substances 157

Part Four: Other atmos-feric events occurring in the lower layer of the air sphere, namely the Milky Way, hale, fog, fracture, deer; the morning, the dawn, the shadow, and the hours of the night and the day; hunt and explain with five items of age and time 165

Chapter Five: The basis of water flour, quality and dumming, difference and qualification- nm, namely; to have steam, cloud, snow, rain, spring and river and steam again; find movements with different movements; the exchange of places that are slag with the seas; to take advantage of the water in the seas and land, to come into the body of hay-vanlann in the water; measuring the depths of the seas, which are considered to be the thickness of the water layer, walking ships by sea and taking vanp murat all over the world with ships; the new world (America) is found, the ground and sea are overturned and the ships heading west explain the coming to the eastern district with seven articles 174

Chapter Six: The nature, nature and dumming of the earth's flour, its movement-youness and its protection of the carnage, the disintegrating, the valley and its disintegrate; the division of the sphere into two ta-bakayas and the drawing of the new world with the emergence of the new world; wisely explains the squirt-breakage and shaking of the ground with four substances 185

Chapter Seven: The reasons for the polar circles determined and counted above the earth and the polarizing, divided into five parts of the earth, where a quarter of the earth is divided into seven climates and the boundary of the seven climates, it wisely explains with six articles that there are many countries, mountains, rivers and what shapes of manned and animal animals are found in each climate, that beyond the seven climates are explored and thinned by the 90th world, to find the longest day in each of the seven climates, and that the neighborhoods of the she-hirs are removed from the longest day, that the temperaments and inhabitants of the towns are different.

Chapter Eight: The longit-size and longit-size apartments and the world's chess houses; my ratios in terms of distance and closeness to each other of the towns and places and directions in the city with the determination of the longitship and longitine;

Detection of zeval line, day equalizer line and qibla with Indian apartment; to find the distance and quantity of meridian degrees with the height and lowness of the polar star located on the pole side of the world, and to find the circumference and face measurement of the earth's diameter; land and sea, distances of various points by measure and navigation; the town and its directions, which belong to seven planets with the triangle of zodiac signs of the place where one in four are seated; six substances explain and reveal the effects of time on the earth from the twelve animals on the earth 202

Chapter Nine: That new astronomy has found fame, that its rules are easy and short; that the earth moves with its rotation, and that the axis of the earth is parallel and against the pole of the world; that the new astronomer proved it; that the planets stop, return and go straight depending on this astronomy; there are objections to this new astronomy and they are all answered; explains with nine substances that astronomer has fallen out in the subject-horses of feleks 217

Chapter Ten: The three compounds, which are full compound bodies, are mines, plants and animals. Explains them all with seven articles 229

SECOND BOOK / 239-392 The anatomy bend, which is the mirror of bodies, explains the freedom of object and life, animal and herbal feelings and powers, the human spirit that is attached to the body and some of the situations of the temporary spirit on five subjects.

TOPIC ONE: It tells three sections about the benefits of anatomy, the place where life and body come from and where they go, the nature of organs, the do-lightness of the composition and mixture of human body, the properties, names and parts of open and hidden organs 241

Part One: Six articles explain the benefits of anatomy science, some of my designs in the body of the animal spirit, the place of arrival and departure of the human body, the rise and descent of the body and life, the change of the body, the human being of the temporary soul, the world manners that are like mothers 241

Part Two: Explains at length the nature of the composition of bodies, the principles of the nature of organs, the temperaments of human life, the composition and composition of four principles, the causes, situations and benefits of mixtures, and the four substances that consist of them 248

Part Three: Explains the benefits, principles and qualities of organs, name and strength, birth and properties in the same way as four substances 252

SUBJECT TWO: Details the composition characteristics and special names of man's body bones in three sections 256

Part One: Explains the composition qualities, names and attributes of the bones at the fore with six substances 256

Part Two: Explains the composition qualities of spinal bones, neck bones, ribs, bones and collarbones with five substances 260

Part Three: Explains the composition qualities, names and properties of two hands and two foot bones with seven substances 265

TOPIC THREE: Movements of organs report their qualities, principles of muscles, parts, robustness and characteristics in detail in three sections 271

Part One: Explains the sequence qualities of the muscles, the ha-rekets located with them on the head and neck with seven substances 271

Part Two: Explains the qualities and movements of the muscles of the chest, shoulders, hands and fingers with six substances 276

Part Three: The qualities of the muscles of the blood and waist, the tenasul organs, the muscles of the feet and toes; explains their movements and benefits with seven articles - 281

TOPIC FOUR: The qualities of the nerves, the arteries and the balls; the forces of bodies; to know the morals and attitudes of people in clothes; human qualities due to the different shape of organs; wisely explains the situations due to the pulling and course of organs with five sections 286

Part One: Explains the end of nerves and their benefits with five substances 286

Part Two: Explains in detail the places where the arteries end and the benefit in detail 291

Part Three: Calm damarlann explains the end places and benefits with six substances in the moon-nntili 294

Chapter Four: Explains the breeds and types of forces found in the human body, the beginning of the insides of the organ-lan, and the four life-ing objects with servants, such as feeling and strength, with six substances 300

Chapter Five: He wisely explains the wisdom of the shapes in the body organlan, the differentiity of clothes, the quality of life, which is varied by its no-noerdability, and the provisions of the sechet of human organs with eight articles 310

SUBJECT FIVE: Applying human beings to the realm, matching spirits to the horizons, finding the likes of the an-lams and parts of the world in this human body, and the similarity of the or-gans and forces in the body to all the objects, the protection and continuity of the body' health, of course, and the demise of the soul from the body with four parts, 326

Part One: Reports the similarity of the human body to times and spaces with eight substances 326

Part Two: The existence of the creator of man's own existence and the adjectives of his creator in his own capacity; From the savings in his own body world to the savings of the Lord of the worlds in the great world and the infleinment of his own self-inderation, the representation and similarity of the understanding and comprehension of the weakness of The Right Explains the values of the mature person to six articles 336

Part Three: The qualities, places and interests of the compound organs of the life, which need to be preserved; my principles of the health of the human body; nature and provisions of some single foods and food; the benefits and virtues of some foods and fruits; It notices the shape and colors of some dress that heat-tans and beautifies the human body with eleven substances 347

Part Four: He wisely explains the virtue and truth of death, its essence and nature, its praise and quality, my departure from the body of the soul, my state of dying, its image at the second birth, its migration to heaven and hell by moral noddability with seven articles 373

THIRD BOOK / 393-886 It is the mirror of hearts, the way and method put in place to correct faith, faith and prayer, the way to stop loving the tastes of the world, to go to the heart, to know the truth of the heart and soul is conditioned, to reduce eating, sleep and word, to choose the uzleti, to continue the remembrance and to think is the way of wisdom, Patience and accident are based on human spirit authority, the greatest is-single to know God, the love of Allah is the shortest purpose, the essence of the wisdom of the parents, and the superiority of the guardians, who wants nodzly, who wishes peace, what The place of the prophet passes his office and explains how closely he reaches his closeness to His Holiness Allah, who is a puck, and how he educates his friends who are capable of wisdom from him, in accordance with the book and circumcision with five subjects and in accordance with the icmâ-i community.

TOPIC ONE: Do not obey and submit to the book and circumcision, and the merciful prayer

my conditions and conditions, abandoning the tastes of the world and turning to the heart, the ger-çe of life and heart in detail in five sections 395

Part One: Explains with five articles the follow-up to the book and circumcision, the correction of the order to Huda, the fulfilling of the five times na-thu.

Part Two: Explains the truth and nature of the world, turning away from it, what is worse-than-world, and the meaning that is required of it with eight articles 417

Part Three: That the place of feyiz and wisdom is the life and heart of man; that those who forget the affairs of the world and put their souls in their hearts are in the heart of peace and friendship; description and nature, state and characteristics of the human heart; explains the limit and truth of the mind and the ratio to the heart with seven substances 441

Part Four: It was a condition of the Yezdan way of knowing the truth of life and heart; how virtuous and mature the human heart is; that the heart is divided into seven attitudes; that when the heart is arif, it finds effort and power with savings, and when it is mature, it remains empty, saving and free from power; that you have been full of surrender and consent and that you have left everything; that with heart, inspiration, sleep and death, you take science from your own world; that he has forgotten and remembered his own world; that the heart goes by living with conviction in its own world; that the heart found Mevlâ with dignity and recognition; that the heart is always important and necessary in its orientation to its own world; The human soul, from which I travel from many ranges; the human soul explains with fourteen substances what form and degree it has descended into and risen to, how many difficulties and maturity it has found in this world 456

SECOND SUBJECT: The essentials of the Irfan way are little food, little sleep, little talk, distance from the public, constant remembrance and full contem you explain in six sections 478

Part One: Explains the benefits and properties of eating snees, which is the first basis of the Irfan road, in eight articles 478

Part Two: The second of the six principles of the Irfan road, the benefits of sleeping little explain with ten substances 492

Chapter Three: Explains the benefits of little speech in six articles, which is the third of the six principles of the Irfan road 504

Chapter Four: Explains the faults of distancing from the people, which is the fourth basis of the Irfan road, with ten articles 51-7

Chapter Five: Explains the superiors, benefits, characteristics and earnings of the continuous chant, which is the fifth of the six fundamentals of the Irfan way, with nine articles 537

Chapter Six: Five articles clearly explain the name, characteristics, benefit and nature of the full contemplate, which is the sixth of the six principles of the Irfan road 557

SUBJECT THREE: The authority of the human soul explains in four chapters the trust in Allah, the one who is being held in office, leaving the work to him, patience with trouble and accident 571

Part One: Explains the superiority and benefit of full trust, the first of the four methods of the Irfan way, with seven articles ... 571

Part Two: Explains the advantages, benefits and consequences of bespoke to Allah, which is the second of the four principles of the Irfan road, with eight articles 586

Chapter Three: Explains the advantages, benefits, consequences and earnings of sabnn, which is the third of the four principles of the Irfan road, with six articles 598

Chapter Four: Explains the superiors, benefits, consequences and benefits of consent, which is the fourth of the four principles of the Irfan road, to six articles 610

TOPIC FOUR: The people of wisdom who knew Mevlâ, the highest purpose of desire, released their own people to the supreme office and those who knew Allah found the state of habit and peace and immersed in the state of love and conversation; the wisdom of the veluer, the essence of meaning and the science of the heart, and that the heart take flavor and life from it; That the group of veluers is better than the common, and that by coming to peace from the blunder, hakkin found friendship to be a blessing; my rent is temporary from the animal properties that continue to love wine, and hakkin finds morality to be a snag; five sections explain that the bazaar of the veluer is open and the cult authorities are open 625

Part One: He explains to nine articles that the key to knowing himself is to know AUah, that the light of wisdom was born into the heart of the eve, that it was the ultimate wish to bend God, that he had found that he had forgetting and bending anyone other than Allah, that he had passed out and stayed with him, that he was always in security from every fear and sadness, that Aüah was remembered by bad adjectives and adjectives. ... 625

Part Two: That the love of Allah is the ultimate goal; that you end up with enthusiasm, love and vecit; The limit and truth of the love of mevlâ, the original and the feature, the benefits and the authorities, their omens and superiority; their hearts; recipes and sections; special names, features of zat and adjectives, verbs and directions of their works, those with and in their abandonment; the works and fruits and their resulting enthusiasm and state, love and heat, vecit and maturity, the yo-lunu of winning the results of twenty-four articles 642

Part Three: Allah explains with four articles that the wisdom shown by the beg parents has been a heartbean, that the heart from it has found pleasure and the right path, that it is more concise and more useful than the one containing judgments, that many speechpers suitable for the book and circumcision are more effected than the tesirin-708

Part Four: Allah explains the virtues, blessings, habits, vecit, characteristics, omens, movements and calms, ranks, omens, the greatest place of their vision and the last point of office to do-kuz matter 718

Chapter Five: That the Nakshibendî road, which is the preferred path of the distinguished Allah friendlies, is hidden and the closest you have reached Mevlâ, he explains to seven points that each of the three parts is the capital of the state of wisdom, that those who go down that path have every maturity and whose heart is joyful with the peace of secret and divine friendship, that he is sure of the concerns of fear of perversion, danger and boredness, and that the joy of that pure and lucid love sycavengy is filled with joy from that pure and clear love sycavengy 743

TOPIC FIVE: In eight chapters, the sultans enter the sultan's court and divan, the passage of the seven positions of the in-san soul, the decency and measures of being in the presence of mevlâ, the signs and deeds of those who showed my Rahman's path, the signs and adjectives of the disciple who was persevering in the path of wisdom, the various interventions and tu-zaks of the evil delusions, and the virtues of the prophet sheikh, which is the pole of the time and the veluer of time.

Part One: Explains the state of the soul in the path of wisdom and the curtains that appear to its eyes accordingly, the human soul in the office and the decorum and measurements required in that first office with eight articles 763

Part two: The states of the "nefisi lewâme", which is in the second office of the seven authorities, explain the arbitrariness of the adjective and attitude, the remembrances of his ascension to the third office, the entry to the "world-i example", the way of cleaning and remembrance, his escape from obstacles by nine points 782

Part Three: The arbitrariness of the state of the "self-miilhime" in the third office of the seven authorities, the adjective and attitude, the surrender to his client, his departure in accordance with the evil dimensions, his release, Sharia explains with ten articles the example of the west of the truth, a third name to be occupied with its remembrance, the return of the self that is prone to all sides, its beautiful state, its release, the explanation of its words, the address and dream of the spirituals, the successive arrival and arrival of the slack and breadth, the fondness and need in the state of boredom in which it falls, the remembrance of the third name to be occupied with the remembrance of ten articles 80

Part Four: Explains the nature, adjectives and occurrements of the "nefs-i mutmainne" in the fourth office of the seven authorities, the supposiments and disasters, the conversation of Allah to his lover, the property and the demand, the merit of being a great person, the preference to get in the way of those whose understanding is sharp, and the four articles that the velile-rin road has to taste 822

Chapter Five: The ni-teye, their state, adjective and attitude of the "nefs-i raziye", which is in the fifth office of the seven authorities; Mevlâ's fius describes his status with the te-celli of the name and adjective with three articles: "ilm-el yakîn", "ayn-el yakîn" and "Hakk-el yakîn" mer-tebes 828

Chapter Six: Explains the arbitrariness and attitude, some state and glazing, description and name of nature in three articles of "nefs-i merziye" in the sixth office 834

Chapter Seven: Explains the arbitrariness, the hâüer, healing and alameuer, the measures of upbringing of the mature disciple, the decency and omens of the skilled disciple, the publicity of his inner world in a state of contraction, and the eight trapped substances set by the devil in the case of contraction 839

Chapter Eight: Hazrat Gavs-ı Ulvî Fakirullah Sheikh Ismail Tillovî's nobleness and lineage, sect and sect, his father and his literary, his homeland and place of birth, his behavior and tradition, his science and worship and his well story, his discovery, his friendship of Allah, his full loneliness, his holy power, his great virtues, his nature, his daily worships, his traditions of friendship, his clothing, his love and love without recognizing my father Osman Efendi and Mehmet Efendi of Yhran, how my father was troubled and how the vanp found him, stayed with that Divine judge and took care of everything, and some of his deeds appeared, nam, glory and glory. After the death of my father, he wished this orphan's right his condolences with a look and then wisely and wisely, and the prophet sheikh's va-desi melted down and gave life to Hakk and took care of him. , drinking his bad wine, ge-chip to the herede world explains to ten items that there are great memories and countless benefits left in this world 852

BOOK LINE / 887-946 Allah-friendly and conversation with the people of the time • the demand for relatives, parents and siblings • proximity to spouses, children and servants • ignorant, Getting along with arifs and their neighbors • feeding the poor and catering to guests • treats with respectable ones and commons • grace and donation that causes love and friendship • decorum and redemption that is unique to each friendship and friendship • my disasters of the seven organs • the unity of Hazrat Yezdan, who makes poverty, wealth, keeping in mind and forgetting and making it easy for the human being to be bunked, explains with four chapters.

Part One: Explains the brief treatments of Huda's prophet and the Quranic verses and holy hadiths that demand to get along with them in three articles 889

Part Two: All the people are afraid to be treated with good morals, to speak with grace and softness, and their news and polite words; explains with four articles the benefits and harms of marriage, to go and talk to everyone 893

Part Three: Creative and timely people's way of chatting and literary; explains friendship with relatives, neighbors and friends with three clauses 904

Part Four: The way and the way to chat with close friends and acquaintances; friendship with ignorant people; to abide by their relations with the common and their traditions; Explains the visible work of scholars and elites and the unity of the Human Lord, which facilitates all these people, into six articles and a hatime 921

THE STORY OF THE HATİmEN / 947-951 It describes the taats and worships described above and the repentance of the zat that rejoices in the adjectives and spirit of the adjectives and names that facilitate the traditions of the married and the syeds.

Debate 953

A Letter from His Holiness ibrahim Right 957

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