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Kuralul Hakim - Keşfil Nickname Fihallil Kumuz

Product Code : T26975
: 9786057022424
549.00 TL
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Kuralul Hakim - Keşfil Nickname Fihallil Kumuz

Kuralul Hakim - Keşfil Nickname Fihallil Kumuz

Product features :

Publisher : Esma Publications
Author : Abu Salama Mahmud Nasar
Translated into Turkish by H.Mustafa Varlı - Seyfettin Oğuz
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality : Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 760
Size : 17 x 24 cm
Weight : 950 g
Language : Arabic - Turkish
Barcode: 9786057022424

Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil'alamin. Vessalâtü wassâmu alâ Sayyidina Muhammedin Hâtemil-Enbiyâi ve Mürselin ve alâ âlihi and sahbihi ecmain.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the last of the Prophets, and his family and all his Companions and all the believers who follow him.
All that is in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth in between, belongs to Allah. No matter how closed it is, nothing is hidden from God.
Whether you say the word openly or secretly, surely he knows well the secret and the obvious.
Being a sincere servant of Allah, human being, the most honorable of all creatures (creation), can only be achieved by fulfilling His orders and avoiding His prohibitions.
The duty of man; How can we obey the Qur'an, the guide of guidance sent for the arrangement of worldly life, the prescription of salvation, and the supreme leader, our beloved Prophet (pbuh)?
We must live as it was written and left to us. The only divine system that will regulate the life of all humanity until the Day of Judgment is the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our Prophet (pbuh). By the grace of Allah, this will never change.
of all humanity; He should take all his actions and behaviors from the Qur'an and Sunnah from the Messenger of Allah throughout his life. As a matter of fact, when a sincere believer says I believe and surrender; He is saying, "O Lord! There is no god but you, there is no lawgiver but you. You regulate the whole life and the universe, and your beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is your messenger and the leader of all humanity."
Muslim; He should take his life principles from the Qur'an and Sunnah throughout his life.
O my believing brothers! Hz. You must follow Muhammad (pbuh), you must take him as a guide. Before he died, the Messenger of Allah said: “I leave you two things. If you follow him and follow him, you will achieve salvation: if you do not follow him, you will go astray. One of these trusts is the Book of Allah, the Qur'an. The other is my sunnah. ”
Again, Allah (c.c.): “Whatever the Prophet commands you, take it. obey him. Avoid whatever it forbids.” he ordered. Yes, we will be able to use the creatures created by Allah as a means and cause. Let's not just bring them to the principles of belief and open the paths of shirk. If such roads have been opened in the past, we will look for ways to destroy them? We will not turn the reasons and qualities that Allah has given us into life qualities. We will adapt these events to the criteria of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Muslims are obliged to cling to the Qur'an and the Sunnah in order to solve the problems of life and the problems between them. As a matter of fact, it is clearly revealed in the verse: "When you are in disagreement among yourselves, hold on to the rope of Allah (Qur'an)". Therefore, it is necessary not to sin and to abandon bad habits while using love and means. If a bad behavior is left behind, it is necessary to make an effort to remove it.
It is necessary to publish some works made for the benefit of people. Here, I have presented to you, my esteemed readers, this precious work of Ebâ Mesleme Andalusia, the author of this precious work that you have in your hands, Fikirü'l Hakîm, and Mahmud Nâsâr, who prepared and illustrated it for publication approximately 250 years later. Endeavor from us, appreciated from you, my readers. We have finished this work by saying that guidance is from Allah.
I would like to remind you that this valuable work has beneficial, healing and beneficial aspects as well as harmful aspects in terms of spirituality.
My brothers and sisters who exchange ideas with this article book! We have written this esteemed Fikirü'l Hakîm, which you have in your hands, as a gift to you, knowing that the service is a debt to myself. I sincerely hope that you will not forget to commemorate those who contributed to this work with a prayer, and may Allah make you share in his prayers, mercy and blessings.
There are many verses in this work. Do not be a prisoner of your own soul by capitalizing these verses and the word of God on your material interests. The nafs leads a person to defeat. May Allah Almighty protect our sentence from the abolition of the soul and the devil, insha'Allah. Amine...
H. Mustafa VARLI - Ramadan, 13/04/2021


Preface 5
The Battle of Darkness and Light Andalusia 8
Journey to Fitra 9
Seeking Wisdom / Wisdom 11
Philosophical Thought or Thought 14
Astronomy (Astronomy) 14
Astronomy and Astrology 15
It is a must to read the Book of the Universe to Seek Wisdom 18
Sources of Islamic Astronomy 21
Great Figures and Works of Islamic Astronomy 24
The Author of Fikirü'l Hakîm Maslama al-Mecrîtî Andalusia
The Current Situation of the Islamic State 25
The Conquest of Spain / Andalusia and Its Brief History 26
III. Abdurrahman Period (H. 300-350 - M. 912-961) 28
II. Referee Period 29
Some Famous Scholars (Honorists) in the Islamic State of Andalusia 32
Observatories, Observatories and Astronomical Instruments 34
astrology 36
Talisman / Rush 40
Spirituality - Psychology 44
O Son of Man 46
To the Humanity Watching the Destruction / Destruction of a Civilization
Examples from Shouting Thinkers 47
Introduction 49
Who Knows Best, Knows All 50
The Existence of Creatures 57
Existence Purpose of Assets 57
All Beings Are Created For Man, They Are Being Created 58
Three Traits for Wisdom (Specialties) 61
Journey to Wisdom 61
Big Universe, Small Universe Relation 64
Man's Relationship with Nature 66
Man's Relationship with the Sky 66
Man and Sky 69
The Incident of Fate (Earth) Turning Three Hundred and Sixty Degrees 77
CHAPTER FOUR - Sun and Moon 81
Earth and Moon 81
Ranges of the Camera (Moon) 87
Second Range Station of the Moon Al-Batîn (Ventricle) 88
State of the Moon's Range and Orbit
Enlightening, or Enlightening 88
Why is the Moon's Other Side (Sun-Facing Side) Not Visible? 89
Fifth Range of the Moon Clatter H 91
Moon's Golden Range, Orbit 92
The Situation of Agriculture and Farmers During the Moon's Seventh Reach 93
The Situation of the Prose Sign with the Moon's Eighth Range, Station 94
Influenced by the Sun at the Moon's Ninth Range Stop
It Receives Its Light and Reflects It on Earth (et-Tarfatu T.) 94
Frontline Situation While Navigating The Moon's Tenth Range 95
Movement to the Poison Range on the Moon's Journey to the Eleventh Range 95
The Moon's Twelfth Range, Orbital Expenditure Studies
Must Do 96
State of the People in the Orbit of the Moon's Thirteenth Range 97
The Moon's Situation in Pisces in its Fourteenth Range 97
The Moon's Fifteenth Range, Its Orbital Course, Its Journey
Missions 98
Sixteenth Range of the Moon, Zabanan (Moon's) Movement in its Orbit 98
In Orbital Movements To Reach The Moon's Seventeenth Range
An Entire Cruising Condition 99
Inter-Range States During the Moon's Eighteenth Orbit
Effects on Heart Sadr 100
The Moon's Inter-Range Movements in its Nineteenth Orbit
Şümullu, State of Inclusion 101
Movement of the Moon to This Range in Its Twentieth Course (en-Neâyim =
Obituaries) You'll See 105
Cities and Towns (Town st., City st.)
State of Homelands 106
The Moon's Twenty-Second Station, Melted in Range
Its Orbit Status 107
While at the Twenty-Third Range of the Moon, That is, the Earth and Its Axis
Falcon Swallow Swallows While Continuing Its Journey 108
How is the situation on the Twenty-fourth Journey to the Moon 108
At the Moon's Twenty-Fifth Range, the Branches of Aquarius on its Journey,
Illumination Status Presented in Front of Branches 109
Branch, Arm, and Final Destination of Aquarius Between Ranges at the Twenty-sixth Range of the Moon and During Its Journey Around the Earth Events Behind and Useful Talismans to Make 110
The End Around Himself and Earth on the Twenty-Seventh Journey to the Moon
Functional Situations and Things to Do During Movement.. 111 Houses in the Ranges on the Twenty-Eighth Day of the Moon, Gay
Situations at the Stops 111
Recognizing the Creator, Relationship between the Creator and the Created 114
Relationship of the Moon with Other Planets 116
Solar System - Earth and Moon 118
Space and Meteorology Studies 121
1-The Talisman to Destroy the Enemy 127
2- In order to (Spiritally) Destroy the Structure of the Towns, a Talisman is Made.
(Applied for enemy towns) 127
3- Talisman for Correcting Cities or Issues, Themes, Positions
(Mysterious Celestial Objects) 128
4-Destroying the Facilities or Locations of the Cities,
(Satanic) Deeds to Destroy, Talismans 128
5-For Growing in Goods, Money, Power, Wealth and Trade,
This System Applicable 129
6-A Required Talisman for a Dangerous, High-Profile Mission 130
7-To reach the Sultan whenever people want
Talisman to Make 131
8-A Slave Who Wants, Theme for the Servant, That the Subject Can Be a Lady
If He Wants, It Is Possible With This Method 131
9-When a Lover Proposes Marriage to Someone He Loves and
How To Make A Talisman When He Hears And Learns That This Marriage Proposal Has Been Rejected 132
10-Someone To Disable The Man They Want To Marry
Talisman to Make 132
11-The Talisman to Release the Prisoner 133
12-If You Want It Too, Then For Victory, Its Destruction,
A Talisman Can Be Made Against His End, Disaster 133
13-Those Ruling A Country Are Disobedient By A Congregation
Talismans and Methods Against 133
14-To Do What He Wants In His Country, To Catch It
Talisman 134
15-A Man I Wasn't In That City From That Day On
Making Talismans to Break the Denial of the Protectors 134
16-Two Persons Do Not Do This, A Talisman is Necessary for the Meeting.
It's Not Right To Do 135
17-Mystery of Lunch for a Group / Party (Amulet) 136
18-Mysterious Deeds to Destroy the King, Sultan, Ruler/
For Whom Will Talismans Serve? 137
19-A Talisman for Purity and Sincerity, or for Captaincy
Doing, Being Successful on This Occasion 137
20-Likely Disease-grade Love Talismans 138
21-Can A Talisman Be Made To Catch Whalefish? 138
22-The Talisman to Drive Scorpions 139
23-Charm the Sounds Scorpions Make or Make
Destroy or Silence 140
24-When Men Dispute With Women, Use A Talisman
Seeking Solutions 141
A Journey to Peace in Life in Mysterious Astrological Events! 142
Explanations on Space Sciences 143
astronomy 148
Essence Ore and Human 149
Astronomy and Human 150
Small Universe and Anatomical Structure 152
Fitra-Based Treatment 153
God, Cosmos, Human 155
Journey to the Ore 157
A View of the Whole Humanity Picture 157
Journey to the Account / Unseen 160
FASIL / Nature (Natural) Astronomy 161
Haven't You Seen Any Shame Due to the Shame in People? Is It From Things Like A Lack Of Perfection And Talent?
originating? 162
Movements of the Four Main Substances 164
Recognizing the Environment and Nature 165
Mysterious Views for Fish to Live 166
Emphasizing the Treatment Point to Put the World in One Position
Talisman 166
The Period of Planting Saplings in the Fields and Their Mysterious Methods (Amulets) ...166
Talisman for Trade and Workplaces, Shops 167
Talisman for Harvest, or Making Use of Pebbles 167
Methods of Treating People Who Are Sick in Dark Places
Talisman for 168
If Someone Says I Have Been Enmity and Separation, Getting Rid of
What Should He Do? 172
Protecting From Haram Sensual Views 173
Health Problems and Solutions 175
SECOND ARTICLE (Selections from the Book of the Wise, Judge, Scholar) 177
First Chapter / Section 177
Foresight and Will Training 180
Proof of Knowledge 181
Getting to Know the Human 183
Looking at the Big Pictures / Chapter - Part 184
Lou Geoa's Secret 189
Actions of the Planets 189
Formation of a Year 190
Moroccan of Taife 193
Production Policies and Productivity in Indian Civilization
Techniques 196
Sun and Moon Relationship 196
Relations of the Moon and the Sun 197
Lunar and Star Eclipses 199
Progression of the Moon with Other Planets 203
sun 208
Chapter / Chapter 208 - 211 - 212
The Battle of Good and Evil (Battle of Opposites) 215
Chapter / Chapter 220
World's Best Treatment Methods 223
We Should Go Back Where We Are and Say 229
Election of Government and Social Justice 231
Chapter / Chapter 240
Formation of the Seasons 241
Medicine and Therapeutic Tools 241
Methods to Make Life Easier 242
Chapter / Chapter 245
Is Denying the Mouse a Charm? 245
Exterminating Flies with a Talisman, Denying 246
A Wonderful (Weird) Talisman 246
Talisman for Enmity 247
Talisman: Can It Do To Clear The Position? 247
Chapter of Separation in Stones 248
Buyer, Customer Planet 248
Al-Marih, Planet Mars 248
Planet Utarid 249
Ez-Zahrati, Planet Venus 249
Shams, Solar System 249
Camera, Moon 249
As a result of Energy Movements Between Planets
Separating Images and Characteristics of Flood Disasters 250
Found for Others 252
Venus is the Man of the Wise Eloise, Anar 253
254 from the author Bilge Eloise
Benefits of Stones in a Book 254
Found in Others Again 255
al-Qamar, Moon 255
Mentioning a Sage named Eloise 256
Spiritual, Spiritual Thesis Interpretation 256
And Who Are The Others? 256
Spirituality - From the Book of Talismanic Interpretation of Spirituality
Planet Saturn 257
A Wisdom Commentary from the Book of the Wise Eloise 257
The Stones on the Planet Mercury (In their Reflections on Earth) to Mercury
What are the Benefits? Or Reflections of Stones on Mercury
What are they? 258
This May Have Been Found For Others 258
Examples from Utarid, The Benefits of Stones for Mercury 259
Examples from the Book of Thesis Interpretations of Spiritual Talismans 259
An Example Found for Others 259
Customer Planet Speaks of Wise Eylus (Eloise) 260
There Are Many Wisdoms For Others too 260
Mars Describes Planet Mars by al-Hakim Eloise Wise 260
An Example from the Book of Interpretation of Talismans with Spiritual Thesis 261
Author in the Book of Wisdom Utarid Designed for Mercury
Mentions the Benefits of Articles 261
(Many Wisdoms in History) Found for Others.
(This is the Service Concept of Genuine Scholars) 262
The Greatest Yoke (Slavery, Allegiance) 262
Who Makes Those Drawings and Pictures? 263
Examples of His Paintings 263
Hermes Didn't Mention the Purity of His Conversation.
Examples from Historical Inscriptions 264
As a result of archaeological excavations, from those inscriptions and historical ruins
Methods Applied to Removal of Insects 265
Flower, Blossom Embosses, Fertilization, or Venereal Star's Quests 266
And 266 of His Drawings
Selections from Friton's Book 267
Engraved, Engraved, Carved in a Stone, Faith of the Age,
Historical Document Revealing Culture and Lifestyles
Qualifying Documents 268
From the Engraved, Engraved Inscription on a Stone in Archaeological Excavations
Example 269
An Engraved Slab On The Crystal Lobe,
Crystalline Gemstone 269
And A Coral Engraved, Engraved For Him To Prepare For The Festival
For Him, His Time Is Engraving, Engraving, Drawing 270
Relief in Stone of Sandstone 270
Garnet (Agate) Overflow An Engraved Image For Him 271
Making Embossed Paintings for Him 272
Notes from the Book of Charms to Freton 272
Relief Can Be Made Where Picture Location Is Certain 272
It Foretells The Book Itself 273
Can There Be Justice Without Books? 273
Moon, Camera Image, Photo Request, Request 274
Engraved on Precious Stones Because It Is A Historical Document For Him
Inscriptions 274
For Him (People, Societies) Spiritual Theses (Opinions and Ideas)
Examples from the Interpretation Book 275
An Agate (Garnet) Stone Lobe, Embossed on Sarcophagus Gravestones
Making 276
Special Situations Specific to Expelling Those Scorpions 277
Written, Engraved, Engraved on (Any) Material for Him
A Document, A Work Conveying Information 278
For Him (Emerald) Overflow Embroidered, Engraved, Written
Document Expressing an Opinion 278
Zuhal, Reflected Inscriptions and Images of Saturn (Earth) 279
Embossing A Diamond Stone For Her 279
She Has A Relief For Her 280
When It Needs To Be Scraped 280
A Simple App To Repel Harmful Grasshoppers 281
Engraved, Written, Embroidered for Her Relief Picture 281
Engraved Inscriptions and Photographs of the Client Star 282
Embossed Inscriptions for Him 283
Crystal, Documents Engraved in a Crystal Stone 283
Engraved, Embossed Inscriptions for Him 283
Talk About Hermes, Tell 284
Written and Engraved for Him 284
Mars Inscriptions and Photographs, Engravings 284
He Has An Inscription For Him 284
When Does It Need To Be Engraved? 285
II. CHAPTER / Revealing Symbols in the Resolution of Treasures
Transaction 289
Lead Selection and Management 290
Managing My Pen 291
Iron Management 292
Gold Management 293
Management of Copper 294
Zeybek Management 295
Moon, Camera Management, System 297
Then They Undoubtedly Made The Greatest Talisman 298
LAST CHAPTER / (Or Another Chapter) 300
Sulfur Oil and Properties 300
Persia, Iran, Persian Fire 300
That's How It's Done, They Said. How To Do This 301
Madness (Macnun) and Malcolytic Treatment 301
Treatment of the Blind 302
Scabies and Treatment of Scabies 302
Treatment of Extreme Headaches 302
Treatment and Relief of Insomnia 302
Sleeping Too Much and Its Treatment 303
Treatment of Melasma and Freckles 303
Earache and Treatment 303
Deafness and Tarta Treatment 303
Treatment of Eye Trauma 304
Treatment of Redness in the Eye 304
Treatment of White Eye Disease 304
Treatment of the Eyelid 305
Treatment of Visual Impairment in the Eyes 305
Hair on Eyelashes, Hair Treatment and Ways 305
Treatment of Red Eyes, Conjunctivitis, Teardrops 306
Treatment of Visible, Open Eye Bleeding, Internal and External Squint Eyes ....306 Treatment of All Eye Conjunctivitis and Discharges; or Whole Body
Treatment of Currents 306
Treatment of Nose Bleeds 307
Cough Treatment of Anyone Coughing for Any Reason
Medicines for 307
For the Treatment of Hollow (Internal Diseases) and All Diseases
Putties 308
A Call to Create the Void 309
First Gate 309
Act Two 310
Act Three 310
Fourth Gate 310
Fifth Gate 310
Sixth Gate 311
Seventh Gate 311
Eighth Gate 311
Ninth Gate 311
Tenth Gate 312
Eleventh Gate 312
Twelfth Gate 312
Thirteenth Gate 312
Fourteenth Gate 312
Fifteenth Gate 313
Sixteenth Gate 313
Seventeenth Gate 313
Eighteenth Gate 313
Nineteenth Gate 313
Twentieth Gate 314
Twenty-First Gate 315
Twenty-Second Gate 315
Twenty-Third Gate 315
Twenty-Fourth Gate 315
Twenty-Fifth Gate 315
Twenty-Sixth Gate 316
Twenty-Seventh Gate 316
Twenty-Eighth Gate 316
Twenty-Ninth Gate 316
Thirtieth Gate 317
Thirty-First Gate 317
Thirty-Second Gate 317
Thirty-Third Gate 317
Thirty-Fourth Gate 317
Thirty-Fifth Gate 317
Thirty-Sixth Gate 318
Thirty-Seventh Gate 318
Thirty-Eighth Gate 318
Thirty-Ninth Gate 318
The Fortieth Door. - 318
Gate Forty-First 318
Gate Forty-Second 319
Gate Forty-Third 319
Gate Forty-Fourth 319
Gate Forty-Fifth 320
Gate Forty-Sixth 320
Gate Forty-Seventh 320
Forty-Eighth Gate 320
Gate Forty-Nine 321
Fiftieth Gate 321
Gate Fifty-First 321
Fifty-Second Gate 321
Gate Fifty-Third 321
Gate Fifty-fourth 321
Fifty-Fifth Gate 322
Fifty-Sixth Gate 322
Fifty-seventh Gate 322
The Fifty-Eighth Gate 322
Door Fifty-Ninth .....322
Sixtieth Gate 323
Gate Sixty-First 323
And This Is The Character Of Loneliness 324
No Private Will Hurt You If You Want To 325
Incense Recipe for All Deeds, Behaviors, and Deeds 325
This Blessed Blessed Invitation 326
Completing the Invitation 339
Important Prayer and Calling 342
Prayer Continues for This Invitation Ring 349
Status of Leaving the Greater Milan Division 355
Greater Milan Division 356
A Tried and Tested Post 357
This Is That Song 360
Right, Right Epilepsy Gate, Path 360
The King's Service Gate of Authority is Well Known 362
Itikaf Intention 362
Covering the Palm 370
Door Dressing 371
The Method to Repel Tigers 371
Tried and Tested. Benefits of Fleas 372
Another Question About Fleas 373
Benefits of Hitting to Lift 374
The Method to Blow Up the Cruel 375
To Prevent A Thief's Theft and Bring His Stolen Goods
Inflatable (Gas and Breathable, Breathable-Wind.) 376
A Very Effective Method For The Person You Want To Try, The Way Is 376
Benefits of Triangular Glazes, or Utilizing Triangular Glazes
Methods 378
If You Want To Empty The Mink 384
This is the Stopping, Cleaning, and Explaining Bleeding 386
The Method to Unbind Anyone 388
What to Do to Relieve Family Unrest, Father, Son, and Mother Resentment, Relieve and Reconcile Their Resentments
Prayer, Vefk 393
Vefk 398
Practice to Protect, Rescue 401
Easy Pregnancy and Methods that Facilitate Birth,
Having the Easy Way 403
Vefk for Love and Marriage 406
If You Want to End in Marriage, or Marriage with Love
If you wish, do the following prayer as a supplementary 409
Mentioning the Mother of Letters 411
As You Can See In These, Ranks, Ranks, and Days
(Names Expressing Life) 411
The Letters of Revelation 413
Its Terms, Conditions 422
First Order 423 To Make It Simple In The First Place As Below
Names (Coming Alive), Then Names Going Out, or Then Two Names
You take it out. The Output of These Two Names 424
Human Dialogue with Plant 427
A New Journey for Every Being 430
Completing the Mentioned Example (Example) 442
Travelers of the Right Way! Purpose, Consent of the Creator, Target Knowledge
Our Carriers Love and Prayer 449
Journey to Vuslata 453
Mankind's Search for a New Life from History to the Present 458
Power of Attorney 460
Here's How He Was Hired And He Says To You 460
Benefits of Surah Yasin 462
Benefits of the Surah of Struggle 477
Preventing the Mill from Detained Operation or Deterioration 482
Disconnecting a Connected Person 482
Expenditures, Expenses Section .....483
Useful Methods for the Improvement of Corrupted (Corrupted) Women,
Methods 484
A Method to Heal Headaches 485
A Call to Eternity and Something, or the Beauty of Eternal Life
Prayer for 485
Second Discharge Incident 491
Third Discharge for Relaxation 492
The Fourth Discharge for Material and Spiritual Relief 493
Fifth Treatment Method 493
Sixth Treatment Method 495
The Seventh Method of Treatment 497
Eighth Treatment Method 498
Ninth Method (Treatment) 501
Tenth Way of Treatment, Method ;502
Eleventh Method of Treatment 502
Twelfth Treatment Method / Method .503
The Thirteenth Treatment Method / Method - The Son of Numan
Application of Treatment 503
Fourteenth Method of Treatment 507
Fifteenth Method of Treatment 508
Sixteenth Method of Healing - Dahman's Son's Method of Healing 508
Seventeenth Method of Treatment 508
Eighteenth Treatment Method - Hereditary Brain and Mental Diseases -.510
The Nineteenth Method of Treatment 515
Twentieth Method of Treatment 515
Twenty-First Treatment Method 516
Twenty-Second Method of Treatment 516
Twenty-Third Method of Treatment 522
Twenty-Fourth Method of Treatment 523
Twenty-Fifth Treatment Method 525
If You Want To Buy Two Villages 527
If You Want To Bleed Unjustly 528
life 531
If You Want To Diagnose If A Woman Is Pregnant 533
Things to Do to Meet the Needs 536
Nur (Light) Discovery, Revelation, Sustenance, Joy, and the Descent, Creation of Flowers 540
If You Want This, Your Method Should Be 541
Diagnosis and Treatment Methods Related to the Treatment of Epilepsy Disease
I found the chapter in a book 547
It should be our principle that life is spent on good and beautiful things 550
Love for Peace and Friendship - Conversation Gate 551
If You Will Send 552
What Comes After Everything You Said? 554
Know - Know = Do You Know? 558
Separation of O Juice in Tigore / Chapter / Section 559
If You Want To Descend To Earth 564
If You Want To Attract What You Want, Your Fortune In Your Hands, Like This
you must act 566
The names of the leaders of the lairs of the parties in these 566
If You Want To Send Messages (Phones) Follow This Method
Apply 566
If You Want To Bring; What? 568
If You Want To Know What's Happening 569
The End of Dehrûsiye, Curiosities 572
The Famous, Famous Word and Revealed in the Names of the Moon
If You Ask Him 573
If You Want To Take Out Your Mind (Brain), Or Use It
If you want 575
If You Want To Contact 576
If You Want to Be Anxious, You Must Act 577
If You Want To Summon, Bring, Follow This Way 580
If You Want To Remove Paper 580
A Very Useful Treatise 585
The Last and Another Face, Face 587
Bringing the Maimon 589
The Lights of Prayers 592
Rulers of the Most Brilliant Periods of the Islamic State of Andalusia 604
Answering News 609
Another Psychological Mendel, Method 609
Mandele I 610
That's That Invitation 611
Employing Messenger Pigeons and Gathering News in Communities
Their Skills in Bringing and Taking away 611
You Should Write This To Him With Regard 612
Getting out of the Underground, Excavating Treasure 613
It Is Necessary to Summon the Servants with Great Determination 614
Inclination of the Heart, Cezbe 614
Samadiye's Invitation and Statement 615
If You Want to Show Your Heist, Act Like This 615
If You Want to Confuse the Thief, Follow This Way 616
If You Want To Infiltrate 616
If You Want to Use His Servants, Here's How
you gotta act 616
If You Want to Bring a King Ruler from Servants 617
Writer's Last Word 618
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