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The Greatest Prayer Book Havas Ve Cannabis - M.Varli-1983

: 9789759281229
650.00 TL
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The Greatest Prayer Book Havas and Esrarı - M. Varlı Very Precious Prayers and Healing and Healing Has Been Written in Fine Details


Author : Sayyid Ibrahim Khalid Eyyubi
Translation : H. Mustafa Varli
Size : 17-24 cm
Number of Pages : 720
Cover Type : Hardcover
Paper Type : Imported Paper
Language : Turkish - Arabic
970 gr.


"Alhamdu lillahi rabbil's world. And the prophet Muhammad's spiritual guardian. And the wise and the wise."

Hamd, the Lord of the worlds, the Merciful and the Womb, to Allah, the owner of the Day of .c; salutation and salutation; May the Prophet Muhammad, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds, and his servants, his clean people, his asha-b, and all his people, Islam and all the faithful.

What is the relationship between the creator and the created, the connection, the feelings and feelings, the expression of love, conversation and love? When we look at the creatures from the living to the plants, we hear and feel that every moment, every time, we live and feel the pleasure of being thankful to the creator of the sarcopulated. In fact, there are moments when the plant brings the tears of the world of the nebatat all the way to the earth, and hears the joy in the expression of love for its Lord with all its selcity. He'll testify that he's doing his duty in the land. Thus, the soil is repaid for its service to the plant.

Likewise, these mountains, which we call lifeless, are in short aware that nature is all creatures, as if it is known that he did the noble task that had been given to him, that is, to speed up the living with the love of worship of Allah (c.c.).

The taste of that love is tasted by serving the servants of God.

It is the most beautiful expression of the creation and creative relationship that the human divine will, which is also the equal creature of living beings, falls into the love of finding its creator with an entity we call the mind it gives to it, and the love of searching for its owner.

The human being, who is an equal creature, is looking for ways to fulfill his covenant by remembering the word in the cloth of elestu as a result of the events on his axis under the influence of divine will. That's what hundreds of lovers who express these paths and pour love, love, conversation into words and words are just to taste the taste of our beautiful place. He doesn't look for anything else that gets that flavor, because the eye understands it and knows it.

Again, while the believeer of the person who is an equal creature is experiencing the lesion of believing, believing and surrendering, he wants more of this. And these beauties, of course, are the owners of this universe; He informed us of the servants through his Prophet. All of this, love and conversation, has been declared by the divine.

Allah (c.c.) Ali Imran surah verse 31: "Say, "Muhammad, if you love God, follow me so that Allah may love you and forgive you your sins. Allah (c.c.) is merciful and merciful.

Again, in verse 32 of the surah of Ali Imran, he said, "Obey God and His Messenger, and if you turn away, God will not love those who turn away."

God (c.c.) shows the ways of those flavors in their souls by applying their commandments and prohibitions to their ha-yacht. Then this pleasure and spiritual flavor find its place in the words. You may be able to experience this in this work in your hand. It is possible to find the divine prayers, feelings and feelings of the hearts as individuals and societies from our master to the last prophet Muhammad (p.a.v.). I have reinforced my precious readers with verses, cues and hissses about all kinds of healings that are essential to all kinds of magic, bu-bü-es, evil eye and conversation that have been done by weak and jealous people. I hope I can be a little bit madden and useful to you.


I, like you, live my life in this mortal world as a man who, like you, is committed to the path of rights and truths that come from the bosom of this land.

Praise be to Almighty God, to me, and to me, and my heart desires to fight, and I do not have fun.

When I say my last sentence to you, the following sentences are written in the language of a friend of rights, expressing his devotion to the words of a great deserving:

Being a Sultan-i-Alem was a dry gavgâ,

To have a parent with me is an A in a sentence.

May God make us this way. Amen.

Dear readers, because of my curiosity and profession, I have mixed many books and listened to many usdats. He wishes mercy to those who died from the great Mevla and long life to those who are alive; we helpless will benefit from their blessings and blessings. Brothers and sisters, I have made many subjects a edible morsel ready for you readers by focusing on different topics. My purpose in this book or other books is to prepare information for you curious readers in a way that responds to all your pilgrimage and requests. I have made it available to you to help you with your senses and substances.

There are many precious prayer and healing pens in this book. Each of these is an unknown spiritual weapon. Whoever misuses this weapon, I remind the readers who use these procedures with the intention of harming others or an unjust oppressor that the punishment of our Lord, who has destroyed us, will be severe.

Dear readers, in order to get a good result from such matters, let us turn to our great Mevla without sin. Let us not repent. Let's pay tribute to our great masters with a good debate and fa-tiha with the sheriff. I sincerely offer my wishes of success to you readers who wish me continued useful service by reminiscing to him with a blessing and wishing him success in the affairs of goodness in accordance with the consent of my Lord.

In this book, I especially want you to reminisce with a Fatiha to the spirit of this person whom I have benefited from the work of his Holiness "Sayyid Ibrahim Khalid Eyyubi" (Gaffarallahu Zunubehu), whom I have worked on.

Again, my advice to you to approach the Great Mevlaya is that you will not be able to do so. Do not attempt anything without consultation, and the consultation is a window into our Lord. This is the demon of this path for a man who works in this respect, and he goes to the hereafter. Respect, my readers, every door has a latrine, it closes when the time comes, and I would like to remind you readers that the door of our Great Mevla will never be closed. In this way, Tevfik is from God and his appreciation from you readers. May His Holiness Mevla pity and protect us all at his own mercy, amen.



An Important Reminder 4

Introduction to the Book and Foreword 5

Importance and Virtue of Prayer 8

28 Prophet's Names and Spurs 526-527

35 Besmeleyi Sharif 139

72 Ways to Break Magic and Magic 474

114 About the Secret and Wisdom of the Surah 643

1,000-Year-Old Cursed Prayer 471


99 If It Wasn't for The Man's Marriage

Severe Illness 622

Verses to read for Pain and Aches 310

If The Mouth Is Held, i.e. The Tongue and The Female Lock 622

385 to Tie Your Mouth

Ahidname Prayer 118/119

Ahiyyen Sherahiyyen Zikri Sharif 273

Asaksak Wife For Those With 539

Sneering Prayer 280

Evening and Morning Prayer 145

Allahumme Salli and Barik 671/672

Deeds Are Only Accepted by Word-of-God 328

Amenerresulu 113

Amentü billahi 674

Amentübillahi 143

Public Sûresi 57/58

601 for Back Pain

207 for Love

579 for Overrun

Prayer for the Horse 572

At Row 595

579 to Context the Avret (Female) Language

Avret Erinden Kaçsa 621

Avret To Be Pregnant 608

Avret To Be Pregnant 615

If Avretin Milk Didn't Come 614

If He Didn't Like His Recess 637

Ayetel Cure 6733

Ayetel Cure 115

554 for Separation

Great Esmalar 53


Minister's Prayer for His Son 266

Connected To Solve 612

511 to Solve a Bound Man

Connected to 614

For Connected Persons 573/574

574 to Solve a Connected Person

570 for a Connected Person

508 for Connected

To Solve The Connected, 570

Bahti Closed For Women 617

Honey Interpretation 233

618 to Reconcile

547 for Headaches

613 for Headaches

568 for Headaches

605 for Headaches

609 for Headaches

Hakka Refuge from Trouble 431

496 for Behçet's Disease

595 for Low Back Pain

Fertility and Ant Prayer 136

About the Secret and Wisdom of Nourishment 643

Five Times Short Surahs to Be Read in Prayer 657

Five Time Prayer Ruler 565

An Avret Boy Action 581

If an Avretin Breast Swells 581

Prayer 675 When Faced with a Challenge

Outstanding Display in the Remembrance of a Day 287

560 to Find Out If a Patient Is Ok

582 If a Woman Wasn't Pregnant

604 If a Woman Doesn't Love Her Husband

597 Without a Woman's Milk

555 to Find Out If Anyone Has Magic

476 to Bind a Person's Lust

523 to Send a Wire Transfer to Someone

492 to Open a Girl's Fortune

383 for the Sale of a Property or Something

523 to Invite a Kind of Soul or Someone

Prayer 277 When You're Afraid of an Official

320 for Interconnected Spouses

595 for sore throat

Prayer That Saves You From Debt Shortage and Debt 448

Debt Relief Prayer 277

The Prayer of the Debtors 456

295 for Neck Pain

516 for Kidney Disease

There is Ecri Kebir in This Prayer 148

630 for Mist and Adavet

Horoscopes and Times 693

Nose Kanayana Dua 601

535 to Break the Spell

531 to Break the Spell

324 to Break Magic and Magic


622 to Spoil Jazz to Be Superstitious

This is the Prayer of Gabriel 254

459 to Escape the Fire of Hell

Acquittal from Hell 59

Acquittal from Hell 316

Halas Prayer from Hell 142

528 to Subpoena

Subpoena Conversation 257/528/530

Subpoena For Conversation 477/478/479/481/484

Subpoena For Conversation 550/551

Subpoena For Conversation 321

Subpoena For Conversation 381

Subpoena For Conversation 497

Subpoena Livelihood 556

Subpoena For Sustenance 642

541 for Subpoenas and Chats

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