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Lectern, Quran and Prayer Mat Set - Blue for My Son

Product Code : T29984
: 4897654305871
599.00 TL

Lectern, Quran and Prayer Mat Set - Blue for My Daughter

Lectern Features:

  • An ideal gift set for children to aid in religious education and prayer practice.
  • Encourages learning the intricacies of prayer, the significance of ablution, and facilitates Quran reading for children. It comprises educational and practical elements.

Set Contents:

Holy Quran- Simple Arabic - Medium Size - Audio - Blue Color - Ayfa Quran - Computer Script:

  • Medium-sized Quran, 17x25 cm.
  • Weighs 1,100 grams.
  • Blue Quran adorned with a rose pattern design.
  • Luxurious hardcover edition approved and sealed by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Quran Review, and Recitation Board.
  • Faithfully prepared in the script of Hafiz Osman, ensuring proper page, margin, script, and diacritic marks.
  • Utilizes the computer script, ensuring easy readability.
  • The Quran contains only Arabic text.
  • Through a barcode program downloadable from Google Play and the App Store, one can audibly listen to both the Arabic and translated versions.

A Guide to Learn Ablution, Full Ablution (Gusl), and Prayer Book:

  • Emphasizes the importance of cleanliness in our religion.
  • Covers topics such as ablution, full ablution, 32 obligations, 5 daily prayers, Friday prayers, and festival prayers.
  • Provides guidance on how to perform missed prayers and includes the necessary supplications.
  • Contains teachings on the statement of faith (Amentü), Ayat al-Kursi, Amenerrasülü, and the call to prayer (Ezan).
  • Illustrated with colorful images explaining ablution and prayer details, including schematic representations of prayer units.

Lectern (Book Stand) Features:

  • Top dimensions: 32 cm x 22 cm.
  • Base dimensions: 23 cm x 20 cm.
  • Foldable, fitting into a laptop bag.
  • Functions as a book reading stand or a practical desktop rahle.
  • Adjustable and portable with four color options.
  • The adjustable feature ensures an ideal book position, facilitating comfortable reading without causing back or neck strain.
  • Equipped with a book holder to prevent slippage and can also be used as a tablet stand.
  • Offers a hands-free reading experience by placing the book on the stand.
  • Sturdy, compact, portable, and suitable for various book sizes, making it an excellent gift for book enthusiasts.

Blue Taffeta Prayer Mat:

  • Dimensions: 115 x 67 cm (excluding tassels).
  • Weighs 240 grams.
  • Includes the latest Blue 99-bead Crystal Tasbih (rosary) in its content.

This set is designed to provide children with a resource for religious education and practice, focusing on prayer nuances, ablution's importance, and enabling Quran reading. It contains educational materials with practical applications, making it a valuable gift for children.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.