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Mecmaul Âdâb - Book of Adab-1513

: 9789759180324
429.00 TL
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It is a book that includes subjects such as the manners of manners (manners and courtesy) that Muslims must obey, and the adaptations of worship.

Mecma'ul Adab /Adab Book

  • Translator: Yasin Altintas
  • Release Date: 09.10.2007
  • ISBN: 9789759180324
  • Number of Prints: 1. Print
  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Pages: 480
  • Skin Type: Hardlier
  • Paper Type: Book Paper
  • Size: 16.5 x 23.5 cm


In this work written by Sufi Zade Sayyid Hulusi;

There are rules of manners and kindness and offerings of worship that the Muslims must follow.

The name of faith, the name of cleanliness, the name of prayer, the name of prayer, the name of remembrance of Allah,

the ad means of being subjected to the prophet, the ad means of reading the Qur'an, the ad means of intent in the amals, the name of the fast, the name of the holidays, the name of the sacrifice, the deed of the pilgrimage,

the name of visiting the graves of the prophets and parents, the name of being nice to the parents, the name of the spouses to act against each other, the name of the blessings of the believers, the name of the treat to the guest, the name of the patient visit, the funeral prayer and the burial, the deed of repentance,

the name of the altercation and controversy, the name of the wedding, the name of patience with the admission and trouble, the name of being friendly with the believers, the name of the akika victim, the name of breastfeeding, the deed of obedience to the state rulers, shaving the hair, dyeing the hair and beard, driving the smell, cutting the hair and nails in the body,
the name of saluting, the name of the debt, the name of the journey, the name of being in parliament, the speech name, the food name, the water drinking name, the dressing name, the name of the house, the name of the shopping, the name of the shopping, the name of agriculture, the name of the visit with agriculture, the name of different issues,

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