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Mefze'u'l-Halâik ve Menbe'u'l-Hakâik

: 9786058079755
289.00 TL
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Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü - Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca

Mefze'u'l-Halâik ve Menbe'u'l-Hakâik
Publication Date: 04.03. 2019
Skin Type: American skin
ISBN: 9786058079755
Size: 16,5CM - 23,5CM
Language: Arabic
Number of pages: 272 PAGES

Nâmütenâhî (endless) praise of the sena: "O those who have believed!

When he calls you to Allah and the (beautiful) things that will revive you (materially and spiritually), obey the Prophet (obeying nicely and accepting this call) in full. ”(Surah al-Exal: 24) It is reserved for 'alah'.

Bîhad (limitless and unlimited) salat-u greetings Mikdâm ibni Ma'dî Keribe (in a hadith narrated from Radıyallâhu Anhj: “Be careful! Indeed, the Quran was given to me. A duplicate (sunnah / hadiths) were given with it. "(Abu Dawud, as-Su-nen, Sunnah: 6, numeral: 4604, 2/610; Ahmed ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad, ra-kam: 17174, 6/91; Tirmidhi, as-Sunen, al- ' Ilm: 10, number: 2664, 5/38; Ibn Mâce, as-Sünen, Muqaddimah: 2, number: 12, 1/6) said the Prophet (Sallâl-lahu Aleyhi and Salam), Ahl al-Bayt and and Acirc; mîn! Yâ Mu'în!

One of the books of Muhammed Hakkî en-Nâzillî (Rahimehullâh), which our Master Mahmud Efendi (Kuddise Sitruhû), the sheikh of His Holiness Alî Haydar al-Ahıshavî (KuddiseSirruhû), gave his source by writing the name of his book on the edge of his Mushaf-ı Şerifi one of these is the work named "Mefze'u'l-haâik ve menbe'u'l-hakâik (The shelter of all creatures when they fear and the source of truths).

This work consists of many hadiths about the word of tawhid and the word of martyrdom and their declarations.

The most important purpose for me to have this work printed in the sulus-ü end of the month of Jamâziyelâhir (in the last third) in the last third of the month of H.1293 in the Muhammad Ünsî Printing House in Egypt-Cairo and bearing the seal of His Holiness the Master; What His Holiness the author mentions in the preliminary of the book:

"This work raises blessings on the people in his home or its neighborhood, and this book witnesses that he is a Muslim." It is a very important air.

On the 7th and 8th pages of this work, we will convey to you the text and translation of the explanation made by His Holiness Muhammed Hakkî an-Nâzillî (Rahimehullâh) on this subject in the story of this blessed work.

Nâmütenâhî (endless) praises:

﴾ْۚمُيـك۪يْحُا يَمِ لْمُاكَعَا دَذِ اِولُسَّلرِلَ وِِّٰوا لُيب۪جَتْوا اسُنَمٰ اَين۪ذَّا الَهُّيَا آَي﴿

"O those who have believed! When he invites you to Allah and the (beautiful) things that will revive you (materially and spiritually), accept the Prophet (obeying nicely and submitting this call) in full meaning." (al-Enfâl Surah: 24) this command is peculiar to Allâh-u Ta'ala.

Bîhad (limitless and unlimited) salat-u salams In a hadith narrated from Mikdâm ibni Ma‘dî Keribe (Radıyallâhu Anh):

اللولس رال: قال قهنى عالع ت الليض ربري كدع من بامدقم النع and raquo ;. هع مهلثم وابتك اليتوتي أن إلا: and laquo; أملس وهيلى عالع تى الللص

"Be careful! Indeed, the Quran was given to me. It was given as much as (sunnah / hadiths) with it." (Abu Dawud, as-Sunaen, Sunnah: 6, numeral: 4604, 2/610; Ahmad ibnu Hanbal, al-Musnad, num: 17174, 6/91; Tirmidhi, as-Sunen, al-'Ilm: 10 , numeral: 2664, 5/38; Ibn Mâce, as-Sünen, Muqaddimah: 2, numeral: 12, 1/6) said that the Prophet (Sallâl-lahu Aleyhi ve Salam), Ahl-i Beyt and Companions -i get over your beauty. and Acirc; mîn! O Mu‘în!
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