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Mevlid Story of the Prophet and His Life of Mucez-1151

: 9786054215546
499.00 TL
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A Book Telling the Life of the Prophet in a Extensive Extent

The Story of Mevlid and His Mucez (Concise) Life of the Prophet

Language Turkish
Number of Pages 783
Skin Type Bound
Paper Type Coated Paper
Size 15.5 x 21.5 cm

Endless praises are reserved to Allâh-u Ta'âlâ, who said: "The grace of Allah upon You has been great" (from the chapter of an-Nisa: 113).

Endless salat-u greetings: Rasulüllâh (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Seli em), who said "I am like your father" (Nasâî, no: 40,1 / 38), he is subject to his companions of Allah and his companions until the day of punishment. get to what happened.

While I was in prison, I promised Allah-u Ta'âlâ that "I will write a work about the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi and Salam) every year in the month of Rabiulevvel when I come out of prison."

Except for the year 2006, when I had bypass surgery, my Lord, Almighty, made me stand by this word.

In these days when we arrived in 1432, it was possible to train this voluminous work in your hand to fulfill this covenant to the Mevlid night, despite the hardest days of my life by being subjected to great slanders by a number of dishonorable people who target my rape.

It is my Lord that he will do such a good deed for me every year in my remaining life, and let my readers invite you day by day in terms of the love of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Amine!

In this treatise you have, you will find the translation of the Arabic mawlid-i sharîf prepared by His Holiness Ja'fer ibni Hasen al-Barzencî and the useful material added to some places.

If you try to read this epistle with creed and sincerity and make it accessible to everyone, you will receive special compliments from the Master of the Universe.

May Allah Almighty be able to serve his beloved Muhammad Mustafa properly, make you successful in the publication of these services and make the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi and Salam) pleased and pleased with our sentence.

"He is He, but He is (not of angel and jin, but to be easy to deal with), he sent a precious Prophet (illiterate) from themselves (like the generation of Adam), who sent upon them He ( He reads the verses of Allah Almighty one after another, he teaches them (from material and spiritual filth) thoroughly, and he teaches them the (supreme) Book (the Quran) and wisdom (sunnah and fiqh).

However, they had, of course, been in a manifest error (and perversion) before.

Also, (He sent) the Prophet of Allah (Salallah Aleyhi and Salam) not only to Arabs and to those who were in his own age, but also to other (ummi) (who are not people of the book); (as of time) they have not yet attained them! The Aziz (who has the power to take revenge on those who do not believe in Himself) and the Judge (who has the command and the utmost wisdom) are only Him!

Here to you! This is Allah's virtue (-u bestowal), He gives it to anyone he wishes.

Allah is the owner of a great virtue. "(Jumu'a Surah: 2-3)

According to what is reported from Abu Hurayra (Radıyallâhu Anh); When the Surah of Jumu'a was sent down, when the Prophet (Sallâllâhu Aleyhi ve Salam) recited it to his companions, when he reached this verse, a person said:

"O Prophet! Who are these people for us yet? When he said, he put his hand in the museum of Salman-ı Fârisî (Radıyallâhu Anh):

"My dear, I swear by the One who has (power) in his hand, even if the faith is Süreyya (my star), some of them reach out and take him!" He commanded. (Bukhârî, al-Mağâzî: 373, no: 4615, 4/1858)

As it is understood from this; The valuable individuals who are the subject of the verse are not Arabs, but members of societies such as Persian and Turkish that will later transfer to Islam.

As a matter of fact, many of the hadith hafiz-s such as Bukhari and Muslim are not part of the mujtahids such as Abu Hanifa (Radıyallâhu Anh), but they are from foreign societies like the Persian nation. thanks to his efforts (Tafsir al-Hâzin, 7/87)


Sayyid Cafer ibni İsmâ'îl el-Berzencî (passed away: 1317), the grandson of Musannif, is the author of the commentary in the name of "el-Kevkebii'l-enver aâ 'Ikdi'l-cevher Ji Mevlidi' n-Nebiyyi 'l-Azhar" has introduced:

The author of this mawlid-i sharif, as-Sayyid Ja'fer ibni Hasen ibni Abdilkerîm ibni Muhammed ibni Rasûl al-Berzencî al-Huseynî

(Rahimehullâh) was born in 1126 in the Hijri year in Medîne-i.

He grew up under the discipline of his parents, memorized the Quran, took the science of tajwid, and joined the lectures of a congregation of virtuous scholars.

Later, he went to Makkah-i Muqarram, stayed there for five years and attended the lectures of a congregation from the Mecca scholars during that time.

Later, he assumed the position of ifa of Shafiis in Medîne-i Münevvere, and this was found until his death.

This position has already been in this precious family, and this position was assumed by their grandfather Sayyid Muhammed ibni Rasul el-Berzen-cî (passed away: 1103) at first, and finally Sayyid Muhammed Zeki ibni Ahmed al-Barzencî, who took this duty from this family. (passed away: 1365).

When His Holiness the author passed away on the morning of the Sha-Ban month of 1177, this mawlid-i sharif left behind many mufid writings: "Câliyetü'l-Kürab bi Asma-i Sayyidi'l-Acemi wa'l-Arab" Many more writings such as Birri'I-âcil bi-icubeti 'ş-Şeyh Muhammed Gâfıl "," Menâkıbu Sayyidi'ş-Şiihedâ "and" etı-Nefhu'l-feracî "are considered among them.

While we were translating this text, we made use of the work of Sheikh Mohammed Nevevî al-Bintenî (Rahimehullâh) named "Medâricu 's-su rûd ile" küsün biirûd "(Matba-i Vehbiyye, 1296).

May Allâh-u Ta'âlâ have mercy on behalf of muellife and shurrah with his mercy and reward them with good deeds on behalf of all believers, men and women who resign from their works. Amine!
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