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Mukaşefetü'l Kulüb Discovery of Hearts - Imam-i Ghazali

: 9789758596089
485.00 TL
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The Qualities of Faith and Islam: This work of Imam al-Ghazali is a Sufi and moral work in terms of its subject. It is a unique book of sermons, advice, advice and guidance.

Discovery of Hearts - Imam-i Ghazali

  • Release Date: July 07, 2016
  • Number of Prints: 1. Print
  • Language:ENGLISH
  • Pages: 701
  • Skin Type: Hard Cover
  • Paper Type: Shamuha Paper
  • Size: 16 x 24cm

Discovery of Hearts - Imam-i Ghazali The Qualities of Faith and Islam: This work of His Holiness imma-i Ghazali is a spiritual and moral work in the subject matter. It is a unique book of sermons, advice, advice and sermons. Their hearts are those who want to bring a delicate islam into life, to place Islamic life there. It has great importance...



Praise be to Allah (c.c) and the Messenger of God (p.a.v) to our Lord, and to Acirc;l and As-hâb.

Mukâşefetü'l-Kulûb is a sufism in the subject. The content is a work that seeks to bring the hearts to a sensitive Islamic life and to squeeze a pure Islamic ha-lying there. In other words, the Reward'l-Kulûb is a book of "Hearts Ihyâ". It is an e-ser that teaches them to try to rehabilitate by discovering and exploring their situation. In fact, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to sufism is this in the erbab. Sufism is a knowledge that is preoccupied with the heart. How can the heart be the outside, and life is a suitable sight for it. God forbid. The heart, which is the scene of deeds in sufism, is dealt with as a result of the hadith that "every servant controls his heart several times a day". This is a way of life in which every Islamic schoth, every abid and zahidi dedicated to the Hakka ubûdiyye, lives at the very first or at the end. The heart that Cenâb-ı Hakk visits every day is undoubtedly worthy of cleanness. Indeed, it is a decency of a servant against his Lord. A servant who is not literary has no dignity with his Lord. But for a slave, his goal is to earn his master's blessing. The happiness and peace of the servant depends on it. In this respect, the heart, the discovery of hearts and the aware of the state (Mukâşefetü'l-Kulûb) are very important.

Imam-i Gazâli and similar scholars have done such a study on the heart that we need more than ever today and have written works in this field. However, such scholars lived the sufism life acquired before or when writing such works. Imam-i Gazâli is one of these zat. His works contain a strong Islamic culture compared to other ta-savvuf people. He's every ta-savvuf! the main culture of Islam, verses and hadiths. and Acirc;yet and has done so in a way that fits the event. He reconciled the issue with Islamic culture. In this respect, he comes first among the scholars in terms of trust and reputation as in other subjects. The reader is like that for the public. It can be said that; His works are the most careful, the most widely read Islamic scholar.

Every work of Imam-i Gazâli has almost the same value. He's a divine authority and a vision of every work in this field! he has written with a purity. In his greatest works, it is possible to find the bogey of his minors and his smallest works. Every subject in his works has been more beautiful than its likes. All this came from a superior intelligence, a high Islamic culture, a deep vision and a clean Islamic life.

1) Huccetül Is-lâm Imam Abu Hâmid Mohammed b. Who was born between 450/505 - M. 1058/1111 in ghazali village of Khorasan (Iran) Tûs town and died in the same place. Mohammed al-Gazâli (against Rahmetullahi) is also mentioned in the sources where he has about two hundred works. The "Reward'l-Kulûb" we presented is one of His precious works.

In the new edition of Mukâşefetü'l-Kulûb, verses and hadith texts that were not in the previous edition of the book were added.

As we expressed at the very time (Mukâşefetü'l-Kulûb) explains the good and bad situations of the heart and explains the measures and remedies to be taken against them and explains what kind of life a Muslim should have. Like every work of Mer-humun, it is important to read this work carefully and make life according to it.

The guidance and the guidance are from Allah.




2) Chapter ; Fear of God 7

3) Chapter ; Fear of God Again 12

4) Chapter ; Patience and Disease 19

5) Chapter ; Riyâzat and Nefsanî Lust 24

6) Chapter ; Defeating the Devil and Resisting the Devil 29

7) Chapter ; Blunder 33

8) Chapter ; Forgetting God, Quiche, Nifak 37

9) Chapter ; Repentance 43

10) Section ; Love 49

11) Chapter ; Love 52

12) Chapter ; ObeyIng Allah, Loving Him and His Messenger 59

13) Chapter ; Declaration of Satan and His Punishment 66

14) Chapter ; Emânet 71

15) Chapter ; Completing Prayer with Peace and Awe 76

16) Chapter ; Emr-i Bi'l-Ma'ruf and Nehy-i Ani'l-Münker 81

17) Chapter ; Devil's Hostility 90

18) Chapter ; Emânet and Tevbe 105

19) Chapter ; Virtue of Compassion 118

20) Chapter ; Declaration of Awe in Prayer 125

21) Chapter ; Gossip, Drowning 133

22) Chapter ; Zekat 140

23) Chapter ; Adultery 144

24) Chapter ; Sila-i Rahim and The Right to Parents 149

25) Chapter ; Good for Parents 165

26) Chapter ; Zakat and Stinginess 173

27) Chapter ; Extreme 178

28) Chapter ; Continued Worship and Abandon the Haram 183

29) Chapter ; Remembering Death 191

30) Section ; Heavens and Various Breeds. 198

31) Chapter ; Kürsi-Arş-Mukarreb Angels, Sustenance and Trust 200

32) Chapter ; Leaving the World, Nedging It 205

33) Chapter ; About Zem the World Again 229

34) Chapter ; Virtue of Opinion 237

35) Chapter ; Virtue of the Poor 245

36) Chapter ; Making Friends Other Than Allah 261

37) Chapter ; Blowing on the Wall, Getting Spüred, Getting Up from the Graves 266

38) Chapter ; Provision 273 to be made between the Mahlûkat

39) Chapter ; Declaring the Evil of The World's Goods 280

40) Section ; Ameller-Mizan and the Torment of Hell 287

41) Chapter ; Virtue of Faith 308

42) Chapter ; Thank God it's 316.

43) Chapter ; Evil of Arrogance 324

44) Chapter ; Thinking About Daytime and Other Times 336

45) Chapter ; Declaration of The Severity of Death 342

46) Chapter ; Explaining the Fear of Tomb and Tomb... 347

47) Chapter ; Ilm'ul-Yakin, Aynel-Yakin and Arz Day Sual 354

48) Chapter ; Virtue of Remembrance of Allah (c.c) 358

49) Chapter ; Virtue of Prayers 367

50) Chapter ; Penalty for Not Praying 373

51) Chapter ; Hell's Square and the Torment of Hell 392

52) Chapter ; Hell's Punishment 395

53) Chapter ; Virtue of Avoiding Sin 404

54) Chapter ; About the Virtue of Repentance 412

55) Chapter ; Nehyetmek 423

56) Chapter ; Banning The Persecution of Orphans 427

57) Chapter ; Specifying the Evil of Arrogance 432

58) Chapter ; Virtue of Humility and Conviction 437

59) Chapter ; Being Desyed to the World 442

60) Section ; Evil of the World and Avoiding It 446

61) Chapter ; Virtue of charity 452

62) Chapter ; Meeting The Needs of Your Muslim Brother 460

63) Chapter ; Abdestin Virtue 464

64) Chapter ; Virtue of Prayer 468

65) Chapter ; Horrors of the Apocalypse 475

66) Chapter ; Adjectives of Hell and My Mizan 478

67) Chapter ; Arrogance and the Evil of Smugness 482

68) Chapter ; Being Good to Orphans and Avoiding Persecution 486

69) Chapter ; Haram Food 491

Section ; Prohibition of Interest 499

70) Chapter ; Rights of Servants 505

71) Chapter ; Evil of Obeying Heva and Zuhd 511

72) Chapter ; Qualifications of Heaven and Degrees of Paradise 517

73) Chapter ; Patience-Consent and Opinion 526

74) Chapter ; Virtue of Trust 533

75) Chapter ; Masjid Virtue 536

76) Chapter ; Virtue of the People of Riyâzat and Keramet 539

77) Chapter ; Faith and Nifak 546

78) Chapter ; Evil of Sneading and Drowning 552

79) Chapter ; Devil's Hostility 560

80) Chapter ; Conversation and Yummy Accounting 565

81) Chapter ; Right, Screw Mixing 570

82) Chapter ; Virtue of Praying with the Congregation 573

83) Chapter ; Virtue of Night Prayer 576

84) Chapter ; Punishment of the World and Acirc;lims 583

85) Chapter ; Good Huyun Virtue 588

86) Chapter ; Laughing and Crying, Dress 594

87) Chapter ; Virtue of the Quran and Acirc;lims 598

88) Chapter ; Virtue of Prayer and Intelligence 601

89) Chapter ; Good for Parents and Son Law 604

90) Chapter ; Neighborhood Law and Goodness for the Poor 610

91) Chapter ; Drinker Penalty 615

92) Chapter ; Our Prophet (p.a.v) Miraci 620

93) Chapter ; Friday's Virtue 623

94) Chapter ; Woman's Right to Husband 627

95) Chapter ; Man's Right to Wife 632

96) Chapter ; Virtue of Jihad 638

97) Chapter ; Devil's Trick 643

98) Chapter ; Listening to the Instrument 646

99) Chapter ; Forbidden to Comply with Bidat and Nefsi Desires 648

100) Section ; Virtues of the Month of Receb 654

101) Chapter ; Virtues of the Sabbath 657

102) Chapter ; Virtues of Ramadan 661

103) Chapter ; Virtues of the Night of Almighty 665

104) Chapter ; Virtue of the Holiday 668

105) Chapter ; Virtue of zilhicce's first ten days 670

106) Chapter ; Virtue of Ashure 674

107) Chapter ; Virtue of The Welcome of the Poor 676

108) Chapter ; Funeral and Kabir 680

109) Chapter ; Getting Rid of hell 684

110) Section ; Layout and Row 688

111) Chapter ; The Death of the Prophet (p.a.v) 691


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