Seyf-i Kati' Hızb-i Şerif, Who Provides the Reader's Desire as Quickly as a Sharp Sword and is Called the Sırr-ı Masun "Preserved Secret"
Set Content
Preserved Secret Book (14.5 x 21cm)
Amulet of Preserved Glaze
Preserved Glaze Sheet (65 x 30cm)
This speedb-i şerîf you have examined and other information about it was printed in the Matbaa-i Âmire-i Şarkiyye, the center of which was Hân-ı Ebî Tâkiye in Egypt, with the correction of Sayyid Hammad al-Feyyûmî (Rahimehullâh) in the month of Rabîul-awwal in the Hijri year 1309. It is taken from two treatises in a valuable journal, which contains five epistles belonging to great scholars, which have a strong help and a supreme isnâ.
The first of these was born in Kayseri in 995 Hijri year as the grandson of the famous Zeyne'l-Abidin Ali al-Kayseri, who has a tomb in Kayseri, and later migrated to Medina-i Münevvere in 1030. After residing for one year, he returned to Istanbul, engaged in the publication of knowledge and taqwa for nine years, then migrated to Medina-i Münevvere again in the year 1040 and served there, and finally died there and was buried in Cennetü'l-Bakî. “Risâletü'l-müselûeli'l-l-belonging to Es'ad al-Madenî (Rahimehullâh), the son of scholar Sayyid Abu Bakr Muhammad Hilmi al-Üsküdari (Rahimehullâh) and who was later appointed as the mufti of the Hanelis in Medina-i Münevvere. It is a work named 'l-vâsıtati'l-'uzmâ ile'l-Hazreti'l-Aliyye'.
The second one is “al-Fecm't-tali'fîzikri S-Seyfi'l-Kati ve's-Sirri', which belongs to the great faqih Sheikh Muhammed Ebu'l-Yümn el-Betrûnî al-Halebî al-Hanefî (Rahimehuiiah), who was the mufti of Aleppo. l-Masûn ve'd-Dürri'l-Maknûn”.