Prophecies and Miracles - Şevahidün Prophet - Molla Cami
ISBN: 9789758514298
Language Turkish
Number of Pages: 302
Skin Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: Book Paper
Size: 17 x 24.5 cm
Mevlânâ Abdurrahman Mosque, the author of the work you are examining, was one of the bright stars of the Islamic culture sky and was a scholar of genius, poet and heart sultan who reached a height that would make even sultans kiss. Not only the rulers of the country where he lived, but the sultans and notables of all Muslim states were dying to get benefit and favor from him. He was the real sultan and his reign is still continuing. Because the reign of science, love, decency and wisdom does not end with death.
Hearing the mi''llah and wonderful things of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is the main reason for people's belief or an increase in their relatives. For this reason, religious scholars have written and classified many books on the issue of bringing people closer to their beliefs, encouraging them to obey the Sunnah, explaining the proofs of prophethood in order to increase the love of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), and writing the true prophets. One of them is Mevlânâ Abdurrahman Câmî (tegammedehullahu ta'ala bilutfihi''s-sâmî), the chief of the scholars, the head of those who dive into the sea of science, the enlightener of the illuminated road and the traveler of the religious sect professions. receiving the news; ŞEV yazHİDÜ''N-NÜBÜVVE Lİ-TAKVİYETİ EHÜ''L-FÜTÜVVE.
I am grateful for reading this book from beginning to end, Mahmud Lâmi'î (may Allahu ta'ala forgive the sins of these two), son of Osman, the lowest and helpless of the slaves. I saw that the benefits of strengthening the conversation are countless. I found the endless beauties of obeying the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). I have observed that Ustad-ı Kamil and İmam-ı Fadıl Mevlânâ Abdurrahman Câmî (kuddis toırruh) had a lot of trouble in classifying this book. I saw that he did not take various narrations and various accusations in order to be clear, profound, useful and short. He wrote the non-customary deeds and mi'ahmats of the Companions, Tabiîn and Tabi-i Tabi (aleyhimurrıdvân) after the mu'''athizations of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Because it is said that "the miracle of the guardian is the mi''ah of his prophet." The lights of virtue and miracles that shine in the Ummah are in fact the bright lights of the Prophet, because of their subordination. Therefore, the miracles of the ummah are counted among the miracles of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Mevlânâ Câmî (kuddise Sırruh) wrote this book in Persian language. I translated it into Turkish so that everyone can read it. I have included the useful secrets that Allahu ta'âlâ reveals from his grace and the authentic news that I found in valuable books. Allahu ta'ala succeeds those who walk in the right way. He is accepting of prayers. We take refuge in His name and put our trust in Him from being mistaken and making mistakes. We hope that the hearts of my lovers and loyal suitors and religious brothers, who are honored by reading this book and considering the wonders, from the grace of Allah ta'ala and the blessings it has scattered to everyone, fill the hearts of my loyal suitors and religious brothers and make them happy. Amin ya Mûcibe''s-sâilîn! There are nine chapters in this book, including one preface, seven chapters and one calligraphy. Let us briefly explain what is mentioned in these sections:
• Muqaddimah: It is about the meanings of the words Prophet and Rasul and some things related to them.
• The first part: It is about the evidences that gave good news to the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) before his birth.
Second part: Birth
Language Turkish
Number of Pages: 302
Skin Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: Book Paper
Size: 17 x 24.5 cm